Research Integrity Matters

If you wish to have a confidential conversation regarding a potential breach of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, you can have this with conversation with a Line Manager, Supervisor, Research Integrity Advisor or Deans at your Academic Unit.

In line with the Research Integrity Procedure , where a person is unsure whether the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research has been breached, guidance should be sought from Research Integrity Advisors (RIAs). Please do not hesitate to contact any RIA directly even if they are not based at your campus.

The Research Integrity Advisor will advise the potential complainant of the options that are open to them, including:
(i) not proceeding if the concern is clearly not related to a breach of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research;
(ii) proceeding under other institutional processes; or
(iii) making a complaint about a potential breach to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Enterprise.

The University’s Research Integrity Policy and Research Integrity Procedure provide information and guidance regarding concerns or complaints about potential breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.

If you wish to make a formal complaint or correspond in relation to a research integrity matter against a UniSA staff member, you can email all pertinent information to

If you wish to make a formal complaint about a research integrity matter against a UniSA staff member directly with the Deputy Vice Chancellor: Research and Enterprise, you must complete THIS FORM, and email it to the Deputy Vice Chancellor: Research and Enterprise.


General Clarification Requests or Concerns

If you have a general clarification request about research conducted by UniSA researchers, there are several options open to you, depending on the nature of the concern.

If your concern relates to Human Research Ethics, please contact the Executive Officer of the Human Research Ethics Committee. Phone: 08 8302 6330 Email:

If your concern relates to Animal Ethics, please contact the Executive Officer of the Animal Ethics Committee. Phone: 08 8302 3523 Email:

If your concern relates to Biosafety, please contact the Executive Officer of the Institutional Biosafety Committee. Phone: 08 8302 3723 Email: