Exchange in 2026 and beyond will fall under Adelaide University. If you are interested in going on exchange in 2026, please go to the Adelaide University Global Learning website. More information will be added to the Adelaide University website as it becomes available.
If you have any questions, please still direct these to UniSA Global Opportunities - see Contact Us page.
Find out moreA requirement of students that go out on exchange from the University of South Australia is that they must submit a Returned Student Report upon their arrival back in Australia. The reports detail the students' experiences whilst they were away including information about adjusting to cultural differences, meeting new people and making friends, differences in teaching and learning and other useful information that could help you decide on your future overseas study plans.
Browse through our collection of Returned Student Reports below. If you would like a report for a specific country or partner university that is not listed or if you would like to find out more about our global opportunities including the application process go here.
China Asia
This was a life changing experience that helped me grow academically, personally and prepared for my future career. I became more independent and develop leadership skills as I organised numerous event such as cultural exchange through cooking and festivals. I have become more multicultural and tolerant as I made good friends from all over Asia and America.
Oriane Lefort
China Asia
China itself provides a plethora of incredibly interesting lessons in urbanity to any student of Architecture, especially when considering approaches toward scale, history, technology, society and politics. From that perspective, it was a valuable exercise in Architectural thinking. Beyond that, there are a range of social particularities within contemporary Chinese culture that have provided me with a new perspective with regards to food, living, and public participation. I believe that there are many good things to be learnt from modern China.
Luke Cousins
China Asia
This program allowed me to experience China in a lens that I would otherwise not be able to be exposed to, before this tip I had heard so much information about China but actually going there and involving yourself in their way of life has defiantly left me with a very different positive perspective, there efficient but harmonious way of life very impressive.
Matthew Carcuro
India Asia
The people of India have truly humbled me. They live in what many would consider to be complete chaos, but still manage to be some of the most kind, loving, generous and intelligent people I have ever met. Everyday in India you see something you would never imagine you would ever see in your life. It’s like travelling to another universe. I feel as though I have acquired a lot more patience, appreciation for the people that love me and a greater appreciation for the opportunities I have here in Australia. It’s really hard to describe how India altered me. I knew that living in India for 4.5 months would change me, but it did in ways I did not expect.
Kiana Wilson
Japan Asia
Although my experience was a short one, I gained life-long friends and I am grateful to have made good friends. Through their friendship with me, I have learnt a lot about people in general. It has widened my perspective about people and their different personalities. I am now able to appreciate the different sorts of people in life. I also managed to pick up a lot about the Japanese society and through my everyday life there, I now understand why they do or don’t do and say or don’t say certain things.
Nadiah Abdul Nasir
Japan Asia
I gained some of the best friends I’ve ever had on this exchange and meeting people from all over the world has definitely altered my way of thinking about the world. I feel less narrow-minded and feel like I understand what drives people more. My confidence has also very much improved and I feel like all I want to do is go visit all the people I have met!
Josephine Wigan
Japan Asia
My exchange experience definitely altered my approach to life. Not only did I gain a much better understanding on Japan and the Japanese language, but I also learned a lot about the cultures and places of the other exchange students. I met people from countries I never even knew existed before. I now have a much more cultured and valued look on the world and have come to appreciate the many great things we have here in Australia too, through being able to teach the other exchange students and my professors about where I come from.
Amelia Dixon
Japan Asia
During my time in Japan, although this wasn’t my first time there, I think I changed a lot and definitely more than the first time I went on exchange. The way I think about things now is very different, particularly the way in which I communicate. Japanese is very subtle, and as such, learning to communicate in a way that was much more subtle was a very interesting experience. I also got to see a lot more of Japanese life, and meet a lot of people, I had a part time job (it’s important to have a work permit) which was a fantastic experience and I got to meet a lot of people from an expansive age range. After this experience it made me realise I want to live in Japan for a longer period of time, so now I am working towards that. I made friends from all over the world, so I think, as is usual you begin to understand that there is no one right way of doing things, or thinking about things or seeing the world. It was a very very beneficial experience.
Jessica Harper
Japan Asia
This exchange experience has given me the maturity and social poise to confront challenges outside a familiar support network and comfort zone. I gained an improvement to self-confidence, self-esteem, being able to develop independent opinions, the ability to make informed decisions and the strive to attain new goals. This experience has also given me the opportunity to make life-long friendships globally and a tremendous sense of accomplishment.
Tam Tran
Japan Asia
From my exchange experience, I learnt how to be a better problem solver, how to deal with complicated situations better and learnt how to be patient when things do not go the way I want to. It has also changed my perspective in how I view foreigners and student exchangers, in which I can see their perspectives on how difficult it was for them to come to a foreign country and not understand the language and communicate properly. Therefore, I want to become more helpful to others who are dealing with the same problems as I have personally experience this myself.
Nguyen Mai Tran
Japan Asia
This exchange experience has given me the maturity and social poise to confront challenges outside a familiar support network and comfort zone. I gained an improvement to self-confidence, self-esteem, being able to develop independent opinions, the ability to make informed decisions and the strive to attain new goals. This experience has also given me the opportunity to make life-long friendships globally and a tremendous sense of accomplishment.
Cheuk Him Jonathan Wong
Singapore Asia
What I have gained from my exchange is that students in Singapore are much more hard working compared to the students in Australia. Therefore, the standards in Singapore were much higher than Australia. There was an instance where a member of my group had done ¼ of an assignment after the first week when we were assigned the group. The task that was given to the group was to interview a person within the age group of 20-30, and yet the group member had interviewed and created a power point for the whole assignment which wasn’t due until 10 weeks later. After experiencing the amount of hard work, she had put into the assignment, this motivated me to help in whatever way I could with the presentation and other group projects while in Singapore.
