As Australia’s University of Enterprise, we have developed a strategic plan that brings together the best of our education and research to shape business and community prosperity in South Australia and beyond.

By 2025, we aim for UniSA’s flagship academic programs to be ranked amongst the best in the world. We will have a reputation locally, nationally, and globally for educational innovation; through a transformational change in how we teach, in how students engage with UniSA, and in how we guarantee top quality curricula. Our staff will ensure our curriculum is informed by cutting-edge research, to prepare our graduates for their careers of the future.

The University of South Australia’s Academic Enterprise Plan (2021-2025) is an integrated plan for our teaching & learning and research ambitions to strengthen our teaching-research nexus and help deliver on the University’s Enterprise25 strategic plan 2018 - 2025. Co-created in consultation with the wider University community including staff and students, this Plan outlines the strategic priorities, key actions and projects and builds upon the University’s successful Digital Learning Strategy 2015-2020.

The successful implementation of this Plan will draw on the expertise of our entire University communityour students, academic and professional staff from UniSA Online and across UniSA’s metropolitan and regional campuses and our industry and community partners.  

Updates and Announcements

  • Action 1.3 Supporting Aboriginal Academics and Researchers - 26 February 2025 minus-thick plus-thick

    The Academic Enterprise Plan (the AEP or the Plan) is designed to build on the University’s key education and research strategies; and complements actions set out in the Reconciliation Action Plan, Aboriginal Research Strategy and Aboriginal Employment Action Plan that encourage engagement, build capacity and create opportunity for Aboriginal Peoples. The Plan reaffirms the University’s ambition to be a culturally enterprising employer and educator, and prioritises commitments that support and invest in the current and future workforce. This includes Action 1.3 which is focused on the recruitment, development and recognition of Aboriginal academic staff and research degree candidates.

    Since the Plan’s launch, the University has introduced several positions and initiatives that advance Action 1.3 and UniSA’s broader reconciliation and advancement ambitions. As a sample, UniSA has introduced:

    • New academic and professional staff appointments – such as the Dean of Aboriginal Research, Education and Engagement, Aboriginal Enterprise Fellows and Academic Developers: Aboriginal Curriculum;
    • Yurirka: Proppa Engagement with Aboriginal Peoples, to promote proper engagement;
    • The Aboriginal Research Strategy Seed Fund – and complementary establishment and development schemes for research degree candidates – to promote and enable Aboriginal research and researchers;
    • Yarning circles to ensure Aboriginal education and research is self-determined by Aboriginal Peoples;
    • An implementation tracker, to monitor and track progress of UniSA’s reconciliation commitments;
    • The Aboriginal PhD and Master of Research Scholarship Schemes, to support student progression and incentivise and recognise degree completion;
    • An annual reconciliation dashboard to evaluate and monitor the University’s performance across a suite of Aboriginal research, education and employment indicators;
    • Yurlurrinthi Research Scholarship scheme, to support Aboriginal undergraduate students gain exposure and experience in Aboriginal research through a summer placement;
    • Spaces across University campuses – such as new yarning circles and dedication of the Lewis O’Brien / Yarlupurka Building – to recognise and celebrate Aboriginal Peoples and communities.

    While the above progress is welcomed, there remains more to be done: the ethical inclusion of Aboriginal knowledge is essential to progress within the university.  But progress needs ongoing evaluation of the inclusion of Aboriginal knowledge and peoples across higher education.

    The above has been achieved thanks to the partnership, collaboration and contributions of many in the University and broader Aboriginal community; including the Office of Aboriginal Leadership and Strategy, Purkarninthi in Residence, Yaitya Warra-itya, ISSP Governance Group, Aboriginal Staff Network, Enterprise Leadership Team,  Wirringka Student Services, and many staff in student support, research training, engagement, human resources, facilities and more. In 2024, Action 1.3 was marked complete for AEP reporting purposes, but it is recognised that there is still much work to be done to achieve the University’s reconciliation and advancement commitments.


  • Action 4.2 Scale & Focus - 19 February 2025 minus-thick plus-thick

    Launched in 2018, Scale and Focus is a university-wide strategic approach to build capacity in areas of critical mass of research excellence with the potential for impact. As Action 4.2 of the Academic Enterprise Plan 2021-2025 (AEP), the University commits to undertaking an annual review of our research entities to ensure that UniSA advances research that is aligned to our strategic objectives and agreed measures of success and allocates funding that reflects performance.

    The 2024 review was undertaken with a view to the future. The process included participation by the Deans of Research, Institute Directors and the Deputy Vice Chancellor: Research & Enterprise, in consultation with Centre Directors and key central unit stakeholders. It provided a chance to reflect on the University’s current research structures, performance and alignment to Adelaide University’s Signature Research Themes (SRTs); and discuss opportunities to better enable and position UniSA research for Adelaide University’s opening in 2026.

    The review resulted in a set of new principles to guide internal discussions, and from those discussions, informed revisions to existing structures for 2025. The revisions included:

    • Sustainable Infrastructure and Resource Management (SIRM) recognised as a centre.
    • Higher Education Research Network (HERN) recognised as a concentration.
    • Mechanisms in Cell Biology and Disease (MICBAD) disestablished as a concentration.
    • Mental Health and Suicide Prevention (MHSPRE) disestablished as a concentration.
    • Social Relationships and Communities Research Concentration (SRC) name change from Safe Relationships and Communities Research Concentration.

