Our research publications demonstrate the cutting-edge scholarship driving forward the boundaries of knowledge in the field of Islamic thought and education.
Memon, N. Abdalla, M. (2021). Introduction: Why This Book, Why Now? in Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education: Critical Perspectives on Teaching Islam in Primary and Secondary Schools. Routledge: New York.
Chown, D. (2021). 'A Strength-based approach to religion and spirituality for Muslim learners in Health and Physical Education', Memon, N., Alhashmi, M., Abdalla, M: Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education, Routledge.
Abdalla, M. (2021). ‘Fiqh (Practical Living): Curriculum Realities and Ideals. Memon, N., Alhashmi, M., Abdalla, M: Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education, Routledge.
Memon, N. Price, D. Green, D. Chown, D. (2021). “Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in UAE Teacher Education.” In Bakali, N. and Memon, N. (Co-editors), Teacher Training and Education in in the GCC: Unpacking the Complexities and Challenges of Internationalizing Educational Contexts. Lexington Books: New York.
Leap, M. Abdalla, M. Taki, S. and Jebara, D. (2021). Approaching Music and Fine arts from faith-centred Muslim lenses. Memon, N., Alhashmi, M., Abdalla, M: Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education, Routledge
Ibrahim, N. (2020). Domestic and Family Violence Associated Correlates Among Muslims in Australia. In Bagasra, A & Mackinem, M. (Ed.), Working With Muslim Clients in the Helping Professions. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-0018-7
Chown, D. (2019). Culturally responsive pedagogy: respecting the diversity of learners studying Humanities and Social Science, EDS Price, D., Green, D. Making Humanities and Social Sciences Come Alive, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom.
Selim, Nadia., "Arabic Teaching at Australian Islamic Schools: A Call Framework." Chap. 14 In Islamic Schooling in the West: Pathways to Renewal, edited by Mohamad Abdalla, Dylan Chown and Muhammad Abdullah, 285-314: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Memon, N., “Islamic Pedagogy: Potential and Perspective” in Mohamad Abdalla (ed) Islamic Schooling in the West: Pathways to Renewal. Palgrave McMillan 2018.
Chown, D. (2016). You, me, we – valuing diversity and promoting inclusivity. In S. Dickens, M. Nemec, J. Butterworth, D. Chown, T. Priest & C. Hall. Health and Physical Education for the Australian Curriculum 7 & 8 (pp. 174 – 191). Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
Chown, D. (2016). Where do games come from? In S. Dickens, M. Nemec, J. Butterworth, D. Chown, T. Priest & C. Hall. Health and Physical Education for the Australian Curriculum 7 & 8 (pp. 284 – 304). Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
Chown, D. (2016). Let’s join in. In S. Dickens, M. Nemec, J. Butterworth, D. Chown, T. Priest & C. Hall. Health and Physical Education for the Australian Curriculum 7 & 8 (pp. 332 – 347). Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
Memon, N., McIntosh, K., and Wane, N., (2014) “Expressions of Indigenous Identities in Schools” an Inquiry Into Practice: Learning and Teaching Global Matters in Local Classrooms" edited by David Montemuroo, Mira Gambhir, Mark Evans, and Kathryn Broad, pp. 97-101, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto: Canada.
Memon, N., (2013) “Between Immigrating and Integrating: The Challenge of Defining an Islamic Pedagogy in Canadian Islamic Schools” in Graham McDonough, Nadeem Memon, and Avi Mintz (eds.) Discipline, Devotion, and Dissent: Jewish, Catholic, and Islamic Schooling in Canada. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Memon, N., (2012) “From Mosques to Madrassas: Muslim communities in Canada in search for preservation and renewal” in Jasmin Zine (ed.) Islam in the Hinterlands: A Canadian Muslim Studies Anthology. University of British Columbia Press.
Abdalla, M 2012, 'The way forward for Muslim women: reflections on Australia's social inclusion agenda', in T Lovat (ed.) (eds), Women in Islam: reflections on historical and contemporary research, Springer, Netherlands, pp. 135-147.
Abdalla, M & Rane, H 2011, 'Behind a veil: Islam's democratic history', in Isakhan, B & Stockwell, S (editors) (eds), The secret history of democracy part II, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, pp. 79-91.