Alison Khuu
South Korea Asia
I have become more independent from the exchange experience. Since I went on exchange by myself in a country where I can only speak a little of its language, I had to figure things out on my own. It took some time for me to get adjusted to it but after that, I found that the independence aspect made my whole experience more enjoyable because I was in control of all the activities I participated in.I am usually the quite one who is shy and does not approach strangers. However, I have become more of an extravert now. I personally think this is a great gain because I made more friends and I think once you are on exchange, this process will happen naturally, if you are willing to meet new people.
Michelle Vo
South Korea Asia
My time in South Korea has made me more culturally open and has broadened my perspective on the possibilities of securing future work, studies, or relationships in foreign countries. For example, I am hoping to pursue either a start to my career in Seoul or undertake some graduate studies in Seoul, and I think in the future if I can work in collaboration with South Korean companies and Australian companies I would very much like to do so. A measure of cross cultural exchange and cooperation is more important to me now.
David Charles Sidwell
Thailand Asia
I think the first aspect that it changed was the way I looked at Australian society and especially in relation to the road rules which I still fail to grasp in Thailand. Thai society seems to work so well but when you are there for the first time you will really feel like a foreigner. I think it also massively changed the way I looked at things that I once considered important and other things that I took for granted. An example of this is the way I looked at my studies in that in Thai society there is no HECS, if you do not have the money you do not go to university. Looking at it like this I have moved to view studies as much less of an entitlement and much more of privilege and an opportunity that so many other people do not have.
Scott Wotton
Thailand Asia
I think the first aspect that it changed was the way I looked at Australian society and especially in relation to the road rules which I still fail to grasp in Thailand. Thai society seems to work so well but when you are there for the first time you will really feel like a foreigner. I think it also massively changed the way I looked at things that I once considered important and other things that I took for granted. An example of this is the way I looked at my studies in that in Thai society there is no HECS, if you do not have the money you do not go to university. Looking at it like this I have moved to view studies as much less of an entitlement and much more of privilege and an opportunity that so many other people do not have.
Sonia MacDonald
Austria Europe
I personally feel that having done this exchange, I am able to broaden my perspective and how I view the world. In Europe, the borders between each country are so close to each other that there has to be a high level of tolerance amongst each other especially those within the Schengen region where the borders are open. I was able to witness the level of tolerance in Europe that they have for each other. Furthermore, having been able to mix with a lot of other exchange students from various nationalities allows me to learn about so many different cultures and their practices which was extremely fascinating.
Zac-Vin Chow
Austria Europe
I have lived overseas before so I wasn’t sure exactly what I would gain from this experience, I just saw it as an opportunity to really get to know a foreign city and have a good time. But I can’t put into words how much I feel this experience has helped me to grow. Although I had always felt self-sufficient, this experience has made that all the more evident – it has made me feel capable and confident to go into any new situation and be able to navigate my way through it. I have gained an international perspective on business and marketing in a way I don’t think would be possible without being in classrooms with such a diverse mix of students and teachers – I studied International marketing and cross cultural communications in classrooms where students spoke from individual experience about the customs in their home countries, and we were able to compare and contrast all cultural norms and taboos.
Ashleigh McManus
Austria Europe
I wanted to choose WU because of its new and high tech campus, as well as the fact that they offered a comprehensive list of supply chain management courses as well as a variety of unique courses. I also wanted to go to a non-English speaking country so Austria and Vienna specifically really fit my ideas. I have gained so much from this experience, I would say I am more confident and am more educated about different ways of life. As well as realising that there is so much more to life out there in the world.
Jackson Horrocks
Austria Europe
Before I left for exchange I heard many people tell me it would “change your life” and I underestimated how right they were. It is difficult to put into words how much exchange does change your perspective but the greatest example I can share is – before exchange I had a crippling fear of flying. Panic attacks and mental breakdowns were normal occurrences and it was rare I survived a flight over 1hr without crying.
Genevieve Pearce
Belgium Europe
In a sentence, going on exchange was the best experience of my life, and I highly doubt I will ever top it. I have always lived at home, so I was forced to develop some independence to support myself and managed daily affairs that I wasn’t required to beforehand.I feel it certainly has changed how I think about life. I have a deeper desire for adventure, for culture and for diversity that can only be experienced by living amongst a different nationality of people with different languages, lifestyles and traditions. I have found since I have returned I am more grateful for the luxuries of home, and also how good we have life here in Australia. I was often asked if I could live in Europe permanently, and each time my response was no, simply due to the fact of how spoilt we are in Australia. Prior to this I suppose I hadn’t been in a situation that made me consider the difference between home and abroad. I am a traveller, with great desire to see each corner of the globe, but there is really no place like home.
Jesse Fyfe
Belgium Europe
It taught me that you can really do whatever you put your mind to. Going across the globe to live and study in a different city where you know no one and have no safety net was unreal. It sounds cliché to say that you come back a different person but the experience in itself is so character building and you truly learn so much about yourself, your ambitions and your perspective on everything drastically changes. My experience has really changed the way I feel about stepping out of my comfort zone and immersing myself into new challenges. Like all travel, I really now have a greater desire to explore what is beyond the constraints of Adelaide and seek new opportunities wherever I can.
Maria Pappas
Denmark Europe
I had the most incredible experience on my exchange. I don’t think I’ve ever had such close friends than those I had there. I’ve met so many people from across Europe and the globe. It’s definitely changed me as a person, I know that sounds cheesy, but it’s true. In fact, it was so strange coming home when I’ve changed so much and I’ve done so much, yet nothing really changed back home, everything’s the same (almost). I’ve spoken to a few exchange students and they’ve all felt the same. It’s given me so much more confidence in a number of different aspects of my life and I’ve learnt so much about myself too. I’ve come out with a much more informed view of the world and myself.