    Following this fifth and final round of Scale and Focus, UniSA has two institutes, 16 centres and five concentrations. To further explore UniSA’s research areas, click here.


  • Action 1.7: Comprehensive Researcher Development Framework - 12 February 2025 minus-thick plus-thick

    UniSA has successfully implemented a comprehensive Researcher Development Framework, marking the completion of Action 1.7 of the University's Academic Enterprise Plan (AEP) 2021-2025. This initiative delivers on UniSA's commitment to providing exceptional development opportunities for research degree candidates and staff throughout their careers.

    Developed through extensive consultation with diverse cohorts, including surveys of UniSA researchers, analysis of graduate workforce data, and industry partner interviews, the framework introduces a living curriculum structured around three core pillars: Career Focus, Enterprising Researcher, and Researcher Expertise. This innovative approach ensures comprehensive development of personal qualities, fundamental research skills, and discipline-specific methodologies.

    The new myRD platform serves as the cornerstone of this initiative, providing researchers with seamless access to development activities, booking capabilities, evaluation tools, and personal progress tracking. The curriculum caters to all career stages, offering both individual workshops and cohort-based programs like the Early-Career Researcher Academy.

    "The response from our research community has been overwhelmingly positive," says Professor Susan Hillier in UniSA Allied Health and Human Performance, the project lead. "With 82% of participants recommending activities to peers and planning to implement their learnings, we're seeing real impact on research capability and career development."

    Dr Patrick Allington from UniSA Research Office, co-lead of the initiative, adds, "Our approach is dynamic and responsive to researcher needs. We're particularly excited about creating resources that support different ways of knowing and researching, which will strengthen our interdisciplinary research capabilities."

    The framework includes a dedicated Researcher Development website featuring on-demand resources and recordings. Popular ongoing activities include leadership training, peer support action sets, writing retreats, and project management skills development. Regular evaluation processes ensure continuous improvement and long-term career progression tracking.

    "This framework represents a significant step forward in our commitment to nurturing research excellence," says Professor Hillier. "It provides our researchers with the tools and support they need to excel in their careers and contribute to impactful research outcomes."

    The initiative is overseen by the Researcher Development Action Group, comprising key stakeholders from Professional and Technical Services, Information Strategy and Technology Services, Communications and Marketing Unit, University Research Office, Deans of Research and Dean of Graduate Studies, ensuring its relevance and sustainability for the future.



  • Action 1.6: Strategically Grow Our Cohort of Industry-aligned Adjunct Appointments - 17 June 2024 minus-thick plus-thick

     Pioneering Research Fellowship Puts Whyalla Community in the Spotlight

    UniSA has strengthened its industry partnerships and boosted research efforts of regional communities through the inaugural Whyalla Industry Fellowship. This initiative, under action 1.6 of the University's Academic Enterprise Plan (AEP) 2021-2025, aims to strategically grow a cohort of industry-aligned adjunct appointments to help shape the curriculum and drive research collaborations.

    The Whyalla Industry Fellowship, sponsored by dean of research at UniSA Justice & Society Professor Jill Dorrian, brought together a talented team comprising City of Whyalla Council director Kathy Jarrett as industry fellow, senior research fellow Dr Helen Barrie, and early-career researcher Michelle Jager.

    The project mapped pathways to create an empowered (psychologically resilient) city that supports optimism and development. The team used the Urban Psyche citywide personality test to compare Whyalla with other cities from across the world, conducted over 50 interviews with a broad cross section of the Whyalla community and tapped into the Whyalla Council’s extensive community planning process.

    With support from key stakeholders, including regional manager Paul Havelberg, mayor, CEO, and others at Whyalla LGA, local industry and community leaders, the project team delivered promising outcomes.

    Prof Dorrian said the project generated media attention, highlighted research activity in the region and strengthened the relationship between UniSA and the City of Whyalla Council. The team is working on a final report, planning to submit an LGA R&D grant, and exploring potential collaborations with the Regional Australian Institute.

    As UniSA continues to explore ways to support regional communities and bridge the gap between industry and academia, the success of the inaugural Whyalla Industry Fellowship serves as an inspiring example of the value of collaboration, trust-building, and the power of research to drive positive change.


  • Action 3.4: Enhancing program quality and industry relevance through Strategic Advisory Groups - 3 June 2024 minus-thick plus-thick

    UniSA has successfully completed Action 3.4 of the Academic Enterprise Plan (AEP) 2021-2025, which aimed to enhance the professional endorsement of programs through the establishment of advisory groups across all Academic Units. These groups, comprising industry experts and stakeholders, advise on curriculum elements, course content and program assessment strategies to ensure programs align with industry needs and accreditation requirements. Two examples were recently presented to the Academic Enterprise Oversight Committee, highlighting the impact these groups can have.

    UniSA Clinical and Health Sciences (CHS) has been leading the way in this initiative, with eight external advisory groups that have been operational for more than two decades. These groups encompass a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various healthcare disciplines, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to meet the ever-changing demands of the industry.

