Exchange in 2026

Exchange in 2026 and beyond will fall under Adelaide University. If you are interested in going on exchange in 2026, please go to the Adelaide University Global Learning website. More information will be added to the Adelaide University website as it becomes available.

If you have any questions, please still direct these to UniSA Global Opportunities - see Contact Us page.

Find out more

A requirement of students that go out on exchange from the University of South Australia is that they must submit a Returned Student Report upon their arrival back in Australia. The reports detail the students' experiences whilst they were away including information about adjusting to cultural differences, meeting new people and making friends, differences in teaching and learning and other useful information that could help you decide on your future overseas study plans.

Browse through our collection of Returned Student Reports below. If you would like a report for a specific country or partner university that is not listed or if you would like to find out more about our global opportunities including the application process go here.


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  • Reports from Asia
  • Reports from Europe
  • Reports from the Americas
  • Short term reports

    Hear about the experiences of other Australian students

    UniSA is a partner university of The Global Society, a society for Australian students studying overseas. Through this partnership, all students from UniSA are able to access a national study abroad and exchange forum – where thousands of students each year discuss, prepare for and give feedback on their overseas study. Get started by creating a forum account here.

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