Researchers within UniSA's Centre for Research in Educational and Social Inclusion (CRESI) publish a range of publications. These publications contribute to new knowledge about issues related to inclusion and exclusion in education.
Bastalich, W. Loeser, C. and McCulloch, A. (2025), Rethinking doctoral transition support and preparation for the research degree, in Hallett, F.. Debates in Doctoral Education: Challenges and Opportunities. Bloomsbury.
Hillman, V., Manolev, J., Johnston, S.-K., Kumar, P. C., Martin, F., Zeide, E., Vladova, G., & Lai, R. (2025). Children, Education, and Technologies: Current Debates, Key Concerns, and Future Directions Around Data Privacy, Surveillance, and Datafication. In D. A. Christakis & L. Hale (Eds.), Handbook of Children and Screens: Digital Media, Development, and Well-Being from Birth Through Adolescence (pp. 557-567). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Zipin, L, Brennan, M & Trevorrow, D (2021) 'Aggravating Students’ Structural Vulnerabilities: Cruel Miseries of Selection for ‘Success’ in Schools with Power-Marginalised Intake', Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 2021/09/28.
Abdalla, M, Chown, D & Memon, NA 2020, 'Islamic Studies in Australian Islamic schools: Learner voice', Religions, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 404/401-415.
Al Hamdany, H 2020, 'Scaffolding English and academic skills for Iraqi English as Additional Language (EAL) learners', The Journal of Asia TEFL, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1028-1038.
Alomyan, H, Alelaimat, A, Hamzeh, M & Green, D 2020, 'Developing number concepts in young children through educational games', Universal Journal of Educational Research, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 3323 - 3334.
Anlimachie, MA & Avoada, C 2020, 'Socio-economic impact of closing the rural-urban gap in pre-tertiary education in Ghana: context and strategies', International Journal of Educational Development, vol. 77, pp. 102236/102231-102212.
Baak, M, Miller, E, Sullivan, A & Heugh, K 2020a, 'Tensions between policy aspirations and enactment: assessment and inclusion for refugee background students', Journal of Education Policy, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 322–338.
Baak, M, Miller, E, Ziersch, A, Masocha, S & Ziaian, T 2020b, 'The role of schools in identifying and referring refugee background young people who are experiencing mental health issues', Journal of School Health, vol. 90, no. 3, pp. 172-181.
Baak, M., G. Stahl, S. Schulz and B. Adams (2020). "‘We have to be really careful’: policy intermediaries preventing violent extremism in an era of risk." Journal of Education Policy: pp. 1-21.
Brennan, M & Widdop Quinton, H 2020, 'An ethical re-framing of curriculum for sustainability education', Curriculum Perspectives, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 105-110.
Caldwell, D 2020, 'Sounds of the game: an interpersonal discourse analysis of ‘on field’ language in sports media', Discourse Context and Media, vol. 33, pp. 1-10.
Comber, B 2020, 'Signing up to be tested: The costs of participation in high stakes literacy standardised assessments', Linguistics and Education, pp. 1-4.
Crotty, R. (2020), ‘Revolutions and Paradigms: An Academic Career’, Interface Theology 6/2 pp. 81-94
Ey, L-A & Spears, B 2020, 'Engaging early childhood teachers in participatory co-design workshops to educate young children about bullying', Pastoral Care in Education, pp. 1-24.
Ey, L & Campbell, M 2020, 'Do Australian parents of young children understand what bullying means?', Children and Youth Services Review, vol. 116, pp. 1-7.
Fenwick, L 2020, 'Defining opportunities to engage with the discourses of Australia’s ‘education revolution’', Journal of Educational Administration and History, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 178-192.
French, M & Armitage, J 2020, 'Eroding the monolingual monolith', Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 91-114.
Guenther, J, Benveniste, T, Redman-MacLaren, M, Mander, D, McCalman, J, O'Bryan, M, Osborne, S & Stewart, R 2020, 'Thinking with theory as a policy evaluation tool: the case of boarding schools for remote First Nations students', Evaluation Journal of Australasia, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 34-52.
Guenther, J & Osborne, S 2020, 'Did DI do it? The impact of a programme designed to improve literacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in remote schools', The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education vol. online, pp. 1–8.
Harris, P 2020, 'What no “Rug Time” sharing means: revisioning children’s opportunity to learn and enact literate identities through the lens of positioning theory', Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada (Studies in Applied Linguistics), vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 10-41.
Harris, P, Brock, C, McInnes, E, Diamond, A, Neill, B, Carter, J & Giannakis, E 2020a, 'Co-constructing culturally sustaining practices for fostering young children’s literacy in Fiji', Journal of Research in Childhood Education, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 127-152.