    "The advisory groups have been instrumental in securing significant contracts, such as a $4.5 million agreement with SA Health to upskill the workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic, and developing pioneering programs like the four-plus-one pre-registration Master of Pharmacy," Prof Tracy Humphrey, Executive Dean of CHS, remarks, emphasising the substantial impact of these advisory groups.

    To optimise the effectiveness of these advisory groups, CHS carefully considers their composition, limiting membership to a maximum of 15 individuals per group and appointing an external chair to lead industry-focused discussions. The groups comprise senior representatives from UniSA, other universities, government bodies and professional organisations, bringing a wealth of diverse perspectives and expertise to the table. Regular meetings, scheduled 12 months in advance, ensure that the groups can continuously adapt to the evolving needs of the industry and keep UniSA's programs at the forefront of their respective fields.

    Similarly, UniSA Justice and Society (JUS) has embraced the power of advisory groups through the establishment of Program Advisory Panels for its diverse range of programs, including Aboriginal Studies, Arts, Law, Psychology, and Social Work. These panels bring together representatives from various organisations to provide students with diverse perspectives and opportunities for placements and internships.

    A notable development occurred in April 2023, when the Aboriginal Studies Program Advisory Panel underwent a transformative change, becoming Aboriginal-led with two Aboriginal colleagues – Assoc. Prof. Karen Sinclair and Dr Frances Wyld – chairing the panel and the Dean of Programs serving as a member. This shift reflects JUS’ commitment to centering Aboriginal voices and the value of Aboriginal leadership in our governance structures.

    Assoc. Prof Sinclair, led the change process, and played a crucial role in crafting the preamble of the Program Advisory Panel documentation, ensuring that the change in governance structure aligns with the University's values and places the Aboriginal Studies program under the guidance of Aboriginal knowledge, expertise, and cultural understanding.” Prof Paula Geldens, Executive Dean of JUS shares.

    As UniSA continues to nurture relationships with industry partners through these strategic advisory groups, the University remains dedicated to providing students with exceptional educational experiences that prepare them for success in their chosen fields. By staying attuned to the evolving needs of students, employers, and society, UniSA is well-positioned to deliver high-quality, industry-relevant programs that make a lasting impact on the communities it serves.

  • Action 1.10: University-wide Unstoppable Grants and Awards Scheme - 28 February 2024 minus-thick plus-thick

    At UniSA, we place great importance on the development and achievements of our colleagues, this commitment is embodied in Strategic Priority 1: Growing and Celebrating Enterprise Staff, within our Academic Enterprise Plan 2021-2025, where Action 1.10 states: To acknowledge our outstanding staff, we will establish a University-wide Unstoppable Grants and Awards Scheme.

    In 2023 we launched the new university-wide Unstoppable Awards which encompasses the existing Research and Enterprise Awards and Research Ethics and Safety Innovation Awards, while introducing the Teaching and Learning Awards and Enterprising Staff Awards. The calibre of nominations was outstanding, and you can view the inaugural winners online here. Details of the 2024 Unstoppable Awards will be announced shortly and we look forward to celebrating the outstanding achievements of our staff towards the end of the year.

    In addition, UniSA also offers grants and awards to academic staff through the Teaching Innovation Unit (TIU) to enhance teaching and learning. In 2021, the grant scheme was divided into two categories: Early Career Academic Innovation Grants and Teaching and Learning Development Grants. These grants support innovative teaching approaches and promote curricular innovation. In addition, by assessing existing award categories and evaluation criteria, TIU launched a new UniSA Awards for University Teaching (UAUT) in 2023, providing a clear path to enable staff to attain national recognition in teaching and learning.

    TIU will continue to support grant applicants and facilitate 'pitch your ideas' workshops to assist colleagues with crafting and composing grant proposals. They will also assist where project may need additional conceptualisation or advancement. To streamline the process, TIU will work alongside Professorial Leads in Academic Units, who will act as the bridge between the initial concept and the application phase.

  • Action 2.4: Additional Online Courses within Academic Units and UniSA Online - 24 January 2024 minus-thick plus-thick

    Action 2.4 within Strategic Priority 2: Leading with Our Programs of our Academic Enterprise Plan 2021 – 2025 states: As part of our plans to grow our online student cohort locally, nationally and globally, and expand our offerings of elective courses University-wide, we will create additional online courses within the Academic Units and UniSA Online.

    In 2023, UniSA Online (UO) has designed, developed and launched 13 new online programs in collaboration with Academic Units, contributing to the growth of student load. These programs were carefully chosen based on their alignment with workforce demand and clear graduate outcomes. By leveraging existing content and considering data on skills shortages and student demand, UO expedited the course development process, swiftly bringing them to the market.

    Initially planned as "Tranche 5" with eight new programs, UO expanded its scope to include micro-credentials, undergraduate certificates, and postgraduate offerings in response to industry demands and government initiatives. Notably, four of these programs were co-developed with Accenture, showcasing a commitment to fostering digital transformation capabilities. 

    UniSA's online offerings now span across all of our Academic Units, making it a strong competitor in the industry. These programs offer a range of study options, from 10 weeks to 3 years full-time study, and pave the way for future product development, including disaggregation options.

