Our members publish in top ranked journals, write books and regularly respond to media enquiries. In addition, some members are editors for national and international journals.
Arora, MP, Lodhia, S & Stone, G 2022, 'Enablers and barriers to the involvement of accountants in integrated reporting', Meditari Accountancy Research, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 676-709.
Arora, MP, Lodhia, S & Stone, GW 2022, 'Preparers' perceptions of integrated reporting: a global study of integrated reporting adopters', Accounting and Finance, vol. 62, no. S1, pp. 1381-1420.
Lodhia, S & Mitchell, NA 2022, 'Corporate social responsibility disclosures and reputation risk management post the banking royal commission: a study of the big four banks', Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, online, pp, 1-24.
Qian, W, Zhu, P & Tilt, C 2022, 'Corporate environmental disclosure and local government environmental oversight in China', Pacific Accounting Review, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 358-382.
Qian, W, Zhu, P & Tilt, C 2022, 'Corporate environmental disclosure and local government environmental oversight in China', Pacific Accounting Review, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 358-382.
Rao, KK, Burritt, RL & Christ, K 2022, 'Quality of voluntary modern slavery disclosures: top Australian listed companies', Pacific Accounting Review, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 451-478.
Tingey-Holyoak, J., Fenemor, A. and Syme, G. (2022) Special issue of Australasian Journal of Water Resources on “Improving Water Planning”, including articles from Australian and New Zealand authors that address a range of policy issues pertaining to the economic, environmental, and socio-cultural barriers and opportunities for more sustainable water management and planning. Vol 26, Issue 1: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/twar20/26/1.
Tingey-Holyoak, J., Fenemor, A., and Syme, G. (2022) “Enhancing the value of water: the need to start from somewhere else”, Australasian Journal of Water Resources, Vol 26, Issue 1, pp. 1-6.
Williams, B & Lodhia, S 2021, ‘Integrated Reporting in public sector organisations: a study of Australian local councils’, Journals of Environmental Management, vol. 280, pp.1 -8.
Williams, B, Lodhia, S, Arora, MP & Mcmanus, L 2021, ‘The institutional change in role of the public sector accountant in facilitating accountability: a longitudinal study of Australian local councils’, Managerial Auditing Journal, vol. 36, no.2 pp. 314 – 333.
Alshorman, S & Shanahan, M 2022, 'The voice of profit: exploring the tone of Australian CEO's letters to shareholders after the global financial crisis', Corporate Communications: An International Journal, vol. 27, no, 1, pp.127-147.
Ambaw, DT & Thangavelu, S 2022, 'Industrial subsidies and impact on exports of trading partners: case of China', Review of Development Economics, online, pp. 1-28.
Banerjee, R, Gupta, K & Krishnamurti, C 2022, 'Does corrupt practice increase the implied cost of equity?', Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 73, pp. 1-29.
Banerjee, R, Maruta, AA & Donato, R 2022, 'Does higher financial inclusion lead to better health outcomes? Evidence from developing and transitional economies', online, pp. 1-39.
Bjornlund, V, Bjornlund, H & van Rooyen, A 2022, 'Why food insecurity persists in sub-Saharan Africa: a review of existing evidence', Food Security, online, pp. 1-20.
Cavoli, T, Gopalan, S & Rajan, RS 2022, 'Is Exchange Rate Centred Monetary Policy Asymmetric? Empirical Evidence from Singapore', Applied Economics, online, pp. 1-17.
Cook, M, Frost, L, Gaynor, A, Gregory, J, Morgan, RA, Shanahan, M & Spearritt, P 2022, Cities in a sunburnt country: water and the making of urban Australia, Cambridge University Press, UK.
Cooper, B, Donner, E, Crase, L, Robertson, H, Carter, D, Short, M, Drigo, B, Leder, K, Roiko, A & Fielding, K 2022, 'Maintaining a social license to operate for wastewater-based monitoring: the case of managing infectious disease and the COVID-19 pandemic', Journal of Environmental Management, In press, pp. 1-31.
Cooper, B, Donner, E, Crase, L, Robertson, H, Carter, D, Short, M, Drigo, B, Leder, K, Roiko, A & Fielding, K 2022, 'Maintaining a social license to operate for wastewater-based monitoring: the case of managing infectious disease and the COVID-19 pandemic', Journal of Environmental Management, In press, pp. 1-31.
Crease, L, 2021, ‘Lessons in policy incoherence: a review of recent water policies, water planning and drought policy in Australia’, Economic Papers: A Journal of Applied Economics and Policy, vol. 40, no. 4, pp 313 – 330.
Fellman, S & Shanahan, M 2022, 'International cartels in the real world: business, politics and diplomacy', in M Shanahan & S Fellman (eds), A History of Business Cartels: International Politics, National Policies and Anti-Competitive Behaviour, Routledge, UK, ch. 1, pp. 1-24.
