Women Count Australia: A casebook for gender-responsive budgeting

Women Count Australia_book

Gender-responsive budgeting was pioneered by Australian governments in the mid-1980s. It has gained international momentum as an approach for ensuring that policies and budgets are aligned with gender equality commitments. Gender-responsive budgeting involves an analysis of the impact of the budget on gender equality and a process of changing budgetary decision-making and priorities.

This Australian casebook is inspired by the UK Women’s Budget Group resource, Women count: A casebook for gender-responsive budgeting groups, supported by the Open Society Foundations. The UK Women’s Budget Group gave their permission to use Women count to produce our Australian edition.

This casebook aims to:

  • promote the benefits of gender-responsive budgeting to governments, civil society and other policy-makers
  • illustrate the potential of gender analysis of economic policies to show impacts on gender gaps and inequalities
  • highlight examples of engaging with the budgetary processes in the pursuit of policy and funding changes
  • examine the unique role of Australian gender or women’s budget statements in gender-responsive budgeting
  • build the gender-responsive budgeting capacity of government, women’s organisations and other civil society groups.

The casebook is available as a whole for download.

Individual chapters are available for those with specific interests.