    UO's adaptability to market trends is underscored by a robust product and promotion strategy. This approach involves continuous competitor monitoring, seeking differentiation opportunities, aligning programs with discipline strengths, and conducting thorough market research before product launches. Additionally, working with CMK, UO has created a new 'market simulation' tool that provides valuable insights into student preferences, informs future product development, and assesses competitor positioning.

    Associate Professor Barbara Parker, Executive Director of UO, commended the methodology that facilitates efficient and high-quality program development. She credited the success to the development process's progression, stable program-specific teams, and contributions from various university departments, including the Teaching Innovation Unit, Student and Academic Services, Information Strategy and Technology Services, and Communications and Marketing Unit.

    UniSA Online is planning for Tranche 6, building on the knowledge and experience that we gained from the extended Tranche 5. Armed with this expertise, UniSA is well-prepared to meet the increasing demands for online programs both nationally and internationally, solidifying its position as a leader in online education.



  • Action 1.3: Aboriginal Academics and Research Degree Candidates - 2 October 2023 minus-thick plus-thick

    Action 1.3 within Strategic Priority 1: Growing and Celebrating Enterprising Staff of our Academic Enterprise Plan 2021-2025 states: In support of the University’s ongoing commitment to Aboriginal engagement, we will recruit, advance and recognise a cohort of Aboriginal academics and Aboriginal research degree candidates.

    The University is committed to growing Aboriginal research and engagement, in a manner that reflects these aspirations and the principles that underpin the Aboriginal Research Strategy 2019-2025.

    It is in this spirit that the University is pleased to announce the continuation of three internal grant schemes in 2024 that support and advance Aboriginal research and engagement.

    These are:

    • Aboriginal Research Strategy Seed Fund – the scheme, launched in 2022, is designed to support novel research that is of high value and high impact, and benefits Australia’s First Peoples. The grant will provide up to $25,000 in seed funding to staff projects that align to the Aboriginal Elders and Communities’ research priorities, and leverage competitive grant opportunities in Aboriginal research in Categories 1 to 4. More information about the scheme can be found online and questions may be directed to Sophie Murray, Partner Engagement Manager: Aboriginal Research.
    • Aboriginal HDR Establishment and Development Funds – the schemes, launched earlier this year, support Aboriginal research degree candidates, and their learning and research training experience. HDR Establishment Fund is designed to support commencing students establish themselves in their research program and degree, and the HDR Development Fund is designed to enhance current students’ learning and research training experience. More information on the schemes can be found online and questions may be directed to Aboriginal Leadership and Strategy.
  • Action 3.5: Relationships with Professional and Clinical Placement Providers - 28 August 2023 minus-thick plus-thick

    Action 3.5 within Strategic Priority 3: Enterprising Engagement of our Academic Enterprise Plan (AEP)  2021 – 2025 states: To ensure our industry contacts are well informed of our research strengths and partnership opportunities we will create new, and foster our existing valued relationships, with professional and clinical placement providers.

    Established in 2022 as AEP Action 3.1, the Enterprise Hub (Yangadlitya Kumanaka) introduced a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system holding 6500 industry partnerships. The Hub offers 25 partner aligned services and aims to support and engage partners in student-involved ventures, project-based research and industry-based Work Integrated Learning (WIL) internships and placements. In addition to the Enterprise Hub, Academic Unit teams support and manage the extensive WIL internship and placement activity occurring at UniSA.

    WIL enables coursework and research degree students to engage with industry through authentic activities that integrate theory with practice within a purposefully designed workplace engagement and/or workplace-based research project. Our placement management teams use the enterprise wide placement administration system, InPlace, which allows us to plan, monitor, allocate and evaluate WIL activities at UniSA. In 2022, over 15,500 WIL placements were recorded in InPlace.

    UniSA offers diverse project-based PhD scholarships. Industry partners can contact the relevant Business Development Manager or the Partner Engagement Manager: Aboriginal Research at the Enterprise Hub, or the research administration of local Academic Units, to discuss how to address business challenges by engaging UniSA Masters or PhD scholars. 

    Research internships enable research students to engage with industry and develop technical and professional skills that employers value. To bolster industry engagement, the Commonwealth Government has launched the National Industry PhD Program to support both industry-linked PhD candidates and Industry Researchers, as well as offering financial incentives to PhD graduates who have completed research internships

    Currently, UniSA operates a range of disciplinary focused WIL and public support through clinics, practice labs, studios and professional experience outreach services in the areas of health, law, marketing, social work and human services, maths, engineering, film, taxation, marketing and communications, and psychology. Many are accessible to the public as Community Clinics, providing professional and cost-effective services, with some even being free.

    Key collaborators for strengthening connections between the Enterprise Hub and industry partners are: 

    Enterprise Hub: Mr Peter Stevens

    Community Clinics: Professor Esther May

    Work Integrated Learning: Professor Deirdre Tedmanson

    PhD Internships: Professor Sandra Orgeig

  • Action 1.10: Unstoppable Awards - 21 August 2023 minus-thick plus-thick

    UniSA is proud to be a high-performing and culturally enterprising organisation, driven by our exceptional academic and professional staff across metropolitan and regional campuses. We highly value our people and are dedicated to nurturing their growth and success.