Franceschinis, C, Swait, J, Vij, A & Thiene, M 2022, 'Determinants of recreational activities choice in protected areas', Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 1, article no. 412, pp. 1-16.
Franceschinis, C, Swait, J, Vij, A & Thiene, M 2022, 'Determinants of recreational activities choice in protected areas', Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 1, article no. 412, pp. 1-16.
Gaynor, A, Cook, M, Frost, L, Gregory, J, Morgan, R, Shanahan, M & Spearritt, P 2022, 'Urban water policy in a drying continent', in C Holbrook, L Megarrity & D Lowe (eds), Lessons from History. Leading Historians tackle Australia's Greatest Challenges, NewSouth Publishing, Australia, ch. 5, pp. 69-83.
Rahman, MM & Connor, JD 2022, 'The effect of high-yielding variety on rice yield, farm income and household nutrition: evidence from rural Bangladesh', Agriculture and Food Security, vol. 11, no. 1, article no. 35, pp. 1-11.
Richards, N, Mkenda, A & Bjornlund, H 2022, 'Addressing water security through catchment water stewardship partnerships: experiences from the Pangani Basin, Tanzania', Water International, online, pp. 1-25.
Shanahan, M & Fellman, S 2022, A history of business cartels, international politics, national policies and anti-competitive behaviour, Routledge, UK.
Vij, A & Dühr, S 2022, 'The commercial viability of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS): what's in it for existing transport operators, and why should governments intervene?', Transport Reviews, online, pp. 1-22.
Vij, A & Dühr, S 2022, 'The commercial viability of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS): what's in it for existing transport operators, and why should governments intervene?', Transport Reviews, online, pp. 1-22.
Vij, A, Ardeshiri, A, Li, T, Beer, A & Crommelin, L 2022, Understanding what attracts new residents to smaller cities, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited Melbourne, Australia.
Wang, B, Waters, C, Anwar, MR, Cowie, A, Liu, DL, Summers, D, Paul, K & Feng, P 2022, 'Future climate impacts on forest growth and implications for carbon sequestration through reforestation in southeast Australia', Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 302, part A, article no. 113964.
Zamanzadeh, A & Cavoli, T 2022, 'The effect of nonpharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 infections for lower and middle-income countries: A debiased LASSO approach', PLoS One, vol. 17, no.7, article no. e0271586 , pp. 1-17.
An, H, Wang, H, Delpachitra, S, Cottrell, S & Yu, X 2022, 'Early warning system for risk of external liquidity shock in BRICS countries', Emerging Markets Review, article no. 100878, pp. 1-18.
Banerjee, R, Gupta, K & Krishnamurti, C 2022, 'Does corrupt practice increase the implied cost of equity?', Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 73, pp. 1-29.
Banerjee, R, Gupta, K & Krishnamurti, C 2022, 'Does corrupt practice increase the implied cost of equity?', Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 73, pp. 1-29.
Bradrania, R, Pirayesh Neghab, D & Shafizadeh, M 2022, 'State-dependent stock selection in index tracking: a machine learning approach', Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, vol. 36, pp. 1-28.
Cottrell, S, Yu, X, Delpachitra, S, Ma, Y, 2021 ‘What determines wholesale funding costs of the global systemically important banks?’ Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.132, pp 1-17.
Dong, S, Xu, L & McIver, RP 2022, 'Sustainability reporting quality and the financial sector: evidence from China', Meditari Accountancy Research, online, pp 1-25.
Dong, S, Xu, L & McIver, RP 2022, 'Sustainability reporting quality and the financial sector: evidence from China', Meditari Accountancy Research, online, pp 1-25.
Elliott, R & Siu, T 2022, 'A generalized Esscher transform for option valuation with regime switching risk', Quantitative Finance, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 691-705.
Elliott, R, Qiu, J & Wei, W 2022, 'Neumann problem for backward SPDEs with singular terminal conditions and application in constrained stochastic control under target zone', Stochastic Processes and their Applications, vol.148, pp. 68-97.
Helliar, C, Waye, V, Veneziani, M, Suryawathy, A, Bradrania, R & Rocca, L 2022, Seven steps to technological innovation: the case of the Australian and Italian wine industry, CIMA, Australia.
Helliar, C, Waye, V, Veneziani, M, Suryawathy, A, Bradrania, R & Rocca, L 2022, Seven steps to technological innovation: the case of the Australian and Italian wine industry, CIMA, Australia.
Li, B, Xu, L, McIver, RP, Liu, X & Pan, A 2022, 'Mixed-ownership reform and private firms' corporate social responsibility practices: evidence from China', Business and Society, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 389-418.
Li, B, Xu, L, McIver, RP, Liu, X & Pan, A 2022, 'Mixed-ownership reform and private firms' corporate social responsibility practices: evidence from China', Business and Society, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 389-418.