Bridget Kerry
Denmark Europe
My exchange experience vastly altered my approach to life. I experienced for the first time life from a European outlook. In this way, I learnt that life to me is less about thinking prospectively and more about the here and the now. I found that I am caring less about material possessions and more about personal experiences.
Callum Davies
Denmark Europe
I faced a lot of difficulties before I came to Denmark since I had one core subject to complete. I was able to find a course in Aarhus that was similar in content to that subject but that course was cancelled one week before my flight. The courses I took were challenging as well which left me no time to travel and explore the country. Hence, the biggest lesson I have learned through my exchange experience is that you have to be determined and persistent to be able to achieve your goal.
Nguyen Hoang Anh Tran
Denmark Europe
The Student Exchange has made me appreciate Adelaide and Australia as a whole, we are spoilt for choice and we should be embracing some more European influences. I learnt to live by myself as well as sharing common areas with 13 other international students and I was also introduced to a variety of languages, and a variety of new skills. I did attend Roskilde with a few classmates but was majority of the time surrounded by new friends. I had the chance to embrace myself into other cultures and to discover what it's like to be free of judgement and just be myself, if I wasn't myself I would have not enjoyed this experience.
Benjamin Tuckwell
Denmark Europe
Spending 7 months away from home, living independently was always going to be a challenge but it was a challenge that has great personal benefits. I have also gained a much broader knowledge of many countries, cultures and practices around Europe and an extended worldwide view. The other residents came from many European countries as this exchange (Erasmus) is a compulsory part of their degrees. I was the only Australian on campus as well as a University of South Australia Malayan student. As well this has created life long connections and networks from all over Europe.
Tom Whitney
Denmark Europe
Independence – you learn that you are solely responsible for your own life. Tolerance – of other people, cultures, language barriers, difficult or stressful situations. You learn to be more open-minded and accepting of new experiences and situations.
Hannah Stephens
Germany Europe
I definitely gained new knowledge about business, marketing, strategy, and entrepreneurship. I took German intensive course (which is offered for free!!) and I found the language very difficult but interesting to learn. As I probably would like to work on an international basis, I found it extremely useful for myself to learn the basics of the language, so now I can continue learning it.It was interesting to learn about culture, the way German people do and approach issues. I think there is something to learn from the culture itself, especially how organised and punctual Germans are.
Anna Sivkova
Germany Europe
I made lifelong international friends of whom I still keep in touch with consistently via various social media platforms. We are all planning a trip within the next year or so! I gained insight into how European students go about their days and develop professionally.
Harry Latimer
Germany Europe
I gained a vast amount of friends from all areas of the globe. The exchange program allowed for me to grow as a person as you have to be able to adapt to new surroundings and learn how to live in a foreign land. It has made me a much more sociable person as I have learnt that you have to go out of your way to learn new cultures and this is important as you will strive to learn new things in the future.
Ned Sadler
France Europe
Travelling overseas is one of the most exciting, humbling, challenging and valuable experiences you will ever undertake in your life. Travelling for the purpose of study allows you to meet like-minded people from around the world who are open to different experiences, knowledge, and to change. It was great to have some activities planned for you that you would never undertake if you were travelling solo.By undertaking an overseas exchange you will learn so much; probably just as much outside the classroom by living in a foreign country and being outside your comfort zone than you will inside the classroom.
Beth Shimmin
France Europe
The best thing I gained from being on exchange was – as cliché as it sounds – learning so much about myself I didn’t already know. I think living in a foreign, non English speaking country is amazing because it forces you out of your comfort zone and you can learn so much about yourself. I absolutely loved getting to know such a beautiful city, and getting to know some incredible French and international people who will be my friends for life. I have definitely grown up significantly since being away, and that has definitely shaped who I am as a person and the decisions I now make.
Celia Hardy
France Europe
I think that my exchange has definitely helped me to grow as an individual and I believe that I have more commitment and passion to follow my dreams and achieve all of my goals, I also have much more worldly understanding coming from the way in which I was constantly surrounded by such a diverse mix of cultures!
Ryan Whitaker
Italy Europe
The best part of exchange for me was meeting so many amazing people from all over the world. Most of these people I lived with in my university residence, and I was sharing this living space with around 30 people. It was a totally different experience to anything I would find in Australia, but I loved it. If I’ve learnt one thing during my time overseas, it’s that life is about people. Not money, not careers, not material possessions, not even the places you go to - but the people you share life with. The best aspect about travelling is the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life. Any opportunity to share a meal or a conversation with a new person from a different culture is a gift.
Annabel Bowles
Italy Europe
Bergamo is such a beautiful old city, filled with amazing food, art and history. It was easy to enjoy every minute of it, but it also gave me time to appreciate friends, family and home. I believe I've become more opened minded. I learnt to actively seek out and take new opportunities in front of me, unconsciously strengthening my character. I now want to travel more and gain more experience that will help me in life and my future career. I learnt a lot about meeting new people which will help my degree in Public Relations. I constantly had to put myself in new situations and push myself to feel comfortable in unknown circumstances. Although I've travelled to Europe in the past with my family, I found this time, being independent, I learnt a great deal more as I was forced to open up my mind to different people and cultures more than ever before. I feel that now I am able to deal with new or challenging situations with more confidence.
Kiah Jenkin
Liechtenstein Europe
While not fundamentally changing my approach to things. The cultures I was exposed to overseas will certainly give me new and exciting perspectives in my study and future career.