    Starting in 2023, we are launching the new university-wide Unstoppable Awards scheme to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our staff. This scheme encompasses the existing Research and Enterprise Awards, as well as the newly established Teaching and Learning Awards.

    These award streams serve as a realisation of our Academic Enterprise Plan 2021-2025 Action 1.10 which states “To acknowledge our outstanding staff, we will establish a University-wide Unstoppable Grants and Awards Scheme”.

    The Unstoppable Teaching and Learning Awards stream will shine a spotlight on the exceptional and innovative practices of our academic and professional staff, and foster a culture of excellence in teaching and learning. Our Unstoppable Teaching and Learning Awards complement the existing recognition awards coordinated by the Teaching Innovation Unit, creating a robust awards pipeline that propels teaching and learning excellence to new heights, both within UniSA and at the national level.

    We are excited to celebrate and recognise the outstanding achievements of our staff through the Unstoppable Awards. For a comprehensive overview of the award categories, nomination criteria, timeline and more, we invite you to visit our Unstoppable Awards website.

  • Action 4.4: Images of Research and Teaching - 9 August 2023 minus-thick plus-thick

    At UniSA, we are committed to celebrating and showcasing our unstoppable teaching, learning and research, which is exemplified in Strategic Priority 4: Shaping a Better World Together, outlined in our Academic Enterprise Plan 2021-2025, where Action 4.4 states:

    To showcase UniSA’s academic enterprise to the world, we will extend the ‘Images of Research’ competition to include ‘Images of Research and Teaching’ at UniSA.

    In 2015, we introduced the  ‘Images of Research’ competition, inviting talented students and staff from all disciplines to represent their remarkable research conducted at UniSA. Over the years, the competition has evolved, with the inclusion of videography entries in 2019.

    Since 2021, we’ve extended the competition to include the Teaching category and rebranding it as ‘Images of Research and Teaching’, which showcases the diversity and extensive scope of our research and teaching efforts to our community, business partners, alumni, and donors.

    The ‘Images of Research and Teaching’s' popularity has grown over the years – in 2023, we received an impressive 863 votes for the People's Choice Award, the highest number of votes to date. The winner of this award will be announced this coming Monday.

    We encourage all staff and students to participate in the ‘Images of Research and Teaching’ competition in the years to come. By unleashing imagination and passion through visually engaging presentations, they can contribute to enhancing the collective tapestry of innovation, enterprise and excellence that represents UniSA.

  • Action 3.1: UniSA Enterprise Hub - 10 July 2023 minus-thick plus-thick

    This week marks the one-year anniversary since the official launch of the Enterprise Hub and the creation of the Enterprise Partnerships Unit.

    There’s a lot to celebrate; below are some key achievements.

    • Launch of the Industry Partner CRM and search tool. Search our Industry Partners to identify an existing relationship with an organisation. Submit an industry referral to the Enterprise Hub triaged by the Enterprise Hub to the appropriate staff member or team in the University.
    • Launched the new Enterprise Hub brand, including a comprehensive website, making it easier for industry to connect with UniSA and highlighting the different services to support them.
    • Restoration of 9 Light Square into UniSA’s Enterprise Hub. We are honoured that the building has been bestowed the Kaurna name Yangadlitya Kurmanka, meaning for the future together. This week marks the six-month anniversary of staff moved in.
    • Creation of the Enterprise Partnerships Unit, bringing together UniSA’s commercialisation, business incubation and business development to better identify research translation and opportunities.

    These milestones represent a truly unique and innovative industry engagement model in the university sector. There’s still a long way to go to fully realise the vision for the Enterprise Hub, however these milestones are a chance to reflect on our achievements.

    This includes acknowledging and thanking everyone who made the Enterprise Hub a reality and those working in the Enterprise Hub to realise our ambitions for a partnered approach to research and enterprise.

    To contact the Enterprise Hub for advice or information, please email:

  • Action 2.3: Aboriginal Content in Undergraduate Programs - 10 July 2023 minus-thick plus-thick

    The project team would like to respectfully acknowledge the Kaurna, Boandik and Barngarla Peoples and their Elders past and present, who are the First Nations’ Traditional Owners of the lands that are now home to UniSA’s campuses in Adelaide, Mount Gambier and Whyalla. We also acknowledge all First Nations Peoples of lands across Australia with connections to UniSA. 

    The Academic Enterprise Plan 2021-2025 helps to advance the University’s commitments in Aboriginal education, and our approach to curriculum development and delivery intends, always, to centre Aboriginal ways of knowing, being and doing in this work.

    The key objective of progressing the Aboriginal Curriculum project is to create sustainable and enduring transformation in supporting staff to decolonise curriculum and engage with, and incorporate, Aboriginal ways of knowing, being and doing in teaching and learning.

    Our approach to achieve this involves three streams of work, with a view to building staff capacity and sustainable practice:

    1. Development of an Aboriginal Curriculum Design Hub, for staff to access curated resources, frameworks and tools that support them in decolonising curriculum and co-designing ways to embed Aboriginal knowledges within curriculum, including a UniSA Aboriginal curriculum framework;
    2. Professional development and support, including a suite of workshops and short courses tailored for individual academic staff and program teams; and
    3. Sustainability, to ensure our university systems and structural supports facilitate sustainable practice beyond the scope of this project.