Abdalla, M 2011, 'Do Australian Muslims need a mufti?: analysing the institution of ifta in the Australian context', in N Hosen & R Mohr (eds) (eds), Law and religion in public life: the contemporary debate, Taylor and Francis, UK, pp. 214-228.
Abdalla, M & Patel, IMA 2010, 'An Islamic perspective on ageing and spirituality', in Elizabeth MacKinlay (ed.) (eds), Ageing and spirituality across faiths and cultures, Jessica Kingsley, UK, pp. 112-123.
Abdalla, M 2010, 'Muslims in Australia: negative views and positive contributions', in Rane, H, Ewart, J & Abdalla, M (editors) (eds), Islam and the Australian news media, Melbourne University Press, Australia, pp. 26-49.
Rane, H & Abdalla, M 2009, 'Islam and the struggle for democracy', in Heazle, M, Griffiths, M & Conley, T (editors) (eds), Foreign policy challenges in the 21st century, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, UK, pp. 164-184.
Al-Siyabi, M., Sisson, J., Whitington, V., Memon, N., & Harris, P. (2025, 6 February) Educators Co-Construting Religiously Responsive Pedagogies With Muslim Children and Families. Taylor & Francis Online. Journal of Research in Childhood Education.
Selim, N. (2024, April 17). Reimagining Arabic in Islamic schools. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Last modified (blank). doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.1896
Memon, N. (Concluding Conference December 11-12, 2023) Roadmap to Renewal; Islamic Educational Theory into Practice. Whitepaper on the Cambridge Dialogues.
Alkouatli, C., Abdalla, M., Faris, N., & Hidayah, S. (2023) Architects of change: female Islamic school leaders in Australia & New Zealand, International Journal of Leadership in Education.
Memon, N., & Chown, D. (2023), Being responsive to Muslim learners: Australian educator perspectives, Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol 133, October 2023 104279.
Alkouatli, C., Memon, N., Chown, D. and Sai, Y. (2023), Something more beautiful educational and epistemic integrations beyond inequities in Muslim-minority contexts, Journal for Multicultural Education.
Alzaareer, A., & Abdalla, M. (2023). Exploring motivations and benefits of volunteering: the perspectives of high school students in selected Australian Islamic schools. Religions, 14(4), 1–21.
Memon, N., Schulz, S., Kelly, S., & Chown, D. (2023). Schools, religion, and affect: unpacking Australian educator discomfort. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 1-17.
Schulz, S., Rigney, L I., Zembylas, M., Hattam, R. and Memon, N. 2023. Affect and the force of counter stories: learning racial literacy through thinking and feeling Pedagogy, Culture & Society.
Selim, N. and Abdalla, M. 2022. Exploring Motivation and Engagement: Voices of Adolescent Non-Arab Muslim Learners of Arabic at Australian Islamic Schools Religions 13, no. 6: 560.
Memon, N. and Chanicka, J (2022). When religion intersects equity and inclusion: Muslim educator affective responses in Ontario public schools, Pedagogy, Culture & Society.
Abdalla, M, Chown, D & Memon, N 2022, Islamic Studies in Australian Islamic schools: educator voice, Journal of Religious Education, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 25–42.
Abdalla, M. Ally, M and Markwell, R. (2021). Dehumanisation of ‘Outgroups’ on Facebook and Twitter: Towards a framework for assessing online hate organisations and actors, SN Social Sciences.
Nathie, M. (2021). Are Australian Islamic schools elitist? Journal for Multicultural Education, published June 8, 2021., doi:10.1108/JME-07-2020-0069 .
Memon, N. ( 2021), Islamic Pedagogy for Islamic Schools, Oxford University Press:
Memon, N. A., Chown, D., & Alkouatli, C. (2021). Descriptions and enactments of Islamic pedagogy: reflections of alumni from an Islamic Teacher Education Programme. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 29(4), 631–649.
Abdalla, M. & Nathie, M. (2021), Senior maths and science are super popular with Islamic-school students, but that could limit their career options article published in The Conversation.
Nathie, M. & Abdalla, M. (2020). Courses preferences and occupational aspirations of students in Australian Islamic Schools. Religions 2020.
