Exchange in 2026 and beyond will fall under Adelaide University. If you are interested in going on exchange in 2026, please go to the Adelaide University Global Learning website. More information will be added to the Adelaide University website as it becomes available.
If you have any questions, please still direct these to UniSA Global Opportunities - see Contact Us page.
Find out moreAll students on exchange must gain credit for the equivalent of a full time load while on exchange. This equates to either:
Each host university calculates course loads and credit differently, so you will need to negotiate with your Program Director to determine how many courses at the host university are equivalent to either 13.5 or 18 UniSA units. Some guidelines are listed below. However, the course equivalency will be at the discretion of the Program Director.
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Alberta University of the Arts |
An average course load is 15 credits per semester. Therefore we recommend that:
Brock University |
Students are expected to complete 5 courses (2.5 Brock credits/30 ECTS) each semester to be considered full time students. One course at Brock= 0.5 Brock credits/6 ECTS. |
Carleton University |
A semester long course is worth (.5) credits, a year long course is worth (1.0) credits. The recommended full-course load for Undergraduate (first year to fourth year) exchange students is (2.0) credits – maximum (2.5) credits – for a semester. For a full academic year the recommended load is (4.0) or a maximum of (5.0) credits. Carleton recommends 4 courses for exchange students per semester, with 5 courses being the full time course load for domestic students. Carleton further advised that the study of 3 courses a semester is also considered full-time. Therefore we recommend that:
Concordia University |
Most courses are valued at 3 credits each with the exception of intensive courses (usually language courses) that are valued at 6 credits. Courses are approximately 39- 40hours (excluding homework, presentations, projects, mid-term and final exams) over a 13-14 week period. To assist with calculating credit equivalency, an undergraduate degree is a total of 90 credits over a 3 year period (therefore, maximum full time is 15 credits per semester). Concordia recommend the minimum course load of 12 credits per semester. Therefore we recommend that:
HEC Montreal |
A semester consists of 15 weeks. A 3 credit course is 45 contact hours. For each credit, students need to contribute about 30 hours of additional personal work. To be considered a full time student a minimum of 12 credits is required. Therefore we recommend that:
Laval University |
Undergraduate students: 5 courses (15 credits) = 30 ECTS. Postgraduate Students: 4 courses (12 credits) maximum. Therefore we recommend that:
Contact hours per courses = 45 hours. |
Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) |
For a domestic student 4-6 courses is considered full course load on the basis that students pay the same tuition for 4, 5 or 6 courses per semester. Unless it is a full year course, each semester long course is of equivalent value (i.e. 1 credit). Ryerson recommends:
Therefore we recommend that:
University of Calgary |
Most courses are half credit courses, 3 credit hours. The means that students are in class 3 hours per week for a total of 13 weeks. Each half course usually has a total of 39 hours. Calgary recommend that exchange students take no more than four courses but to be considered full-time a student needs to take at least three courses per term. Therefore we recommend that:
University of Ottawa |
To be considered a full time student a minimum of 12 credits is required. Therefore we recommend that:
University of Manitoba |
University of Manitoba. To be considered a full time student a minimum of 12 credits is required. Therefore we recommend that:
University of Ottawa |
Telfer courses are worth 3.0 credits for BCom and 1.5 or 3.0 credits for MBA. To be considered a full time student (BCom) a minimum of 12 credits is required. Therefore we recommend that:
University of Victoria |
There are 2 terms per year, each runs for 13 weeks. Each course is worth 1.5 units. Domestic students normally complete five (1.5 unit) courses per term. Each 1.5 course requires 3 hours of study a week for one term. Laboratory, tutorial and other similar activities, if required, are in addition to the basic three hours a week. A smaller load of four courses is recommended by UVic for exchange students. Therefore we recommend that:
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Universidad del Rosario |
Credits are measured by UR's internal credit scheme and can be matched to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) where the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units, but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS Undergraduate:
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
IPADE Universidad Panamericana |
Must be approved by MBA Program Director |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Buffalo State College (SUNY) |
Courses at US partner universities are generally valued at 3 credits each. Students are required to undertake a minimum of 12 credits per semester, equal to 13.5 UniSA units. 15 credits are equivalent to 18 UniSA units. Therefore we recommend that:
*Courses at Stetson are generally valued at 4 credits each so 3 courses totalling 12 US credits will be equivalent to 13.5 UniSA units and 4 courses totalling 16 US credits will be equivalent to 18 UniSA units. |
Colorado State University |
George Mason University |
Minnesota State University, Mankato |
Northern Arizona University |
Oklahoma State University |
San Diego State University |
Stetson University* |
The University of North Dakota |
University of Texas at Dallas |
University of Wyoming |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Beijing Normal University |
Students must complete 9-10 BNU credits for 13.5 UniSA units or 13-14 BNU credits for 18 UniSA units |
Tianjin University |
Please refer to the host university website for details of credits and course loads. You will also need to discuss equivalencies with your Program Director |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
University of the South Pacific |
Each course at USP is 7.5 credits. Exchange students must take a minimum of 3 courses (22.5 credits) to maintain student visa requirements.