    New positions within the TIU have been created to progress this project. A steering group will be formed soon, and will collaborate with the Office of the PVC: Aboriginal Leadership and Strategy, each Academic Unit, and UniSA Online.

    This project’s early work includes developing a workshop series for both individual academic staff and program-teams to enhance their capability and confidence in taking a decolonising lens to curriculum and weaving Aboriginal knowledges into teaching practice. More information will be shared once the steering group is formed.

  • Action 3.3: Extending WIL Opportunities - 26 June 2023 minus-thick plus-thick

    UniSA is dedicated to enhancing the employability of our students. This commitment is embodied in Strategic Priority 3: Enterprising Engagement, within our Academic Enterprise Plan 2021-2025, where Action 3.3 states:

    To further advance our national leadership in career-ready education, we will build on our relationships with industry, businesses and government to further extend our work integrated learning opportunities to our coursework and research degree students.

    The Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Project was initiated in 2020, following a comprehensive internal and external review of the University's guidelines and systems for overseeing student internships and placements. To implement key recommendations from the reviews, a Steering Group was established under the WIL Project, with workstreams dedicated to advancing important policy, procedure, system upgrades and establishing a Community of Practice.

    The WIL Project wrapped up in 2022 resulting in the following:

    • Developed new WIL Policy and General Procedure in consultation with the Academic Units, Central Units and key stakeholders to effectively manage WIL activities.
    • Reviewed & improved InPlace functionality for contract storage/naming, reporting & training.
    • Established WIL Community of Practice that fosters the sharing of best practices, supports continuous improvement, and provides staff with opportunities to engage in the development of WIL in a meaningful way.
    • Created WIL website as a central location for WIL resources, including links to essential information and Academic Unit specific resources.

    WIL is an important component of the student experience at UniSA, and these initiatives will support student safety and wellbeing while maintaining consistency in University practices.

    The WIL initiatives are overseen by Professor Deirdre Tedmanson (Dean: WIL), in collaboration with Professor Esther May (Pro Vice Chancellor: Teaching & Learning). Together, they provide institution-wide leadership over Academic Units involved in WIL activities such as clinics, outreach centers and associated innovations in WIL activities. Vanessa Matthews has oversight of InPlace (Students and Research Registrar), and the WIL Community of Practice is co-chaired by Daryl McMahon (Program Manager: Internships, UniSA Business) and Dr Jane Andrew (Senior Lecturer, UniSA Creative).

  • Action 2.2: Authentic Assessment - 5 June 2023 minus-thick plus-thick

    In October 2022, to align with the goals of the Authentic Assessment project being undertaken across the University (Academic Enterprise Plan 2021-2025 Action 2.2), the STEM Executive team allocated funds for an Immersive Authentic Assessment initiative.

    This project partnered course coordinators with the Project LIVE development team led by Professor Tom Raimondo, to produce an immersive experience that authentically replicated a physical site visit or activity and allowed students to explore this on demand.

    The goal was to enhance the real-world learning opportunities for students by providing them with a way to experience laboratory or field sites that are logistically complex to visit, have limited availability, or are otherwise inaccessible.

    The resulting activities encourage self-directed rather than teacher-directed learning, and better cater for student diversity, access and inclusion by offering flexible learning for those who are usually unable to participate due to disabilities, illness or other factors.

    A total of eight projects spanning five disciplines were approved for development, encompassing a broad range of themes, locations and applications of experiential learning – from an immersive coral reef dive to a virtual flight deck experience, and from an active construction site to an operational data centre. 

    You can explore each of the completed projects at the dedicated Project LIVE webpage here.

  • Action 2.7: Minimising Textbooks - 29 May 2023 minus-thick plus-thick

    A key action within our AEP is a commitment to minimise the number of textbooks students are required to purchase during their program of study.

    This commitment is embodied in Action 2.7, which highlights that this will be realised by transitioning some courses from using traditional textbooks to high-quality research-driven resources.

    At the November 2020 meeting of the Academic Strategy, Standards and Quality Committee (ASSQC), a Textbook Minimisation pilot was approved to explore reducing ‘cost to student’ textbook use while at the same time seeking to enhance the quality of the teaching and learning experience through exploration of other evidence-based resources.

    A reduction of 50% of nominated limited license textbooks was set as an ambitious target to indicate a highly successful project.

    The Library has subsequently been working with Course Coordinators to replace textbooks either not held by the Library electronically or held under a limited eBook licence, with more flexible alternatives that are freely available online for all students.

    The project's objectives have been widely promoted across UniSA's academic community, and student feedback regarding the impact of textbook costs on their program selection and overall spending has been actively sought.

    Over the course of the pilot project, a total reduction of 47% in the use of limited license textbooks has been achieved in targeted programs. When the costs saved per course is multiplied by the number of student enrolments in those courses/programs (14,096), a potential total saving to UniSA students of approximately $9 million (print) has been realised.

    Student feedback has highlighted the importance of addressing the financial burden associated with textbooks.