Conor Mannering
Liechtenstein Europe
Without a doubt independence would be a major gain you will receive from your exchange. No more can you rely on your mother to wash your clothes or make you a hot meal at the end of the day.You must cook your own meals, do your own laundry, get your own medicine when you’re sick, and do your own grocery shopping. But the best part about this is that you finally learn that you are capable of doing all of this on your own! This is an incredibly satisfying feeling.
Bryce Donato-Edwards
Liechtenstein Europe
I'd been lucky enough to travel a lot before the exchange, so I think what I've gained from the whole experience has been centred on my career in architecture, and the path I want to take in the future - rather than a simple overwhelming amazement that can come with travelling for the first time. Most importantly, I think this exchange has really shown just how many different options exist before me, and that I can take my future any direction I want to, as long as I'm willing to chase after it.
Alexander Kindlen
Norway Europe
I will never be the same because of this exchange. As predicted from an educational perspective, I will now be a much more proficient outdoor educator because of the skills I have now learnt on my trip. I gained a great level of independence that I thought would take much longer to acquire and develop. I gained a unique outlook to different cultures and a talent of speaking to people with appropriate tones, speeds and words to best communicate with those of different abilities, without appearing rude or condescending. I’ve developed my tolerance, patience, understanding and problem skills much more and I FEEL as if I will be able to respond appropriately to many of the conflicts and difficulties I may now face in the rest of my life.
Austin Tredrea
Scotland Europe
I certainly am more confident in who I am and am able to work individually very effectively. Due to the extreme number of international students (as European students are entitled to free education in Scotland), I became much better at understanding cultural differences, barriers and how to overcome this, as for many people, despite their English being perfect, it was their second language. I am certainly more willing to jump into things and say ‘yes’ to everything offered to me, as I found this is when I had the best experiences.
Tiffany Fowler
Scotland Europe
To summarise what I have gained from my exchange experience is almost impossible. I have gained so much both physically and intellectually. I have another place that I feel like is home, I have friends that I’m closer with than anyone else, I have motivation to do house chores (crazy right!?), I feel more independent, I am more organised and driven to do more with my life. I have networks across the globe, I have insights into different cultures, I have new ways to study and new-found skills when studying in groups and with team work. The list keeps going on and on. There are a few experiences that have altered my life and how I am approaching my future in more ways than others. These experiences I felt lucky to have gained and feel like I couldn’t have gotten them from travelling, they only came as a result of my exchange.
Catherine Hughes
Scotland Europe
It was definitely a valuable experience that enabled me to learn while encompassing a different perspective. As I study Human Resources it was very interesting to take industrial relations classes and be able to identify the differences in the economy and labour market between both countries. I also met some very special people who I am sure will now be life long friends. The friendships that I have formed are something special that I am lucky enough to take away from this experience.
Tamika Binnie
Slovenia Europe
Exchange was the best experience of my life and has made me so much more open to different perspectives and learning, as there is always so much more to learn. I think overall it has broken down my personal stubborn barriers and just made me an overall more warm hearted and light hearted person as I have met the most amazing people.
Tess Bennett
Spain Europe
The overall exchange experience was unforgettable and amazing even though there were a few issues with the subjects. When I arrived in Spain I didn’t have accommodation sorted, as I couldn’t do it whilst I was in Australia, and I also didn’t have any friends. This worked out very well in the end and it can be a daunting situation for some in the beginning.The experience helped me to be more independent, confident and to always stay positive that everything isn’t going to be as bad as you thought. My social skills have improved immensely as I met and made friends with locals, local students and other exchange students from other parts of Europe. This also gives me confidence to face more challenges in the future knowing that I am capable of doing whatever challenge comes along.
Dexter Wallace
Sweden Europe
I will never be the same thanks to my exchange experience. I gained so much more confidence in myself and my abilities, a sense of independence, and developed my problem-solving skills. I also gained insight and knowledge about so many other European countries and cultures from all the other students and friends I was working with. I think now I am definitely more open minded and accepting because of my exchange trip. My three tutors were from Sweden, Japan, and Germany so even just to hear their stories about life and architecture as well as receive feedback from them on my work was so enriching. I will be forever grateful for the experience, and am already feeling home sick for Stockholm!
Jessika Mulraney
Sweden Europe
I think that I learned a lot from the university itself. Many of the topics we covered and themes we discussed seemed very progressive and engaging. We were dealing with issues such as climate change, globalization, immigration and feminism. It really opened my mind to the possibilities to push architecture away from the commercial world that we normally see and into an alternative approach which deals with global issues.In a more removed sense it changed me by making me more accepting of differences in people and cultures. Yet it also let me experience living and working in a community of like-minded people. It was really special to spend every day among people with a similar perspective.
Alice McColl
The Netherlands Europe
This was a life changing opportunity. It has definitely changed my approach to life and has given me a deeper appreciation of different cultures and has allowed me to see the beauty and benefits of associating with people from all over the world. As well as now being able to travel to many different countries around the world and having friends who live there.
Nicholas Kezimana
The Netherlands Europe
My approach to life or my way of thinking hasn’t changed this was a test more than anything to see if I could adapt to a new culture away from my old friends and family back home, and be able to make new friends. I feel I have been able to do that. I want to move to Europe after university.
David Harris
The Netherlands Europe
My time away made me come to terms with the fact that globalization is making the world shrink in terms of accessibility and constantly making it tougher on us to get to where we all want to be. It is a competitive world filed with incredibly friendly and beautiful people who are all striving for the same line of success in life. My time away has motivated me to want to learn new languages and to continue to push myself to get better in my field as there is many other hard-working students who want the same result.
