Our mission is to empower organisations to achieve excellence in organisational productivity and employee wellbeing.

We are leaders in workplace research, investigating real-world issues that impact workplaces across the world.

The Centre for Workplace Excellence (CWeX) at UniSA undertakes research designed to identify the organisational cultures, systems and practices that are the most valuable drivers of organisational effectiveness and employee wellbeing.

Managed well, these factors enable organisations to fully engage a diverse workforce and achieve high performance. In these workplaces, employees are motivated to acquire and apply new skills with 'just right' levels of challenge, ensuring they are resilient and adaptive. Managed poorly, these factors lead to disengaged workers, toxic cultures and organisational decline. Organisational pressures have adverse effects on employees and their wellbeing, who shoulder heavier workloads and are assigned unrealistic performance targets.

Our solutions-focused research identifies areas where workplaces can effect change that works for employees and organisations. Given the average person spends more than 90,000 hours in their lifetime at work, it’s essential we get these changes right.

CWeX mission

Our mission is to empower organisations to achieve excellence in productivity and employee wellbeing

We will do this through applying insights from best-practice research which focuses on:

  • Employee health, safety and wellbeing
  • Workforce diversity and inclusion
  • Bullying and harassment prevention
  • Leadership, culture and performance
  • Human resource management systems, practices and structures

The values of CWeX are implemented through workplace reviews, analytics and collaborative research to achieve results for organisations.

Best practice workplace reviews include:

  • Rigorous reviews of academic literature to address your key workplace issues;
  • Summaries of best practice interventions from international research and case studies; and
  • Evidence-based recommendations tailored to local contexts.

Workplace analytics can involve:

  • Risk assessments in areas including work, health and safety, gender wage parity, and workforce planning;
  • Policy, practice, outcome audits along with recommendations for improvement; and
  • Pulse and workforce engagement surveys.

Collaborative research can include:

  • Customised investigations to identify and address challenges;
  • Rigorous analysis and interpretation; and
  • Evidence-based action steps for immediate implementation.

What we do

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