    The project has fostered ongoing dialogue between the Library and Academic Units regarding the setting of textbooks as learning resources – specifically, to encourage Course Coordinators to contact as early as possible to review set texts and scope opportunities for replacement of limited-access titles with resources available through the Library’s catalogue for all students.

    The Library will continue to work with the Course Coordinators and Academic Units’ Teaching and Learning Strategy Groups, to identify and capitalise upon strategic points in the program lifecycle where teaching resource identification occurs.

  • Action 2.2: Authentic Assessment - 8 May 2023 minus-thick plus-thick

    We are pleased to announce that Professor Lin Crase, Dean of Programs (Accounting & Finance) from UniSA Business, will be the new co-chair for the Authentic Assessment Project.

    Professor Crase will work alongside Associate Professor Sheridan Gentili to further drive the implementation of authentic assessment activities across our academic units and UniSA Online.

    We would also like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to Professor Abelardo Pardo, Dean of Programs (Information Technology & Mathematics) from UniSA STEM, for his exceptional co-chairing leadership and ongoing support for the project.

    Professor Pardo will continue to play a crucial role as a member of the Project Steering Group, and contribute towards shaping the future direction of the project.

    The implementation of authentic assessment will continue into 2023, and to ensure its success, Professor Crase and Associate Professor Gentili will establish an Implementation Project Forum to work in collaboration with the Deans of Programs to take a whole-of-institution approach to authentic assessment implementation.

    The project forum and the steering group will work together to discuss and implement changes to existing practices, which will enable the sustainability of authentic assessment and become an integral part of the University's business as usual activities.

    The members of the Authentic Assessment Project Steering Group will continue to provide updates on the project's progress through the Teaching & Learning Steering Group (TLSG) meetings of Academic Units.

  • Action 1.7: Researcher Development - 8 May 2023 minus-thick plus-thick

    Action 1.7 within Strategic Priority 1: Growing and Celebrating Enterprising Staff states: As part of our commitment to developing an exceptional research community, we will provide researcher development opportunities for research degree candidates and staff throughout their careers.

    In support of this action, a Working Group was established in 2020, with key outcomes identified as augmenting a vibrant research workplace, producing work that has impact and relevance, and enhancing a global reputation for quality, evidenced by growth in key areas and KPIs identified within the Research and Enterprise portfolio.

    The key principles to achieve these outcomes are for the curriculum to be living, dynamic and aspirational, encompassing different disciplines and fields of research, while promoting interdisciplinary approaches, innovation and industry engagement.

    This project builds upon UniSAEDGE (Enhancement of Doctoral Graduate Employability) which acts as a framework.

    Deep thanks to the project team based in the UniSA Research Office for building a needs-based researcher development program that embeds continuous career and personal development for employability as well as research excellence.

    A Researcher Development Action Group (RDAG) was also established in 2022. Currently, there is a staged rollout of the program which should be up and running in 2024.

    For further information on the project and some of the activities on offer, visit the website.

  • Action 1.9: Bradley Distinguished Professors - 17 April 2023 minus-thick plus-thick

    An aspect of UniSA's commitment to being a culturally enterprising and high-performing institution is the recognition of the abilities and valuable contributions of our staff. This commitment is embodied in Strategic Priority 1: Growing and Celebrating Enterprising Staff, where action 1.9 states:

    To celebrate the pre-eminence of our academics we will recognise a cohort of Distinguished Professors to acknowledge their contribution to education, research and enterprise.

    The designation is named in honour of the University’s former Vice Chancellor, Emeritus Professor Denise Bradley. The title recognises significant contributions to UniSA, and the impact recipients have had on the broader national and international community through research, teaching and learning. Conferral of this title is a high honour that is not bestowed lightly, with candidates identified through a comprehensive nomination and assessment process.

    This project commenced in 2020, with People, Talent & Culture colleagues working closely with the Deans of Research. The initiative has since seen four inaugural Bradley Distinguished Professors named in 2021, and an additional two in 2022, who have been honoured for their outstanding achievements in leadership, engagement, education, creative activity and research. We congratulate the hard work of the project team in completing this key cultural action and ensuring the success of this prestigious initiative.

    Moving forward, we remain committed to continuing the success of this initiative and seeking opportunities to augment the engagement and recognition of our Bradley Distinguished Professors.

  • Action 3.1: UniSA Enterprise Hub - 24 September 2021 minus-thick plus-thick

    The Enterprise Hub is a space where research meets education and will make it easy for businesses, industry and community groups to partner and collaborate with the University on research and business innovation projects. 

    Our Industry Relationship CRM is a key component of the Enterprise Hub which will provide the University the opportunity to interact with our most important partnerships holistically, creating opportunities for new partnerships to develop to the benefit of researchers, the University, and our partners.  

    A number of staff across the University, including representatives from the key business areas of RIS, ICC, UniSA Ventures, Advancement, Career Services, SAS, CMK, UniSA International, Match Studio and Academic Units, have participated in business requirements and design workshops for CRM-related services for partner engagement. The resulting design has provided clarity to the scope of business processes that will be delivered as well as the required CRM product functionality to be implemented.  