Colin Creeper
United Kingdom Europe
A beer gut… Haha, just joking. I think my exchange added another layer of knowledge and understanding to my current views. I made many friends from different places and gained confidence within myself. It sounds kind of lame but I guess you do find yourself and figure out who you are as you’re thrown into a group of people who didn’t know you before. And whilst you could pretend to be somebody you’re not, I think you’ll find that you just find your groove and your true colours start to shine once you’re settled and comfortable.
Abigail Daly
United Kingdom Europe
Not only did I gain so many new friendships with people from all around the world and insight into life in another country, but also a much greater sense of independence and confidence for the future. I was open to new experiences the entire time and will be at home now too.
Amelia Long
United Kingdom Europe
I have gained a lot experience while being on exchange; it has changed my mindset a lot. It has taught me a lot and I have brought back everything I’ve learnt with me and hope that these experiences will help me through life.
Cameron Hemley
United Kingdom Europe
I have become a lot more confident in approaching people and new experiences since exchange and now if I am not constantly doing something I find I am bored. I have also begun to care less what people think of me and how I act/look and focused on doing what I enjoy.
Amelia Hutchinson
United Kingdom Europe
The experience was life changing. I was forced to live in a completely different environment than I am used to and learned a lot about living by myself and adapting in a new country. It altered my perception of people in Europe, the way of life in England, as well as my goals and aspirations in life.After seeing England and a few other European countries, I am more motivated than ever to continue travelling and see as much of the world as possible.
Alex Lazar
United Kingdom Europe
The only way to grow is to learn to be lonely, I arrived one month before orientation. I knew nobody at the first time and I got a lot trivial things to deal with. Such as setup bank account, select appropriate network server, figure out how to travel smart and money saved. From this, I knew how to complete the task independently, arrange daily itinerary, reasonable arrangements for their own time.
Weijia Yan
United Kingdom Europe
The exchange program changed my views on life, the way I think and altered the way I do things now. I became more independent, flexible to new things and better at handling pressure and stress. This opportunity allowed me to experience a life different to the one I have led so far. I was able to develop my understanding of different cultures and politics. This experience threw me out of my comfort zone which ended up being a benefit as it allowed me to network and develop new relationships with people from all around the world. It has helped me become more confident in myself which I struggled with in the past. Returning from exchange, I am more open to new opportunities and more willing to take on challenges. It has also taught me how to work through complex problems calmly and thoughtfully.
Sushmita Prasad
United Kingdom Europe
This exchange experience changed not only my views, understandings and values of life, but it has altered my approach to it and also has helped myself develop into a better person. Before I went on exchange I was unaware on numerous cultural, global and political issues. I did not understand the real value of friendship, money and dreams until I left Australia. I have not only found who I am/who I want to be, but this experience has built my confidence, ability to tackle challenges, work independently and has reduced a lot of fears I would have had in the past.
Quustyn Rose Lu
United Kingdom Europe
I gained a lot of self-confidence that I didn’t have before I left. It has made me a more determined and driven individual. It also ensured that I became better equipped with managing my time and budgeting skills.
Alexandria Jarell
United Kingdom Europe
My exchange experience added another layer of knowledge and understanding to my current views. I made many friends from different cultures and backgrounds (not just local students but other international) and gained confidence within myself and expressing my opinions around others. The exchange has opened up my mind to the differences of people around me which I believed has helped shape the person I am. Spending so long in a different country meant that I could adapt to the ways people think and build strong relationships that will last a lifetime.
Tyron Bettison
United Kingdom Europe
I have learned so much about myself while on exchange, which I would most likely not have discovered if I stayed home. I as was able to extended myself, and gain a different perspective on life and the world. This is what changes you as a person, for the better. As you are forced into situations that you would not normally face at home, your confidence increases, and you at the end of it all, you will be glad for all of the experiences thrown at you; the good, bad, and the ugly.As the university did not offer the degree I am studying, I had the opportunity to use my electives, and study courses I would not get to do back home. This allowed me to expand on my knowledge, without having the pressure to undertake another degree.By studying at a university outside of Australia, and experience living in another country, it has helped me realise that in the future, I do want to work overseas, as the opportunities are priceless, and you make memories to last a lifetime.
Lilly Premrl
United Kingdom Europe
My decision to go on exchange has to be one of the single most important and best decisions of my life. I not only had the time of my life, meeting lots of new friends, exploring much of Europe, and experiencing new cultures, but I believe I have gained a much greater sense of confidence, independence and general global awareness. The experience has really made the world a smaller place for me. I think this comes from making friends from all over the world and exploring much of the places in between. The distances apart simply shrink with insignificance.
Flynn Stewart
United Kingdom Europe
Making the decision to study abroad has to be the single best decision that I have made in my life. Even if its not in Scotland this is something that will be enjoyed no matter where you wish to go in the world. There is a sense of accomplishment of being able to participate in this once in a lifetime experience. Where I was able to make memories that will stay with me forever, through meeting loads of new friends from different cultures, or exploring the likes of Scotland, United Kingdom and further into the European Continent. Making it hard to say goodbye once your time is up and you must come home. Studying abroad has done wonders, it has given me new sense of confidence, a gain in independence and a more general global awareness.
Cameron Corlett
United Kingdom Europe
This experience has definitely shown me more of the world and made me consider future career options outside of Australia. The whole semester put me out of my comfort zone, therefore I learnt to adjust to new situations and open myself to new experiences.
