CERM PI's Operational Management Indicators survey covers key aspects of operational management including finance, services, marketing, human resources, utilities, and facilities. This survey is completed by an individual(s) with access to the required data. Used as a management tool these indicators support managers by monitoring annual operational performance in key areas identified in consultation with the industry. CERM PI publishes annual operational management benchmarks for industry partners allowing them the opportunity to compare their own facility’s results with well-established industry relevant benchmarks. These benchmarks are reported within specific categories to enable comparison with similar facilities or organisations.

To encourage a robust and reliable benchmarking service, there is no cost to sport, leisure and aquatic centre management who participate in the operational management indicators survey and they are provided with their own facility’s results immediately. For a small fee, subscribers receive exclusive access to the CERM PI National Benchmarks consisting of results and information from the annual survey across all categories of centres.

How it works

Manager inputs operational management data

Managers of facilities are provided with a link to a data input form to enter data related to a number of specific operational management indicators. For some managers the answers to these questions may be readily available. For others it may require some background work to ensure the data provided is accurate, which of course allows us to present a true depiction of your facility’s operational management performance and ensures the reliability of our CERM PI National Benchmarks.

Custom results and comparison data provided

Following completion of the survey you will immediately receive your facility’s results. For best results we suggest combining the customer service quality and operational management indicators surveys which we can then combine into a single report allowing for a detailed analysis of both areas and their impact on overall organisational performance.

Compare with CERM PI National Benchmarks

If you are a CERM PI subscriber you will be able to compare your results with the CERM PI National Benchmarks when available and published, providing you with a true and accurate sense of how your facility is performing against the industry standard. CERM PI National Benchmarks are generated through responses to the operational management indicators survey and each year we publish a report which details industry benchmarks across facilities of varying size, categories, and scope.

CERM PI subscription

A yearly CERM PI subscription will entitle you to benefits including:

  • Annual editions of the CERM PI National Benchmarks publications, incorporating results from the recent annual Operational Management Indicators Survey for Sports, Leisure & Aquatic Centres
  • Updates on up-and-coming events, projects and publications
  • Information and support on the administration and use of CERM PI products and services

Facilities undertaking a Customer Service Quality survey receive a 12 month free subscription.


UniSA Confidentiality Statement

In accordance with University requirements, data will be managed in a confidential manner, stored according to UniSA's confidentiality and ethics protocols, accessible only to members of the research team for a minimum of 5 years. All data remains strictly confidential throughout the processes. No facility’s performance data is identified during the benchmarking process.