    Configuration of the Industry Relationship CRM as well as design of a new self-service facility for UniSA staff to easily search for an industry partner and submit a referral for a lead is now underway. Training for Industry Relationship CRM users will be provided in February 2022 with system go-live scheduled for the Adelaide Cup Day long weekend of March 14, 2022.

    We thank all staff who have provided their valuable input and have contributed to the development of the Industry Relationship CRM. We will continue to keep you updated on the progress.

  • Action 3.1: UniSA Enterprise Hub - 18 June 2021 minus-thick plus-thick

    A key strategic initiative in the Academic Enterprise Plan, the Enterprise Hub is a one-stop-shop for creating and sustaining partnerships with businesses, community and industry groups in South Australia and beyond.

    Internal requirements workshops and the subsequent Oracle Consulting-led Sales Cloud workshops for the design and configuration of our Industry Relationship Management (CRM) system have now concluded.

    Oracle Consulting and ISTS are currently finalising the resulting Functional Design documentation in consultation with key staff, and a final assessment of the project scope for the CRM will be made in early July.

    Our Industry Relationship CRM will provide the University the opportunity to steer our most important partnerships holistically creating opportunities for new partnerships to develop to the benefit of researchers, the University and our partners.

    Later this year, the Enterprise Hub interim website will be refreshed, with further content and features currently in development. The website will be expanded with information and case studies aligned to the Enterprise Hub’s service offerings.

    Work is well advanced in defining strategic industry sectors and priority areas which categorise UniSA’s current and future research strengths and capabilities inviting business, community and industry partners to engage.

    We are defining the industry sectors from an outside-in partner perspective to inform both the website and the CRM development and will progress in consultation with the University community and key external stakeholders.

    For further information, visit the Enterprise Hub website.

    We will continue to provide regular updates on the Enterprise Hub via the Staff Announcements. If you have any queries about the Hub please email

  • Action 3.1: UniSA Enterprise Hub - 9 April 2021 minus-thick plus-thick

    A key strategic initiative in the Academic Enterprise Plan, the Enterprise Hub will make it even easier for businesses, community and industry groups across South Australia, Australia and the world to partner with the University in collaborative research and education projects, advancement initiatives, and more, designed to strengthen our economy and society.

    The Enterprise Hub is physical and virtual. It is a building, but it’s also about our web pages, our digital footprint and the way we partner with people. It’s about seeing the University from the outside in, making sure it’s easy to find us, to work with us, to partner with us and ensuring our business processes are aligned in amplifying our position as Australia’s leading industry intensive university.

    Bringing together the Innovation and Collaboration Centre (ICC) and Accenture, UniSA Ventures and UniSA Research and Innovation Services (RIS) in the refurbished Night Train Building at 9 Light Square on our City West Campus will co-locate our support services in the Research and Enterprise area.

    The Enterprise Hub will also support research community success and recognition via the provision of training and networking opportunities, more seamless research administration support, and enhanced supports for funding applications across all categories.

    Recent developments in the Enterprise Hub project include:

    • We appointed Swanbury Penglase as the Principal Architects for the refurbishment of the Night Train Building, with Aurecon appointed as the service engineers and Hansen Yuncken the managing contractor.
    • We hosted a startup workshop in March, with approximately 50 people from UniSA, Swanbury Penglase, Auercon and Hansen Yuncken.
    • Preliminary investigations are now underway in the building in preparation for the extensive remedial works required and workshops will be held with internal stakeholders over coming weeks to inform the architectural design.
    • On the digital side, more than 50 staff from across the University took part in our series of internal requirements workshops over the last two weeks to inform the design and configuration of our Industry Relationship Management (CRM) system. Thank you to those who participated.
    • We’ve had a great response from across the University in identifying our partners and have confirmed a set of partner criteria to support prioritisation by Academic Units of existing partnerships and to support the development of new strategic partnerships.
    • We have undertaken extensive work to define our service offerings, through workshops with internal stakeholders and industry partners.

    For further information, visit the interim Enterprise Hub website.

    We will continue to provide regular update on the Enterprise Hub via the staff news. If you have any queries about the Hub please email

Professor Allan Evans

Provost & Chief Academic Officer

Professor Marnie Hughes-Warrington

Deputy Vice Chancellor: Research and Enterprise


Strategic priority 1: Growing and Celebrating Enterprising Staff

We are committed to continuing to invest in our people, including in the recruitment of high-quality academic staff, and in supporting the growth of our outstanding teachers, researchers and professional workforce.

Strategic priority 2: Leading with Our Programs

We will further strengthen our nationally significant role in the agile preparation of coursework and research students for their professional careers in current and emerging industries.

Strategic priority 3: Enterprising Engagement

We will extend our use of dynamic and flexible approaches to innovation and entrepreneurship to form ideas and projects and to help staff and students, our research centres, and local, national and international businesses to scale, regenerate and chart sustainable futures.

Strategic priority 4: Shaping a Better World Together

Through committing to our teaching being industry and research-informed and practice-oriented, our graduates will be prepared to contribute as professionals in meeting local and global challenges.

Strategic priority 5: Accelerating Innovation through Shared Places

We will ensure our academics and students are supported by access to high quality infrastructure in physical and virtual precincts that bring together teaching, learning and research and encourage interaction with business, industry and community groups.

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