Lian, G, Elliott, RJ, Kalev, P & Yang, Z 2022, 'Approximate pricing of American exchange options with jumps', Journal of Futures Markets, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 983-1001.
Lombard, S & Symes, CF 2022, 'Insolvent litigation funding and new regulatory measures: a missed opportunity or blessing in disguise?', Australian Journal of Corporate Law, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 185-200.
McKay, J, Barthakur, A & Joksimovic, S 2022, 'Self-reflection on presentation skills and on the law in environmental law teaching: an Australian example', IUCN Academy of Environmental Law eJournal, no. 12, pp. 123-138.
Pan, A, Xu, L, Li, B, Ling, R & Zheng, L 2022, 'The impact of supply chain finance on firm capital structure adjustment: evidence from China', Australian Journal of Management, online, pp. 1-27.
Rehman, MU, Vo, XV, McIver, R & Kang, SH 2022, 'Sensitivity of US sectoral returns to energy commodities under different investment horizons and market conditions', Energy Economics, vol. 108, pp. 1-14.
Rehman, MU, Vo, XV, McIver, R & Kang, SH 2022, 'Sensitivity of US sectoral returns to energy commodities under different investment horizons and market conditions', Energy Economics, vol. 108, pp. 1-14.
Xu, L, Li, B, Ma, C & Liu, J 2022, 'Supply chain finance and firm diversification: evidence from China', Australian Journal of Management, online, pp. 1-28.
Xu, L; Cui, Xuegang; Zhang huili; Zhang, Yuxiao 2021, ‘Executive compensation and firm performance: evidence from cross-listed AH-share firms’ International Journal of Finance and Economics, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 88-102.
Cornell, V, Lowies, B, Lushington, K & Helliar, C 2022, 'What role do Australian health professionals play in helping people choose their home care package services?', Australian Journal of Primary Health, online, pp. 1-4.
Dean, M; Rainnie, A; Stanford, Jim; N, Dan, 2021, ‘Industrial policy-making after COVID-19: manufacturing, innovation and sustainability’, Economic and Labour Relations Review, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 283-303.
Dinmore, H & Beer, A 2022, 'Career degradation in Australian cities: globalization, precarity and adversity', Regional Studies, Regional Science, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 371-385.
Jhuremalani, A, Potter, R, Lushington, K & Lowies, B 2022, 'COVID‐19: Financial well‐being of older Australians in times of crisis', Australasian Journal on Ageing, online, pp. 1-8.
Leishman, C & Liang, W 2022, 'An alternative approach to estimating agglomeration and productivity using geography, demography and evidence from satellite imagery', Regional Studies, Regional Science, online, pp. 1-21.
Lowies, B, Squires, G, Rossini, P & McGreal, S 2022, 'Locked-out: generational inequalities of housing tenure and housing type', Property Management, vol. 40, no. 4, pp.510-526.
Lowies, B, Squires, G, Rossini, P & McGreal, S 2022, 'Locked-out: generational inequalities of housing tenure and housing type', Property Management, vol. 40, no. 4, pp.510-526.
Street, J, Barrie, H, Eliott, J, Carolan, L, McCorry, F, Cebulla, A, Phillipson, L, Prokopovich, K, Hanson-Easey, S & Burgess, T 2022, 'Older adults' perspectives of smart technologies to support aging at home: insights from five world café forums', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19, no. 13, article no. 7817, pp. 1-21.
Sun, Y, Zeng, X, Wang, L, Zhou, S, Liu, X & Kuruppu, S 2022, 'Are off-balance-sheet indicators useful to evaluate accounting information quality?', Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1035-1051
Weller, S & Rainnie, A 2022, 'Not so 'smart'? An Australian experiment in smart specialisation', Geographical Research, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 300-313.
Zufferey, C, Horsell, C, Burgess, K, Cleland, A, Goel, K & Tedmanson, D 2022, The complexities of home in social work, Routledge, UK.
Ali, I, Lodhia, S & Narayan, AK 2021, 'Value creation attempts via photographs in sustainability reporting: a legitimacy theory perspective', Meditari Accountancy Research, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 247-263.
Bevacqua, J, Marsden, S, Morton, E, Xu, L, Devos, K & Whait, R 2021, Australian taxation, John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd, Australia.
de Villiers, C, Kuruppu, S & Dissanayake, D 2021, 'A (new) role for business - Promoting the United Nations' sustainable development goals through the internet-of-things and blockchain technology', Journal of Business Research, vol. 131, pp. 598-609.
Dissanayake, D 2020, ‘Sustainability key performance indicators and the global reporting initiative: usage and challenges in a developing country context’, Meditari Accountancy Research, vol. 29, no.3, pp.543 -567.
