Gender-responsive budgeting Circles

A growing number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region have undertaken gender-responsive budgeting activities. Gender-responsive budgeting uses a variety of tools to 'follow the money' from government budgets to its impacts and outcomes for different groups of men and women, boys and girls. It also involves strategies for changing budgetary processes and policies so that expenditures and revenues reduce inequalities between men and women and gender diverse people.

This website presents two major projects documenting the experiences with gender-responsive budgeting of selected countries in the Asia Pacific region. These projects highlight the variety of tools and strategies adopted to address budget gender equity across the region, and the factors that enable and constrain the implementation of these initiatives.

Women Count Australia


Women Count Australia: A casebook for gender-responsive budgeting, examines Australia’s four-decade experience of gender-responsive budgeting and the recent re-introduction of women’s budget statements at the federal, state and territory levels of governments. Our casebook is modelled on the template of the UK Women’s Budget Group, Women Count: A casebook for gender-responsive budgeting groups, comprising examples of gender analysis and political engagement with budgetary decision-making processes through advocacy and the use of research.



Gender budgets logo

Country profiles: Gender- responsive budgeting in the Asia-Pacific region, documents the introduction of various forms of these initiatives in 26 countries of the region. These Country Profiles were subsequently updated in the UN Women project Gender-responsive budgeting in the Asia-Pacific region: A status report with summary of each profile included.

We hoped that furthering these understandings will inspire parliamentarians, government officials, researchers, civil society organisations and international agencies to implement gender equality commitments effectively.

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