The prestigious UniSA Alumni Awards showcase the most distinguished members of the University’s global alumni community, its innovators and pioneers – people making a real difference in the world. The gala dinner for the 2019 awards was held in Pridham Hall in late October.
On 5 November UniSA hosted a University-wide Research Day, providing an opportunity to highlight and celebrate the high-quality research conducted across UniSA. UniSA’s new Aboriginal Research Strategy was launched on the day, which included a smoking ceremony and a keynote speech by Uncle David Rathman, AM, PSM, FIML. The annual UniSA Research Awards were also presented. Read the story in UniSA News.
The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial is presenting Martha Cooper: Street Shots 1970 to 2019 in the Kerry Packer Civic Gallery until Wednesday 20 November
Images: Martha Cooper. Gallery photos by Cara Zanotti, The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre.