Study with us

Interested in studying a research degree? The Future Industries Institute has various research projects available. From tackling plastic waste to working on the stability of food products, our research projects see you work with industry partners to solve real word problems.

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UCL Engineering’s MSc on Global Management of Natural Resources

This unique Master’s degree prepares future leaders in the management of the natural resources value chain across the globe.  Building on the teaching and research strengths developed by two internationally recognised universities, the multi-disciplinary programme, which has been running since 2017, hosts students in London (UK) from September to March and in Adelaide (Aust) from April to September.

Looking to apply?

For more information and how to apply, please visit the UCL website.

Our International Student Services page also provides you everything you need to know about preparing for your semester in Adelaide and important information for when you are here.


We invite you to contact us to explore an opportunity and develop an exciting,
mutually beneficial and multifaceted relationship with you and your company.
