Dissemination of research

Dissemination of research findings is an important part of the research process, passing on the benefits to other researchers, professional practitioners and the wider community. Research activities supported by public funding are rarely considered complete until the results have been made widely available.

There are many ways of disseminating research findings. Formal publication of the results of research most commonly takes place in refereed academic journals or books, but this is not always the case. This section of the Framework applies to all forms of dissemination of research findings, refereed and non-refereed, in any medium of communication, including conferences, public performance and public exhibition.

The University of South Australia is committed to promoting an environment of honesty, integrity, accuracy and responsibility in the dissemination of research findings by:

  • ensuring that all parties to the research are made aware of the nature and scope of confidentiality agreements;
  • protecting the intellectual property rights of the institution, the researcher, research trainees and sponsors of the research, as appropriate;
  • ensuring in sponsored research arrangements that the sponsors of research understand the importance of publication in research and do not delay publication beyond the time needed;
  • protecting intellectual property and other relevant interests;
  • ensuring that researchers are aware of contractual arrangements that restrict, delay or limit publication;
  • assisting researchers in effective communication through the mass media by the provision of advice, guidance, information resources and training opportunities;
  • supporting communication of research findings to the wider public by, for example, assistance through the University's policy, Public statements by members of University staff; and
  • making every effort when reporting research results for publicity purposes to acknowledge partner institutions and sponsors involved in collaborative research.

The University seeks to promote the dissemination of research findings in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, which states in R23 that researchers should “Disseminate research findings responsibly, accurately and broadly. Where necessary, take action to correct the record in a timely manner.”

This Section should also be read in conjunction with the following University policies: Authorship (RES-12)Intellectual Property: Ownership and Management Policy (RES-22)Public statements by members of University staff (C-5).

Directly related UniSA policies, procedures and forms