Enterprise Agreements

16/04/2014 by: Professor David Lloyd

As I sat down to type this, almost at the exactly the same time, I received notification of the outcome of the staff vote on the new Enterprise Agreement. I am truly pleased that we have been able to advance an agreement that has had such resoundi...


16/04/2014 by: Professor David Lloyd

The common denominator in everything I’m talking about here is, of course, change. Change (like other stuff) happens. It’s not intended to make things worse – most people don’t mind change, as long as they’re not being changed.  My view is that we...

Enterprise Support Plans

16/04/2014 by: Professor David Lloyd

Once you understand that our core ‘Enterprise’ comprises Teaching and Research, it is clear that the Provost’s review, the DVC-RI’s review and the Global Engagement framework set out what we need to do at a macro level for core business. These...

Big Ticket Items – Teaching & Research – locally and internationally

16/04/2014 by: Professor David Lloyd

The Provost & Chief Academic Officer, Allan Evans, has an ongoing Curriculum Innovation Process – looking at what we’re doing well, where we could do better and how best to ensure we capitalise on the opportunities afforded to us by new technologi...

One Team

16/04/2014 by: Professor David Lloyd

I have to admit to being hugely influenced by the NASA approach to big challenges. The whole organisation unites to deliver – making, as NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden said in Unijam, ‘the impossible possible’. We have no designs on taking on t...


16/04/2014 by: Professor David Lloyd

I’m now 16 Months into the role of Vice Chancellor and our ongoing achievements as a dynamic, relevant university and our huge potential for the future continues to inspire me on a daily basis. Getting to grips with communicating not only our...

Professor David Lloyd

Through The Big Picture, I hope that our whole community gains a greater and current appreciation of what is going on, how it fits together and how our activities connect and reinforce each other at a whole of enterprise level.


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