Exchange in 2026

Exchange in 2026 and beyond will fall under Adelaide University. If you are interested in going on exchange in 2026, please go to the Adelaide University Global Learning website. More information will be added to the Adelaide University website as it becomes available.

If you have any questions, please still direct these to UniSA Global Opportunities - see Contact Us page.

Find out more

Below are the eligibility requirements for full semester exchange. Read this through carefully and make sure you meet the criteria before lodging an application. If you wish to discuss your eligibility, please contact

Full semester exchange

  • You must be at least 18 years old by the point of participation
  • You must have a UniSA Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0 or above
  • You should have no more than 9 failed units in the program in which you are currently enrolled
  • You must undertake your exchange outside of Australia and outside of your country of citizenship (exceptions for dual-citizens may apply)
  • You must have no more than a 12-month absence from the University prior to commencing the mobility program
  • You should ensure that, if accepted, credits gained on exchange will not exceed the maximum allowed towards your program


At point of application, you must have completed and passed at least 36 units of your current program (the 36 units can be made up of 18 units in your current program and 18 units credit transfer).

Postgraduate (Coursework)

At point of application, you must have completed at least 18 units of the program in which you are currently enrolled or alternatively have recently completed your undergraduate program at the University of South Australia.

International students

If you are an international student looking to study overseas through the University of South Australia, we recommend that you arrange a meeting with the Study Overseas team to discuss your options, as there may be additional considerations for you.

As an international student studying a University of South Australia program:

  • You can apply to go on exchange and receive a UniSA travel grant
  • Standard selection criteria will apply to you
  • You may be required to take a TOEFL/IELTS test at your own expense to apply to some partner universities
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that taking overseas studies will not adversely affect your visa/future work and study prospects

Other considerations

Discussion with Academic Advisor/Program Director

Before you apply for the exchange program it is recommended you discuss your decision with a relevant academic staff member. You must research your options prior to meeting the staff member and take relevant documentation with you. Ultimately your Program Director needs to approve your course selection.

International Students

The Study Overseas office can provide a letter confirming details of your exchange for you to present to the Department of Home Affairs if required.

Student undertaking placement

Students undertaking University approved Placement/Work Experience/Field Trips/Site Visits are provided with relevant insurance by the University. See here for details and conditions for cover or contact the Insurance Office.

Student mobility policy

Student Mobility Policy: A - 36 Student mobility.

Research Students

There may be opportunities for you to have an international experience as part of your research degree, however this is not facilitated through the Study Overseas team. Please discuss opportunities with your supervisor in the first instance.