Officer of the Order of Australia (AO)

The Hon Jay Weatherill AO, Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
For distinguished service to the people and Parliament of South Australia, particularly as Premier, and to early childhood and tertiary education.

Member of the Order of Australia (AM)

Ms Lindy Hume AM, Graduate Diploma Arts in Administration
For significant service to the performing arts, particularly to opera.

Ms Winnie Martha Pelz AM, Diploma (SA School of Art)
For significant service to arts administration, and to the community.

Professor Lester-Irabbina Rigney AM, Masters Education (Curriculum Leadership)
For significant service to Indigenous education, and to social inclusion research.

The Hon Trish White AM FUniSA
For significant service to engineering, and to the people and Parliament of South Australia.

Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM)

Ms Wendy Gaborit OAM, Group Work Certificate
For service to the community of the Murray Bridge region.

Ms Eleni Glouftsis OAM, Bachelor of Education (Middle and Secondary)
For service to Australian rules football, particularly as an umpire.

Mr Jeremy Mansfield OAM, Bachelor of Applied Science (Building Studies)
For service to the building and construction industry.

Ms Janet Simmons OAM, Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Development)
For service to youth through Guides, and to the community.

Ms Fiona Thomson OAM
For service to youth through Guides, and to academic librarianship.

Public Service Medal (PSM)

Dr Douglas Marmion PSM, Bachelor of Education Inservice
For outstanding public service through the strengthening of Indigenous language infrastructure.

Ms Sarah Moore PSM, Bachelor of Applied Science in Medical Technology
For outstanding public service to cancer pathology science in South Australia.

Mrs Erma Ranieri PSM, Associate Diploma Business (Personnel/Industrial Relations)
For outstanding public service to people management, and to public sector reform, in South Australia.

Australian Police Medal (APM)

Chief Superintendent Paul Ralphs APM, Graduate Certificate in Management
For outstanding service.


Past Australia Day honours