Samantha Leahy
Canada Americas
I gained so much from my time on exchange. Not only did I get to experience something new and amazing, I also got to grow as a person. I found that my self-confidence, independence, responsibility, sense of adventure, as well as my realisation of the things that are really important to me strengthened greatly throughout my time on exchange. This experience changed a lot, particularly in the way I intend to go about my future career.
Caitlyn Aichin
Canada Americas
I have made mates from around the world that has given me an insight to how they live and their culture. Doing the exchange has made me more open to talk with people not just from home but from around the world because while on exchange you are forced out of your comfort zone which is the best part.
Harrison Harding
Canada Americas
I have made mates from around the world that has given me an insight to how they live and their culture. Personally, I gained so much knowledge, of not only myself but of other cultures and of the world. I also gained confidence in myself, knowing that I can face so many different challenges and not only overcome them, but grow from them. Leaving home to live overseas, leaving my family, friends and boyfriend was an experience that not only taught me so much about myself but affirmed so much… I didn’t find that I changed in a huge way, but felt that I felt more sure in myself as a person, which gave me a more confident approach to life.
Alexandra Rossi
Canada Americas
The exchange program allowed me to realise that there is life outside of Adelaide. A few months before leaving, and before I made the final decision to go on exchange, I was searching for jobs within Adelaide, just Adelaide. I was even too scared to search into ‘regional SA’. Now, upon returning, I am job searching all over not only Australia, but Ontario, Canada also. It helped me to realise that although lifestyles may be different in other countries, but there are both positives and negatives with living outside of your hometown. Although ‘home is where the heart is’, and that is Adelaide, I now see myself living and possibly moving back to Ontario, Canada. Ask me 6 months ago, and I would have called you crazy.
Belinda Rundell
Canada Americas
I gained new friends experiences, as well as having a better understanding of different cultures around the world, due to the large amount of European/Canadian/American friends I made. You end up just asking question, and learning about the way of life in countries that I have only seen in news reports. This changes not only your views on certain matters, but matures your way of thinking.
Ben Kendall
Canada Americas
My exchange experience left me with a greater sense of confidence and pride in my ability to get things done. Travelling across the world to study takes a lot of organisation before you leave, and the organisation is ongoing once you are overseas. Tasks such as navigating a new public transport system, enrolling in and finding classes on campus and arranging long-term accommodation were all challenges that I faced and overcame.I was also able to study environmental science in the North American context, no doubt giving me greater perspective about complex environmental issues that affect the entire planet.
Benjamin Stevens
Canada Americas
I don’t know where to begin here. The exchange experience is without a doubt the most incredible experience I have ever had in my life. I find it hard to gauge to what degree it has changed my way of thinking, mainly due to the fact I am still travelling in North America and have not, as yet had sufficient time to personally reflect on the overall experience. I do however feel that I have gained a far greater global understanding, having met so many people from so many different countries and walks of life. I feel as though it definitely helped me develop a heightened sense of empathy as well as allowed me to realise that the best experiences often lie outside ones comfort zone. I feel too this exchange has greatly altered my sense of priorities in life, as to what is really important and how much there is to see and do in the world, giving strength to my personal belief of the importance of travel and spending significant time abroad.
Myles Wallace
Canada Americas
I believe that this experience had allowed me to meet amazing people, think about where I want to be in the future and where I want my life to go. It also enabled me to get used to living away from a place where I have most of my connections so journalistically, it helped me get used to being in an environment where I do not know anyone and cannot rely on the people I know to supply me with contacts.
Shannon Kilgariff
Canada Americas
I realised how big this world really is and how many different people and indeed languages and cultures are out there. I made so many friends from different countries which put me out of my comfort zone of English speaking people. It opened me out to the reality that it is a wise choice to speak more than one language in our modern world. I think I will be more open to making friends with everyone I meet, and I think I have learned how to get out of my comfort zone a lot more.
Dominic Smith
Canada Americas
Before Montreal I could never have imagined the possibilities or opportunities out there – work, travel and socially. In some ways I feel completely changed in that I am more sure of myself, my interests, values and wants but in many other ways I am more confused than ever. Before exchange I had a clear plan of where I wanted to live, work and what I wanted to do but now I have seen the endless options available to me and I am not sure what to do first. I have also realised that I shouldn’t have a set plan but I should be more open to change. The world feels like a much bigger place with so many people to meet and things to do. Meeting so many different people with other views, opinions, experiences and interests has given me a broader outlook on things and a realisation that it is important to hear what people have to say even if it isn’t what you necessarily agree with. It opens your mind and cannot hurt to hear an alternative way of doing things.
Cordelia Woods
Canada Americas
I have definitely learnt to respect people that have difficulty with English as a language. As Quebec (the province Montreal is in) is primarily French I had a lot of adjusting to do. Communicating with people in everyday situations, such as a supermarket, was no longer so simple because I don’t speak French. I gained a lot of respect for anyone learning a new language. Studying overseas also provided an aspect of global experience in my field. Just being able to see how the health system works overseas will be a huge influence on my understanding of health, potential workplaces and my future career in the Australian Health Care System.I have become a much more confident person due to studying overseas, there were a lot of times I didn’t have a choice in getting out of my comfort zone, but in the end every experience I had was great and I wouldn’t have had half of them if I let over-thinking get in the way. If a great opportunity comes my way in the future, I know I will jump at it rather than think about it too much and let the boundaries of a comfort zone restrict me from doing what I love.
Marnie Picken
Canada Americas
It has certainly changed the way I think and approach life! Going on exchange has made me far more open minded. I don’t really think you can go on an exchange and not change how you think! I was exposed to so many different cultures, and I wouldn’t trade that experience for the world!