Hattam, R 2020b, 'Untimely meditations for critical pedagogy', Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 79-92.
Johnson, B, Flentje, J & Bartholomaeus, C 2020, 'Co-researching and designing innovative learning approaches in sexuality and relationships education', Pastoral Care in Education, vol. online.
Johnson, B, Harrison, L & Ollis, D 2020, 'Resisting ethics over-regulation in research into sexuality and relationships education: insights from an Australian study', Australian Educational Researcher, vol. online.
Kervin, L. and B. Comber (2020). "Digital writing from the start to the end: Creating a book for a friend." Theory Into Practice: 1-11.
Lampert, J, Burnett, B, Comber, B, Ferguson, A & Barnes, N 2020, ''It's not about punitive': exploring how early-career teachers in high-poverty schools respond to critical incidents', Critical Studies in Education, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 149-165.
McDonald, S 2020, 'Constructing the 'literate boy': analysing masculinities on websites created in response to the boys' literacy 'crises'', English in Australia, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 32-42.
McInnes, E & Ey, L-A 2020, 'Responding to problematic sexual behaviours of primary school children: supporting care and education staff', Sex Education, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 75-89.
Memon, NA, Chown, D & Alkouatli, C 2020, 'Descriptions and enactments of Islamic pedagogy: reflections of alumni from an Islamic Teacher Education Programme', Pedagogy, Culture & Society, pp. 1-19.
Nursey-Bray, M, Palmer, R, Stuart, A, Arbon, V & Rigney, L-I 2020, 'Scale, colonisation and adapting to climate change: Insights from the Arabana people, South Australia', Geoforum, vol. 114, pp. 138-150.
O'Keeffe, L & Paige, K 2020, 'Reflections on journaling: an initiative to support pre-service Mathematics and Science teachers', Australian Journal of Teacher Education, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 76-95.
O’Keeffe, L., Roas, A., Vannini, I. & White, B. (2020) Promote Informal Formative Assessment practices in Higher Education: the potential of video analysis as a training tool. Journal per la formazione in rete. 20 (1), 43-61
O’Leary, P, Abdalla, M, Hutchinson, A, Squire, J & Young, A 2020, 'Child protection with Muslim communities: Considerations for non-Muslim-based orthodoxies/paradigms in child welfare and social work', The British Journal of Social Work, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 1201-1218.
Owen, S, Tekonnang, T, Toaba, T, Taoaba, T & Harding, T 2020a, 'School leadership capacity-building: Developing country case studies', International Journal of Educational Management, vol. ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print.
Owen, S, White, G, Palekahelu, DT, Sumakul, DT & Sediyono, E 2020b, 'Integrating online learning in schools: Issues and ways forward for developing countries', Journal of Information Technology Education Research, vol. 19, pp. 571-614.
Owen, S & Wong, D 2020a, 'Timor-Leste: reforming the education system through school leader capacity building and school-based teacher professional development', Asia Pacific Journal of Education, pp. 1-17.
Owen, S & Wong, D 2020b, 'Timor-Leste education: supporting sustainable system-wide school leader capacity-building through collaborative foreign aid', Journal of Educational Change, pp. 1-22.
Owen, SM 2020, 'Improving Kiribati educational outcomes: Capacity-building of school leaders and teachers using sustainable approaches and donor support', Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 221-241.
Peters, MA, Rizvi, F, McCulloch, G, Gibbs, P, Gorur, R, Hong, M, Hwang, Y, Zipin, L, Brennan, M, Robertson, S, Quay, J, Malbon, J, Taglietti, D, Barnett, R, Chengbing, W, McLaren, P, Apple, R, Papastephanou, M, Burbules, N, Jackson, L, Jalote, P, Kalantzis, M, Cope, B, Fataar, A, Conroy, J, Misiaszek, G, Biesta, G, Jandrić, P, Choo, SS, Apple, M, Stone, L, Tierney, R, Tesar, M, Besley, T & Misiaszek, L 2020, 'Reimagining the new pedagogical possibilities for universities post-Covid-19', Educational Philosophy and Theory, pp. 1-44.
Price, D, Green, D, Menon, N & Chown, D 2020, 'Richness of complexity within diversity: Educational engagement and achievement of diverse learners through culturally responsive pedagogies', The Social Educator, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 42-53.
Purdy, N & Spears, B 2020, 'Co-participatory approaches to research with children and young people', Pastoral Care in Education, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 187-190.
Rankin, J, Garrett, R & MacGill, B 2020, 'Critical encounters: enacting social justice through creative and body-based learning', The Australian Educational Researcher, vol. online.
Rigney, L-I, Garrett, R, Curry, M & MacGill, B 2020, 'Culturally responsive pedagogy and mathematics through creative and body-based learning: urban Aboriginal schooling', Education and Urban Society, vol. online.
