On this page you can find the information you need to make an application to study abroad at the University of South Australia. Applying is quick, simple, and easy.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the Global Opportunities team at student.exchange@unisa.edu.au

  • Key dates minus-thick plus-thick
    Study Period Dates Nomination* Application Orientation
    Study Period 2 – General February to June October 15 November 15 February
    Study Period 2 – Business February to June October 15 November 15 February
    Study Period 5 – General July to November March 15 April 15 July
    Study Period 5 – Business August to November March 15 April 15 August

    *Not applicable for Study Abroad Students

    For detailed information please refer to the full Academic Calendar

  • Requirements and Documentation minus-thick plus-thick

    To ensure you have a successful academic experience, we have some important entry requirements. Before you begin your application, it is critical you have all the required documentation.

    Entry Requirements:

    You must either be a high school graduate or enrolled in a university or college and in good academic standing (Passing courses).

    If English is not your first language, you will require an IELTS score of 6.0 or higher, or a TOEFL score of 550 (paper based), or 60 (internet based).

    Required documentation:

    • Your degree name and duration
    • Original language transcripts (translated to English if necessary)
    • Current enrolment of courses
    • Portfolio of work (for creative courses)
    • Grading system used at home university
    • Evidence of English language proficiency (if required)
    • Details page and signature page of passport
  • Apply for Exchange minus-thick plus-thick

    Exchange students must be nominated by their home university before applying to UniSA. If you have any questions about this step, please contact the international office of your home university. There may be additional requirements you need to meet.

    Once you’ve been nominated by your home university, you will receive an e-mail with a link to the online application form.

    Your nominated courses will be assessed, and once approved you will receive an Offer Letter. You may be asked to provide additional courses during the assessment process if our admissions team are unable to approve you for your initially requested courses.

    You will use the online application system to accept your place at UniSA.

  • Apply for Study Abroad minus-thick plus-thick

    If you are an international student interested in studying for one or two semesters and you do not qualify for an Exchange place, then the Study Abroad program is for you. Unlike student exchange, it is not a requirement for you to be nominated by your home university (though it’s possible you may be). Study Abroad students can apply directly to UniSA, or via one of our registered agents. 

    Tuition fees for 2025 Study Abroad students are as follows:

    • Four courses (18 units): AUD $10,950
    • Three courses (13.5 units): AUD $8,212.50

    When ready, please submit the below questions and you will be directed to the relevant method of how to apply.

    Your nominated courses will be assessed, and once approved, you will receive an Offer Letter. You may be asked to provide additional courses during the assessment process if our admissions team are unable to approve you for your initially requested courses.

    You will use the online application system to accept your place at UniSA.

    Note that application deadlines (listed above in the key dates section) are more flexible for Study Abroad students. If you have any concerns please email student.exchange@unisa.edu.au, or discuss with your education agent (if you’re applying through an agent).