Exchange in 2026

Exchange in 2026 and beyond will fall under Adelaide University. If you are interested in going on exchange in 2026, please go to the Adelaide University Global Learning website. More information will be added to the Adelaide University website as it becomes available.

If you have any questions, please still direct these to UniSA Global Opportunities - see Contact Us page.

Find out more

Application process

  1. Research your options. Check out the Get Started page as a starting point.

  2. Apply for your short term program via our Study Overseas application page.
    Important: If you are applying for a short term exchange program, please do not apply directly to the host university until you recieve further instructions from us. If you are applying for other types of programs like CIS Australia or Think Pacific, do not apply directly  to the chosen provider until we advise you to do so. 

  3. After your UniSA application is submitted, you will be assessed by the Study Overseas team. Post assessment, you will receive an email with the outcome of your application and any available funding. You will also receive an email with instructions on how to get official approval for credit. Once you have both UniSA acceptance and credit approval (if relevant), you’ll move on to the next step.

  4. At this stage, you’ll have some pre-departure tasks to complete. If you are applying for short term exchange, we will nominate you to the host university. If you are applying for a different type of short term program, you need to make sure you’ve lodged an application to the provider as well as to UniSA. We will communicate with you through the application process to help you with any questions you might have. Once all tasks are completed, you will be ready to go on your short term program!

  5. Upon your return to UniSA following the successful completion of your overseas experience you will need to complete a Returned Student Report about your experience. If you went on a short term exchange program, you’ll also need to send us a copy of your transcript from the host university.

  6. If you went on another type of short term program and are receiving credit via credit transfer, you will need to send evidence of your program for your credit to be processed. Alternatively, if you are enrolled in a UniSA course you will need to follow the course processes.

We’ll keep you updated throughout the application process, while you’re overseas, and once you return.

Depending upon what exactly you’re applying for, some steps may not be as relevant to you. We will inform you of your specific requirements and processes after you submit an application.

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Application form