The Purkarninthi in Residence and Yaitya Warra-itya

The Purkarninthi in Residence and Yaitya Warra-itya – which means ‘Becoming an Elder’ and ‘Aboriginal Voices’ in Kaurna, respectively – are the University’s principal Aboriginal-led engagement and governance bodies. The Purkarninthi in Residence consists of seven Elders, who are well-known and respected leaders in the local community. The group was established to build upon existing community relationships; strengthen student engagement and mentorship opportunities; and facilitate opportunities for Aboriginal knowledges to inform the University’s business. Yaitya Warra-itya is composed of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal staff and senior portfolio holders at UniSA, and is responsible for all matters relating to Aboriginal policy and implementation in the University. Together, the groups ensure that Aboriginal voices and knowledges inform the University’s senior leadership, Academic Board and Council, and guide our work in Aboriginal education, research, employment, and community engagement.
Image: Purkarninthi in Residence members L-R: Uncle Lewis O’Brien, Aunty Roslyn Weetra, Uncle David Rathman, Uncle Frank Wanganeen, Uncle Kevin (Dookie) O’Loughlin, Uncle Kym Kropinyeri and Aunty Lynette Crocker.