Abdalla, M., Alkouatli, C.: Guest Editors: Special Issue Women’s Contributions to Islamic Schools in Muslim Diasporic Communities, Religions 2020.
Hartley, J.; Faris, N. : Leadership legitimacy and a conundrum of justice between police and Muslim organizations in a climate of counter-terrorism within Australia, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, DOI: 10.1080/13602004.2020.1836597.
Price, D.; Green, D.; Memon, N.; Chown, D. Richness of Complexity within Diversity: Educational Engagement and Achievement of Diverse Learners through Culturally Responsive Pedagogies, The Social Educator Vol. 38 No. 1 September 2020.
Abdalla, M.; Chown, D.; Memon, N. Islamic Studies in Australian Islamic Schools: Learner Voice. Religions 2020, 11, 404.Abstract:
Ibrahim, N. (2020). Experiences of Abused Muslim Women with the Australian Criminal Justice System. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication.
Ibrahim, N. (2020). Domestic and Family Violence and Associated Correlates Among Muslims in Australia. In Working With Muslim Clients in the Helping Professions (pp. 155-185). IGI Global.
Selim, N. (2019). Will Arabic Survive in Australia? Participation and Challenges. Islam and Civilizational Renewal (ICR), 10(1), 85-105.
Patrick O’Leary, Mohamad Abdalla, Aisha Hutchinson, Jason Squire, Amy Young, Child Protection With Muslim Communities: Considerations For Non-Muslim-Based Orthodoxies/Paradigms in Child Welfare and Social Work, The British Journal of Social Work, bcz088.
Selim, N. (2019). Will Arabic Survive in Australia? Participation and Challenges. Islam and Civilisational Renewal (ICR),10(1), 85-105.
Selim, N. (2019). Arabic Should Not Be Cast As Heritage: Arabic Lives. Ulum Islamiyyah, 27(1), 18-25.
Memon, Nadeem A. (2018) Book Review: The condemnation of pride and self-admiration: book XXIX of the revival of the religious sciences (Ihya’ ulum al-din), British Journal of Religious Education.
Memon Nadeem. (2018) Islamic Education in the United States. In: Daun H., Arjmand R. (eds) Handbook of Islamic Education. International Handbooks of Religion and Education, vol 7. Springer.
Selim, N. (2018) Arabic, Grammar, and Teaching: An Islamic Historical Perspective, International Journal of Islamic Thought, Issue 13, June Volume, Pages 80-89.
Islam, J., Suzuki, M., Mazumder., N & Ibrahim, N (2018): Challenges of implementing restorative justice for intimate partner violence: An Islamic perspective, Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, DOI: 10.1080/15426432.2018.1440277.
Young, A., Norhazlin, PG., Muhammad, HJ., Bakar, O., O’Leary, P., Abdalla, M., (2017). Children in Brunei Darussalam: Their Educational, Legal and Social Protections. International Journal of Islamic Thought. Vol. 11: (June) 2017.
Selim, N. (2017). Ibn Sahnun’s Ninth Century Framework: A Guide For Arabic Language Curriculum Writing. Islam and Civilisational Renewal (ICR), 8(4), 488-506.
Faris, N. 2017. Leadership in an Australian Context: Highlighting a Qualitative Investigation with Construct Validity Support. The Qualitative Report, vol 22, no. 5, pp. 1420-1438.
Selim, N. 2017. Muslim societies’ ambivalence to Arabic: reasons, manifestations and consequences. International Journal of Islamic Thought, vol 11, no. 4, pp. 30-42.
Chown, D., & Alam, O. 2017, Towards authentic behaviour management models for Islamic schools - A Framework Synthesizing Research, Islam and civilisational renewal, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 188-202.
Abdullah, M. Abdalla, M. and Jorgensen, R. (2015). Towards the formulation of a pedagogical framework for Islamic schools in Australia. Islam and Civilsational Renewal. Vol 6, No 4, pp.509-532.
Bianchi, RJ , Drew, ME & Nathie, M 2015, Shariah compliant stock indexes: a long-term perspective, Canadian Journal of Islamic economics & finance, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-25.
Rane, H , Amath, N & Faris, N 2015, Multiculturalism and the integration of multigenerational muslim communities in Queensland, Australia, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 503-519.