Amy Sutherland
Canada Americas
I learnt so much about the world, others and myself during my time away. You come home with a whole new perspective on the world and an understanding of just how much is on offer. Your independence and ability to interact with others grows massively having to take on many new experiences and needing to get yourself involved in any situation that approaches you. My desire to travel and explore the world is stronger now than ever before and I can’t wait until I can go and visit the many friends I made in all different countries.
Abbie Martin
Canada Americas
I genuinely believe that travel broadens the mind, and my time across Canada and the US over the last 6 months have certainly done that for me. Working with other like minded people on the other side of the globe was a great experience and solidified my aspirations within the film and photography field. Being able to speak with and watch professionals working in the field (even just walking down many streets in Toronto there is often something being filmed there) is a fulfilling experience. While in Toronto we were fortunate enough to attend TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival), and seeing all the great films and actors and directors behind them was an exhilarating and inspirational experience.
James Roper
Canada Americas
I feel like I definitely got an extra edge on my classmates by going to Canada, in terms of what was included in the course material, my general perspectives have been broadened by what I learned studying at Ryerson. It also made me appreciate not just living in Adelaide but living in Australia in general. I have now experienced what it is like to live in another country and I was able to do this without having to sacrifice my studies.
Hannah Hassam
Canada Americas
First and forth most I met some amazing people from all around the world that are now friends for life, along with the experience of living in a different country and learning the culture and way of life of a new place.
Elliot Monfries
Canada Americas
Like most uni students my age, I still live at home with my parents and have never really properly left home for more then a week or two for local holidays. I had previously also never been overseas. This experience has taught me a lot about both myself and about the world around me.Doing exchange has definitely made me feel more confident within myself due to the fact that I now know I can make a huge life change and adapt to it and enjoy myself while I’m doing it. I can live away from home and be independent and self-sufficient. I am also just so generally proud of myself for making that huge decision to leave home and navigate the huge cities and countries that I found myself in.This whole experience has made me want to continue exploring what the world has to offer, I have only been home two weeks and I am already planning where I want to go next and what I would do an see. I don’t think you could experience anything like this without wanting to do or see more once it is over.
Emma Macleod
Canada Americas
As cliché as it sounds, I have more confidence in myself after exchange. Prior to leaving I became quite nervous and really doubted whether I’d be capable of going through with it, but I took it one day at a time and before I knew it I was all settled in. From this, I’m more confident in accepting new opportunities. The world is now my oyster.
Kayla Gaskin
Canada Americas
Going on exchange was one of the best things I have ever done. I only have positive things to say about it. It is a huge step out of your comfort zone! Going over the other-side of the world, where you don’t know anyone sounds quite daunting, but it opens you up to so many opportunities to see the world and make friends from all parts of the world. If your worried about being on your own without the comfort of your friends and family, not to worry. Everyone is in the same position as you making it so easy to get along and meet others.
Kate Easther
Canada Americas
It really is hard to pinpoint one specific change that has altered my thought process or approach to life. The accumulation of a range of factors including being in another country, being exposed to different living and educational environments as well as immersing yourself in a new culture really made me appreciate differences in culture as well as value even more what is unique to South Australia. A well rounded educational experience is an understatement.
Henry Jones
Canada Americas
I have increased confidence that I will be able to successfully navigate life after university. The opportunity to live abroad for six months has also instilled confidence that I am well prepared to move interstate or overseas in the future.
Sarah Edney
Canada Americas
I had never lived or travelled by myself before so have definitely gained a lot of independence from going on exchange. There were also no expectations of you so you could do whatever you wanted or go anywhere whenever you wanted. I have learnt how much food I need to buy to get me through a couple of weeks and how to make a meal out whatever is left in the cupboard. I try and make the most of my spare time since being back and catch up with friends as often as I can because exchange has made me realise how much I truly value them.
Cathy Rowe
USA Americas
From this exchange experience I gained a lot of confidence and became very independent. I have also gained a great group of friends living all around the world who I frequently contact and know I will see again. After this experience I am more prepared for finishing my degree, moving out and into the real world. It has broaden possibilities for future employment globally.
Nicolette Roberts
USA Americas
I have learnt so much from this experience and will always be grateful for getting the chance to do exchange. I have learnt to try to take every opportunity and be open to positive change in your life. I also felt that this experience has allowed me to grow a lot as a person and be more independent, as well as confident in myself and the choices I make.I feel like I have also added to my film and television production knowledge significantly, particularly getting a different country’s perspective on things, which, along with my time at UniSA, has helped me think about what steps I would like to make when I graduate. I have gained lifelong friends that I know will always be there for me, despite living in a different country and I have gained incredible memories that I will never forget. I know when I look back on this experience I will remember it being one of the best things I ever did.
Yolanda Rogers
USA Americas
I think going on an exchange helps you not stress about small things in day to day life as you know everything will sort itself out. It also helps you step outside your comfort zone, develop your social skills by being able to form friendships with people from all different backgrounds and enhances your personal development by helping you really understand yourself and how you react to different situations.
Brooke Klement
USA Americas
I’d been fortunate to travel a lot overseas before but living overseas was something different. Between all the amazing experiences I had on and off campus, I came back with a new confidence, personally and professionally (which is saying something, I already had quite a bit). The media opportunities I had there (America is full of them) equipped me with some great working material to show employers. It gave me the confidence to seek out ABC personally for a reporting job when I got home (which they gave me).
Bec Wetham
Canada USA
I’d already been living out of home, so I didn’t have that big change aspect. But it is definitely a life changing experience, my outlook on life and what I want from life changed. I feel like nothing is really out of reach. I made friends from all over the world which is the best!