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalency |
City University of Hong Kong |
Students are classified as full time when registering for a minimum of 12 credits per semester (students must maintain 12 credits to satisfy the Hong Kong Immigration student visa requirements). Students must take 12 Hong Kong credits for 13.5 UniSA units or 15 Hong Kong credits for 18 UniSA units. |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalency |
Kwansei Gakuin University |
Students must register for 12 Kwansei Gakuin credits for 13.5 UniSA units and 14 Kwansei Gakuin credits for 18 UniSA units |
Nagoya University |
Students must take a minimum 15 Nagoya units per semester equivalent to 18 UniSA units Students cannot take fewer than 15 Nagoya units. |
Nagoya University of Foreign Studies |
Students must register for 14 NUFS credits for 13.5 UniSA units or 15/16 NUFS credits for 18 UniSA units |
Rikkyo University |
Students must register for 14 Rikkyo credits for 13.5 UniSA units or 16/18 Rikkyo credits for 18 UniSA units. |
Okayama University |
Students must take a minimum 15 Okayama credits per semester equivalent to 18 UniSA units Students cannot take fewer than 15 Okayama credits. |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Taylor's University |
Students must take 16 credits at Taylor’s for a UniSA semester credit of 13.5 units or 20 credits at Taylor’s for 18 UniSA units |
University of Malaya |
Students must take 9 credits at Uni Malaya for a UniSA semester credit of 13.5 units or 12 credits at Uni Malaya for 18 UniSA units |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
University of the Philippines Diliman |
Students must take 12 UPD credits per semester (minimum and maximum), which is equivalent to 18 UniSA units. Most modules at UPD are worth 3 credits |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Nanyang Technological University |
Students must take 9 AU credits for 13.5 UniSA units or 12 AU credits for 18 UniSA units |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Chung-Ang University |
Students must take 15 Chung Ang credits for 13.5 UniSA units or 19 Chung Ang credits for 18 UniSA units |
Hanyang University |
At Hanyang University 1 credit equals 15-16 contact hours. In most cases, 1 Hanyang credit equals 2 ECTS. Students must take 12 Hanyang credits for 13.5 UniSA units, or 15 Hanyang credits for 18 UniSA units. |
Students must take a minimum of 12 KAIST credits for 18 UniSA units. The 13.5 UniSA unit-load option is not available at KAIST. |
Sogang University |
We recommend that undergraduate students complete 4 courses for 13.5 UniSA units and 5 courses for 18 UniSA units at Sogang University, as each course is valued at 3 credits / 6 ECTS. Postgraduate students should enrol in 3 courses for 13.5 UniSA units and 4 courses for 18 UniSA units, as postgraduate courses are valued at 3 credits each / 8 ECTS, with a higher workload than UG courses. |
Sookmyung Women's University |
Students must take 15 Sookmyung credits for 13.5 UniSA units or 19 Sookmyung credits for 18 UniSA units |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Thammasat University |
Average course load per semester is 3-5 courses (3 units per course). Therefore we recommend that:
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
RMIT University |
4.5 UniSA units = 12 RMIT credits. Students must take 36 RMIT University credits for 13.5 UniSA units or 48 RMIT University credits for 18 UniSA units |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
University of Salzburg |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
Vienna University of Economics and Business UniSA Business students only |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
KU Leuven |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
Ghent University Open to students following courses belonging to the following faculties at Ghent:
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Aarhus University Business and Social Sciences |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
Roskilde University |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
ESCE Paris - Ecole Superieur du Commerce Exterieur |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
IMT Atlantique |
KEDGE Business School (Bordeaux/Marseille) |
Rennes School of Business |
Toulouse Business School |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalency |
EBS University of Business and Law |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Due to the high workload required at this partner, we recommend that 24 ECTS – 30 ECTS equal 18 UniSA units, and 20 – 22.5 ECTS equal 13.5 UniSA units. Credit equivalencies can be decided on a case to case basis in conjunction with the Program Director and Regional Officer. |
FH Munster University of Applied Sciences (MUAS) |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Due to the workload at this partner, we recommend that 24 ECTS – 30 ECTS equal 18 UniSA units, and 20 – 22.5 ECTS equal 13.5 UniSA units. Credit equivalencies can be decided on a case to case basis in conjunction with the Program Director and Regional Officer. |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalency |
University of Bologna |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
L’Universita degli Studi di Milano |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
University of Liechtenstein |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
University of Agder |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics - Universidade Catolica Portuguesa |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
University of Ljubljana |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS The following applies to Spanish language course credit: 1 Spanish credit = 0.8 ECTS (therefore 10 Spanish credits = 8 ECTS) All exchange students must complete a 2 week intensive Spanish course at the beginning of their exchange. The intensive course is located at the Gandia campus; however it is not recommended that students select other courses at the Gandia or Alcoy campuses as they are located too far out of the city. ‘AB’ indicates a full year course. |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Linköping University |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Stockholm University, Stockholm Business School |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Thammasat University |
Average course load per semester is 3-5 courses (3 units per course). Therefore we recommend that:
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
HAN International School of Business |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
University of Twente |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS. The UT also offer ‘modules’ which consist of two or three individual courses, taken as a whole, and equivalent to 15ECTS (9units) |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Bogazici University |
Please refer to the host university website for details of course credit values. Bogazici courses are weighted in both Turkish credits as well as ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). The following ECTS rules apply:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
Exchange Partner |
Course Load / Equivalencies |
Aston University |
Aston requires exchange students to be enrolled full time (30 ECTS/18 UniSA units) however it may be possible to study a lighter load (22.5 ECTS/13.5 UniSA units) upon negotiation with Aston Business School. Postgraduate students may only complete 9 units whilst on exchange at Aston. Please contact the Study Overseas team at UniSA if you are considering exchange at postgraduate level. |
Cardiff University |
Students must take 60 credits per semester (minimum and maximum), which is equivalent to 18 UniSA units. Most modules at Cardiff are worth 10 or 20 credits. |
Kingston Business School |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS |
Lancaster University |
Credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the following applies:
It can sometimes be difficult to make up exactly 22.5 units (not all courses will be worth exactly 7.5 ECTS), but you should be able to get very close. Make sure you check with your PD if you don’t have exactly 22.5 ECTS Students must complete a full time load (30ECTX/18 units) in the Lancaster Lent and Summer semester (SP2) Students can only study 24 ECTS (13.5 units) in Lancaster’s shorter semester – Michaelmas (SP5) |
University of Essex |
Students must take 60 Essex credits per semester (minimum and maximum), which is equivalent to 18 UniSA units. |
University of Liverpool |
Students must take 60 credits per semester, which is equivalent to 18 UniSA units |
University of Portsmouth |
Students must take 60 University of Portsmouth credits per semester, which is equivalent to 18 UniSA units |
University of Strathclyde |
Two Strathclyde credits are equivalent to 1 ECTS credit. The number of credits for each class is given in Strathclyde credits and ECTS. Incoming exchange students should take 3 classes (20 credits each) per semester (60 credits = 30 ECTS = 18 units). Exchange students cannot undertake 4th year classes. |