Scholes, L, Spina, N & Comber, B 2020, 'Disrupting the 'boys don't read' discourse: primary school boys who love reading fiction', British Educational Research Journal, vol. unpublished, pp. 1–25.
Sisson, J, Whitington, V, Shin, A, Johnson, J & Comber, B 2020, 'Communing to re-imagine figured worlds', Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, pp. 1-16.
Sisson, J, Whitington, V & Shin, AM 2020, '‘Teaching culture through culture’: a case study of culturally responsive pedagogies in an Australian early childhood/primary context', Journal of Research in Childhood Education, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 108-126.
Soong, H 2020, 'Singapore international education hub and its dilemmas: the challenges and makings for cosmopolitan learning', Asia Pacific Journal of Education, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 112-125.
Soong, H, Kerkham, L, Reid-Nguyen, R, Lucas, B, Geer, R & Mills-Bayne, MM 2020, 'Reimagining transcultural identity: a case study of field experiences for international preservice teachers', Teaching Education, pp. 1-17.
Stahl, G, McDonald, S & Loeser, C 2020, 'Feminine subjectivities and aspirational learner identities: Asian–Australian young women navigating possible selves in the first year of university', Gender and Education, pp. 1-16.
Stahl, G, McDonald, S & Stokes, J 2020, '‘I see myself as undeveloped’: supporting Indigenous first-in-family males in the transition to higher education', Higher Education Research & Development, pp. 1-14.
Stahl, G, McDonald, S & Young, J 2020, 'Possible selves in a transforming economy: Upwardly mobile working-class masculinities, service work and negotiated aspirations in Australia', Work, Employment and Society, p. na.
Stehlik, T, Carter, J, Price, D & Comber, B 2020, 'Hanging out in the city of tomorrow: a participatory approach to researching the importance of music and the arts in the lifeworlds of young people', Pastoral Care in Education, pp. 1-17.
Ainscow, M, Slee, R & Best, M 2019, 'Editorial: the Salamanca Statement: 25 years on', International Journal of Inclusive Education, vol. 23, no. 7-8, pp. 671-676.
Baak, M 2019, 'Racism and Othering for South Sudanese heritage students in Australian schools: is inclusion possible?', International Journal of Inclusive Education, vol. 23, no. 2, 2019/02/01, pp. 125-141.
Baroutsis, A, Kervin, L, Woods, A & Comber, B 2019, 'Understanding children’s perspectives of classroom writing practices through drawings', Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 177-193.
Bills, A, Armstrong, D & Howard, N 2019, 'Scaled-up ‘safety-net’ schooling and the ‘wicked problem’ of educational exclusion in South Australia: problem or solution?', The Australian Educational Researcher, September 30.
Brennan, M 2019b, 'Changing teaching and teacher education in the ‘Anthropocene’', On Education. Journal for Research and Debate, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1-6.
Comber, B 2019, 'Educative encounters of a different kind: pedagogies of everyday life', Curriculum Inquiry, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 217-229.
Comber, B & Carter, J 2019, 'Earning or learning, or not: reconnecting young adults with learning through multiliteracies pedagogy', Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 333-336.
Disney, L, Barnes, A, Ey, L & Geng, G 2019, 'Digital play in young children’s numeracy learning', Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 166-181.
Due, C, de Heer, N, Baak, M & Hanson-Easey, S 2019, '“At night he cries from dreams”: Perceptions of children's psychological distress and wellbeing amongst parents with refugee or asylum seeker backgrounds in Australia', Australian Psychologist, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 438-449.
Ey, L-A, Walker, S & Spears, B 2019, 'Young children’s thinking about bullying: Personal, social-conventional and moral reasoning perspectives', Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 196-210.
Fowler, S, O'Keeffe, L, Cutting, C & Leonard, S 2019, 'The mathematics proficiencies: a doorway into spatial thinking', Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 36-40.
Garrett, R & MacGill, B 2019, 'Fostering inclusion in school through creative and body-based learning', International Journal of Inclusive Education, pp. 1-15.
Garrett, R, Wrench, A, Dawson, K & Meiners, J 2019, 'Creative and Body-based Learning: Redesigning Pedagogies in Mathematics', Journal for Learning through the Arts, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1-19.
Hattam, R 2019, 'Untimely meditations for critical pedagogy', Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, pp. 1-14.
Lee, R, Looi, KH, Khan, H, Soong, H & Neale, L 2019, 'Measuring students' justificatory reasoning approaches', Issues in Educational Research, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 807-822.
MacGill, B 2019, 'Craft, Relational Aesthetics and Ethics of Care', Art Research International, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 406-419.