Ellie Cooper
USA Americas
Has it altered my approach to life? Hmm perhaps, I just believe you should make the most of life, and if travelling is something your into, then nothing beats living in another country! It allows you to truly understand the culture, to meet the people and to integrate yourself into American life. If you’re a traveller then America is also a great location, you have Canada and Alaska to the north or there is Central America to the south.I gained a lot from this experience, I got to do a lot of travel, I made a bunch of friends both fellow exchangers and Americans, I gained a better understanding of American life AND I gained about 8kg!
Melanie Walker
USA Americas
My exchange experience was without a doubt one of the best experiences of my life thus far. From a personal development perspective, I believe I have grown and matured dramatically since returning from my exchange. My study abroad experience, and the challenges I had to overcome, has shaped me to become the person I am today. I have developed a huge sense of independence, which has resulted from travelling alone, living away from home and having to look after myself and be responsible for organising travel options, accommodation, and financial and immigration documents. If there is one thing above all else that I am most grateful for from my exchange, it is the independence I have developed, which in turn has allowed me to grow and mature greatly as a person. I strongly believe my experience has shaped and positioned me well for the future, both from a personal viewpoint and the experiences and hardships I may face in the future and how I may ultimately overcome them.!
George Booth
USA Americas
I used to be scared to meet new people, make new friends and spend time alone. But living on campus and having to ultimately start all over again and make entirely new friends was the most liberating experience of my life. I made the most incredible friends, I enjoyed my studies and received fantastic grades, I was able to experience college living and I became comfortable in my own skin.
Danniella McGowen
USA Americas
From the different approach in classes to the college lifestyle, the experience of being an exchange student was invaluable. Being an exchange student taught me that you should always endeavour to meet as many people as possible because everyone can offer you something different. I now have lifelong friends out of people I usually would not spend much time getting to know which gave me a whole different perspective on how to treat ‘strangers’.
Shannon Tremaine
USA Americas
I’ve gained an unexplainable amount from my exchange, it’s a life changing experience. It will change your outlook on life; your views on people, cultures, just everything really, it teaches you to live.
Alex Thorpe
USA Americas
I gained so much from exchange, I walk away from the experience with friends from all across the globe. I ended the exchange experience having found a new direction for what I want to do as a career. I don’t think that the experience has altered my approach to life or my thinking. But what it has done is open the doors to lands of opportunity and ultimately that defeated my original expectations of the experience.
Elliot Woolaston
USA Americas
I believe it has given me greater independent as I had to travel great distances by myself, which I have never done before. It has also enlightened me to differences and similarities in cultures. Additionally, I have learnt thins about myself and favourable characteristics that I thought were acquired by most, but really aren’t.
Alex Banitsiotis
USA Americas
The thing that I have gained most from my exchange experience is independent. I had never lived out of home before and having all of the additional responsibility of exchange was a massive learning curve for me. I was the only person that I was accountable for whilst I was away and this was something that was really refreshing and allowed me to grow in confidence. Being on the other side of the world with a bunch of people that you have never met before is definitely a struggle at first. I considered myself to be quite a shy person before I left but when you are put in a position where you have to make a whole new group of friends, ask a ton of strangers for help and adapt to a whole new lifestyle, I definitely came out of my shell. My motto was that I was only there for 6 months and that it really didn’t matter what people thought of me and this is definitely an attitude that I have brought home with me. I am much less concerned with what other people are thinking and feeling about me and much more concentrated on doing things and being around people who make me happy or benefit me in a positive way.
Amelia Roberts
China Short term
It’s a great experience and to go for it! The first week is culture-shock because of the huge differences between the two countries. You adjust very quickly though. We met new people through the university, as they were helping us find our way around and communicate to people, as I speak very little Chinese!
Andrew McIntyre
Italy Short term
You meet great people, experience great opportunities, get to eat all the amazing Italian food and get to see all the breathtaking scenery. I can’t see why you WOULDN’T consider joining the exchange program. It’s really a “take life by the horns” experience, just jump in and you will be glad that you did.
Kassandra Affede
Spain Short term
Just do it! Applications are easy, if you’re lucky you’ll get a travel grant and I guarantee that you will learn about yourself and the world and have the best time doing so. Don’t do it if you don’t want to learn, because that’s what it’s all about. Be prepared to try things you wouldn’t at home like different foods and put yourself out there and meet people, because that makes it a whole lot more fun.
Courtney Lee Morgan
Singapore Short term
The best time to do it is when you’re at university because there’s financial support from the university, government scholarships and funding to assist you on your trip. There is also the Study Overseas team that is your first point of contact prior to your trip and they can help connect you with other returned or exchange students so you can get an idea of what it’s like in the country. It’s normal to be slightly anxious if it’s your first time travelling out of Australia or if it’s your first time travelling alone, but there’s so much to look forward to once you’re on the plane and believe me, it will the best moment of your life and when you’re back, you’ll be wanting to plan your next study abroad experience!
Cheryl Saw
USA Short term
The best time to do it is when you’re at university because there’s financial support from the university, government scholarships and funding to assist you on your trip. There is also the Study Overseas team that is your first point of contact prior to your trip and they can help connect you with other returned or exchange students so you can get an idea of what it’s like in the country. It’s normal to be slightly anxious if it’s your first time travelling out of Australia or if it’s your first time travelling alone, but there’s so much to look forward to once you’re on the plane and believe me, it will the best moment of your life and when you’re back, you’ll be wanting to plan your next study abroad experience!
Elise Macoustra
UniSA is a partner university of The Global Society, a society for Australian students studying overseas. Through this partnership, all students from UniSA are able to access a national study abroad and exchange forum – where thousands of students each year discuss, prepare for and give feedback on their overseas study. Get started by creating a forum account here.