
  • More consistent water quality
  • Accurate dosing
  • Reduced waste from over dosing
  • Reduced costs from time management of dosing
  • Reduced coagulant costs from over dosing.


Chemical coagulants are used at water treatment plants to remove dissolved organic material to improve water quality. Climate change is increasing localised flood events and droughts that affect the input supplies to water treatment plants. Though substantial variability in input supplies is not new, the rate at which these events occur and the range in which they affect water quality is increasing.

Empirical estimates of coagulant dose are time consuming and can result in unpredictable water quality. The amount of coagulant dosed at water treatment plants has a large impact on the efficiency of the overall conventional water treatment process. The use of coagulation prediction software alongside empirical approaches is a cheap and effective way to improve water quality.


The technology is a web application operating on any mobile device that allows operators of municipal water treatment plants to determine the metal coagulant (alum) and chemical doses required to remove dissolved organic carbon.

The model uses raw water quality inputs that can be rapidly determined (UV254, colour and turbidity), to generate predictions for coagulant and pH control reagent doses.

The model was developed using data from extensive testing performed on multiple source waters throughout South Australia and Australia. It has been successfully used to optimise coagulant dosing at more than 10 water treatment plants across Australia since its development.

Potential markets

Following successful implementation, WTC CoagTM is now available for licensing to local and international water treatment plants. Additionally, WTC CoagTM can easily be integrated with SCADA systems to reduce the need for time-intensive manual monitoring procedures.

Partnering opportunities

UniSA Ventures is seeking international industry partners in the field of water treatment with the object of licensing the technology.