Manolev, J, Sullivan, A & Slee, R 2019a, 'The datafication of discipline: ClassDojo, surveillance and a performative classroom culture', Learning, Media and Technology, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 36-51.
McLoughlin, LT, Spears, BA, Taddeo, CM & Hermens, DF 2019, 'Remaining connected in the face of cyberbullying: Why social connectedness is important for mental health', Psychology in the Schools, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 945-958.
Nichols, S & Loh, CE 2019, 'Challenging the Visual Discourse of Reading: or, Do Teen Readers Look Like Google Images?', Changing English, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 150-162.
Nichols, S & Stahl, G 2019, 'Intersectionality in higher education research: a systematic literature review', Higher Education Research & Development, pp. 1-14.
Nteropoulou-Nterou, E & Slee, R 2019, 'A critical consideration of the changing conditions of schooling for students with disabilities in Greece and the fragility of international in local contexts', International Journal of Inclusive Education, vol. 23, no. 7-8, pp. 891-907.
O'Keeffe, L & Paige, K 2019, 'Re-highlighting the potential of critical numeracy', Mathematics Education Research Journal, vol. forthcoming, pp. 1-15.
Osborne, S, Paige, K, Hattam, R, Rigney, L-I & Morrison, A 2019, 'Strengthening Australian Aboriginal participation in university STEM programs: a Northern Territory perspective', Journal of Intercultural Studies, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 49-67.
Owen, SM 2019, 'Improving Kiribati educational outcomes: Capacity-building of school leaders and teachers using sustainable approaches and donor support', Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, pp. 1-21.
Paige, K, O'Keeffe, L, Geer, R, MacGregor, D & Panizzon, D 2019, 'Using artefacts to articulate teachers' perceptions of STEM', Teaching Science, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 48-54.
Reid, A 2019a, 'National curriculum: an Australian perspective', Curriculum Perspectives, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 199-203.
Roberts, AL, Mollenmans, A, Rigney, L-I & Bailey, G 2019, 'Marine Transgression, Aboriginal Narratives and the Creation of Yorke Peninsula/Guuranda, South Australia', The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, no. Mar 2019, pp. 1-28.
Ross, AS & Caldwell, D 2019, '‘Going negative’: An APPRAISAL analysis of the rhetoric of Donald Trump on Twitter', Language & Communication, vol. forthcoming.
Sellar, S & Zipin, L 2019, 'Conjuring optimism in dark times: Education, affect and human capital', Educational Philosophy and Theory, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 572-586.
Slee, R 2019, 'Belonging in an age of exclusion', International Journal of Inclusive Education, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 909-922.
Slee, R, Corcoran, T & Best, M 2019, 'Disability Studies in Education – Building Platforms to Reclaim Disability and Recognise Disablement', Journal of Disability Studies in Education, pp. 1-11.
Stahl, G 2019, 'Critiquing the corporeal curriculum: body pedagogies in ‘no excuses’ charter schools', Journal of Youth Studies, pp. 1-17.
Stahl, G, Brock, C, Young, J, Caldwell, D, Sharplin, E & Boyd, F 2019a, 'Dispositions towards diversity: two pre-service teachers’ experiences of living and teaching in a remote indigenous community', Pedagogy, culture and society, vol. 27.
Stahl, G & McDonald, S 2019, 'Social capital and self-crafting: comparing two case studies of first-in-family males navigating elite Australian universities', International Journal of Inclusive Education, pp. 1-16.
Stahl, G, Scholes, L, McDonald, S & Lunn, J 2019b, 'Middle years students’ engagement with science in rural and urban communities in Australia: exploring science capital, place-based knowledges and familial relationships', Pedagogy, Culture & Society, pp. 1-18.
Stahl, GD 2019, '“We Make Our Own Rules Here”: Democratic Communities, Corporate Logics, and “No Excuses” Practices in a Charter School Management Organization', Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, pp. 1-25.
Walsh, K, Howard, S, Hand, K, Ey, L-A, Fenton, A & Whiteford, C 2019 'What is known about initial teacher education for child protection? A protocol for a systematic scoping review', International Journal of Educational Methodology, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 19-34.
Wrench, A 2019, 'Framing citizenship: from assumptions to possibilities in health and physical education', Sport, Education and Society, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 455-467.
Wrench, A & Paige, K 2019, 'Educating pre-service teachers: towards a critical inquiry workforce', Educational Action Research, pp. 1-18.
O’Keeffe, L. (2019). An Analysis of Teacher Language in Primary Mathematics: a comparison of two differing approaches. In G. Hine, S. Blackley, & A. Cooke (Eds.). Mathematics Education Research: Impacting Practice (Proceedings of the 42nd annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia). Perth: MERGA.