Congratulations to University of South Australia Alumni on their award
The late Professor Lyndall Ryan AO DUniv, Honorary Doctorate
For distinguished service to tertiary education, particularly Indigenous history and colonial settlement through research and publications.
Mr Robert Chapman AM, Associate Diploma in Business (Personnel/Industrial Relations), UniSA Alumni Award recipient 2015
For significant service to the financial sector, and to Australian Rules Football.
Colonel Martin Levey AM, Graduate Diploma in Human Factors & Safety Management Systems
For exceptional performance of duty to the Australian Defence Force in the fields of Aviation Safety, Human Factors and Organisational Psychology.
Professor Claudine Bonder OAM, UniSA Research Professor, Centre for Cancer Biology
For service to medical research.
Mr Vincent Ciccarello OAM, Graduate Diploma in Journalism
For service to arts administration.
Mrs Janine Molloy OAM, Graduate Diploma in Adult and Further Education
For service to swimming as an official and administrator.
Ms Kelli Underwood OAM, Bachelor of Arts (Journalism)
For service to broadcast media.
Flight Lieutenant Matthew Thurling CSC, Associate Degree in Engineering (Defence Systems)
For outstanding achievement as the Aeronautical Life Support Mustering Capability Advisor in delivering a transformational change program to create an effective Tri-Service Life Support capability.
Ms Kerry Beck PSM, Bachelor of Social Science (Human Services) (Social Health)
For outstanding public service in social justice, child protection and family services.
Mr Panagiotis Tsokas PSM, Master of Business Administration
For outstanding public service in local government leading the City of Unley in strategic and environmental planning and reform.
Superintendent Mark Syrus APM, Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
For outstanding service.
Ms Kim Vodic ACM, Bachelor of Education (Adult, Vocational & Workplace Learning)
For outstanding service.