Fitzpatrick, SJ , Jordens, CF , Kerridge, IH , Keown, D , Walter, JJ , Nelson, P , Abdalla, M , Lehmann, LS & Sarma, D 2014, Religious perspectives on the use of psychopharmaceuticals as an enhancement technology, Journal of Religion and Health, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1440-1455.
Doran, B , Drew, ME & Nathie, M 2013, Sequence of returns risk for Islamic investors, Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 27-52.
Rahimullah, RH , Larmar, S & Abdalla, M 2013, Radicalization and terrorism: research within the Australian context, International journal of criminology and sociology, vol. 2, pp. 180-185.
Rahimullah, RH , Larmar, S & Abdalla, M 2013, Understanding violent radicalization amongst muslims: a review of the literature, Journal of psychology and behavioural science, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 19-35.
Abdalla, M 2012, Sacred law in a secular land: to what extent should Shari'a law be followed in Australia?, Griffith Law Review, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 657-679.
Freudenberg, B & Nathie, M 2012, Chasing Islamic finance: a framework to assess the potential benefits of Australian tax reforms to facilitate Islamic finance, Review of business, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 58-70.
Niyozov, S., Memon, N., (2012) Evolution of Themes, Continuities, and New Directions in Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs., vol. 31, 2011, Issue 1, pp. 5-30
Nathie, M, Drew, JM & Drew, ME 2012, Ponzi operandi: affinity fraud risk for shariah compliant investment funds, ISRA International journal of Islamic finance, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 7-37.
Memon, N., (2011) What Islamic School Teachers Want: Toward an Islamic Teacher Education Program in British Journal of Religious Education. (Impact Factor in 2011 was 0.475).
Faris, N & Parry, K 2011, Islamic organizational leadership within a Western society: The problematic role of external context, Leadership Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 132-151. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol22/iss5/17/
Freudenberg, B & Nathie, M 2011, Islamic finance in Australia: methods for tax reform, Asia Pacific Journal of Taxation, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 69-87.
Rane, H , Nathie, M , Isakhan, B & Abdalla, M 2011, Towards understanding what Australia's Muslims really think, Journal of Sociology, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 123-143.
Ibrahim, N & Abdalla, M 2010, A critical examination of Qur’an 4:34 and its relevance to intimate partner violence in Muslim families, Journal of Muslim mental health, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 327-349.
Memon, N., (2010) Social Consciousness in Canadian Islamic Schools? in Journal of International Migration and Integration, 11, no.1 (Winter 2010): 110-117.
Nathie, M 2010, Islamic bank failure: a case study, ISRA International journal of Islamic finance, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 7-34.
Nathie, M & Freudenberg, B 2010, The constitution and Islam: are tax reforms possible to facilitate Islamic finance?, Revenue Law Journal, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 127-162.
Rane, H & Abdalla, M 2008, Mass media Islam: the impact of media imagery on public opinion, Australian journalism review, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 39-49.
Nathie, M. (2021). Financial Literacy Competencies of Australian Muslims: University of South Australia, Adelaide.
Bakali, N., Alhashmi, M., Memon, N. (2018). Islamic Education in the United Arab Emirates: An Assessment of Strengths, Gaps, and Opportunities. Abu Dhabi: Tabah Foundation
Taylor A., Ibrahim, N., Lovatt, H. & Wakefield, S., Cheyne, N., Finn, K. (2017). Domestic and family violence protection orders in Australia: an investigation of information-sharing and enforcement with a focus on interstate orders: Key findings and future directions. Australian National Research Organisation for Women's Safety Compass RP.14.17/2.
Taylor A., Ibrahim, N., Lovatt, H. & Wakefield, S., Cheyne, N., Finn, K. (2017). Domestic and family violence protection orders in Australia: an investigation of information-sharing and enforcement with a focus on interstate orders: Final report. Australian National Research Organisation for Women's Safety Horizon RP-14.17/3.
Taylor, A., Ibrahim, N., Wakefield, S., & Finn, K. (2015). Domestic and family violence protection orders in Australia: An investigation of information sharing and enforcement: State of knowledge report. Australian National Research Organisation for Women's Safety Landscapes RP-14.17/1.