Professor Emeritus Raymond Specht AO, Antecedent Institution Program
For distinguished service to science, and to education, in the fields of botany, plant ecology and conservation.
The Hon Amanda Vanstone AO, Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
For distinguished service to the Parliament of Australia, to the people of South Australia, and to the community.
Dr Robyn Williams AO DUniv, Honorary Doctor
For distinguished service to science as a journalist, radio presenter and author, and to education.
Mr Terry Evans AM, Council Member of the University of South Australia 2005-2017
Pro Chancellor of the University of South Australia 2010-2017
For significant service to higher education, to health organisations, and to the law.
Ms Jenny Richter AM, Masters Degree Business Administration
For significant service to medical administration, and to community health.
Mr David Ross AM, Associate Diploma Business (Management)
For significant service to the Indigenous community of Central Australia.
Mrs Traceyanne Whiting AM, Bachelor of Education
For significant service to the museums and galleries sector.
Mrs Judy Burke OAM, Bachelor of Education (Primary)
For service to community health.
Mr Peter Carter OAM, Graduate Diploma in Instructional Uses of Computers
For service to canoeing.
Miss Diana Laube OAM, Diploma in Teaching (Secondary)
For service to conservation and the environment.
Mrs Barbara Mullan OAM, Bachelor of Education
For service to the creative arts.
Mr Andrew Peake OAM, Bachelor of Arts in Social Work
For service to community history.
Mr Ken Potts OAM (deceased), Associate Diploma in Accountancy
For service to Australian rules football, and to the service to sport in South Australia.
Mrs Barbara Sax OAM, Antecedent Institution Program
For service to the community.
Ms Jan Sutherland OAM, Graduate Diploma in Recreation
For service to sport in South Australia.
Mr Peter Wallace OAM, Graduate Diploma in Religious Education
For service to education, and to the community.
Mrs Jan Cornish PSM, Graduate Diploma in Recreation
For outstanding public service to asset management in local government in South Australia.
Mr Samual Sanderson AFSM, Associate Diploma in Conservation and Park Management
Australian Fire Service Medal.
Ms Susan Dighton ACM, Bachelor of Arts in Social Work
Australian Corrections Medal.