Dissanayake, D, Tilt, CA & Qian, W 2021, 'How do public companies respond to national challenges through sustainability reporting? - The case of Sri Lanka', Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, vol. 18, no. 4/5, pp. 455-483.
Dissanayake, D, Tilt, CA & Qian, W 2021, 'How do public companies respond to national challenges through sustainability reporting? - The case of Sri Lanka', Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, vol. 18, no. 4/5, pp. 455-483.
Dissanayake, D, Tilt, CA & Qian, W 2021, 'How do public companies respond to national challenges through sustainability reporting? - The case of Sri Lanka', Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, vol. 18, no. 4/5, pp. 455-483.
Dissanayake, D; Kuruppu, S; Qian, W; Tilt, C 2020, ‘Barriers for sustainability reporting: evidence from Indo-Pacific region’ Meditari Accountancy Research, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 264 -293.
Faff, RW & Lodhia, S 2021, '..More on the use of research templates', Accounting and Finance, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 5003-5023.
Kaur, A & Qian, W 2020, ‘The state of disclosures on Aboriginal engagement: an examination of Australian mining companies’, Meditari Accountancy Research, vol.29, no.2 pp. 345 – 370.
Mackay, W & Xu, L 2021, 'Environmental social and governance, executive remuneration, and firm performance', in K Wendt (ed.), Green and Social Economy Finance: A Review, CRC Press, US, ch. 2, pp. 10-33.
Mackay, W, Xu, L & Meredith, G 2021, 'Sustainable energy investment in Australia', in K Wendt (ed.), Theories of Change: Change Leadership Tools, Models and Applications for Investing in Sustainable Development, Springer, Switzerland, ch. 27, pp. 453-472.
Marriott, L, Kraal, D, Singh-Ladhar, J & Whait, R 2021, 'Tax as a solution for irrigation water scarcity, quality and sustainability: case studies in Australia and New Zealand', Australian Tax Forum: A Journal of Taxation Policy, Law and Reform, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 369-402.
Permatasari, P, Ilman, AS, Tilt, CA, Lestari, D, Islam, S, Tenrini, RH, Rahman, AB, Samosir, A & Wardhana, IW 2021, 'The Village fund program in Indonesia: measuring the effectiveness and alignment to sustainable development goals', Sustainability, vol. 13, no. 21, article no. 12294, pp. 1-30.
Qian, W, Tilt, C & Belal, A 2021, 'Social and environmental accounting in developing countries: contextual challenges and insights', Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 1021-1050.
Tingey-Holyoak, J, Pisaniello, J, Buss, P & Mayer, W 2021, 'The importance of accounting-integrated information systems for realising productivity and sustainability in the agricultural sector', International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, vol. 41, article no. 100512, pp. 1-19.
Tingey-Holyoak, JL, Pisaniello, JD & Buss, P 2021, 'Embedding smart technologies in accounting to meet global irrigation challenges', Meditari Accountancy Research, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1146-1178.
Whait, R, Castelyn, D & Vitale, C 2021, 'Meeting tax challenges inherent with blockchain technology through the lens of Australia's GST', Australian Tax Review, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 193-205.
Alshorman, S & Shanahan, M 2021, '"Look on the bright side": CEO optimism and firms' market valuation', Pacific Accounting Review, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 274-300.
Ambaw, DT & Sim, N 2021, 'Real exchange rate misalignment and civil conflict: evidence from sub-Saharan Africa', Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 178-199.
Banerjee, R & Donato, R 2021, 'The composition of financial inclusion in ASEAN and East Asia: a new hybrid index and some stylised facts', in T Cavoli & R Shrestha (eds), Financial inclusion in Asia and beyond: measurement, development gaps, and economic consequences, Routledge, UK, ch. 2, pp. 29-53.
Banerjee, R & Gupta, K 2021, 'Do country or firm-specific factors matter more to R&D spending in firms?', International Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 76, pp. 75-95.
Banerjee, R, Donato, R & Maruta, AA 2021, 'The effects of financial inclusion on development outcomes: new insights from ASEAN and East Asian countries', in T Cavoli & R Shrestha (eds), Financial inclusion in Asia and beyond: measurement, development gaps, and economic consequences, Routledge, UK, ch. 3, pp. 54-97.
Banerjee, R, Inklaar, R & de Jong, H 2021, 'Proximate sources of growth', in S Broadberry & K Fukao (eds), The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World, Cambridge University Press, UK, ch. 13, pp. 356-381.
Banerjee, R, Mishra, V & Maruta, AA 2021, 'Energy poverty, health and education outcomes: evidence from the developing world', Energy Economics, vol. 101, article no. 105447, pp. 1-21.
Baumgartner, LJ, Barlow, C, Mallen-Cooper, M, Boys, C, Marsden, T, Thorncraft, G, Phonekhampheng, O, Singhanouvong, D, Rice, W, Roy, M, Crase, L & Cooper, B 2021, 'Achieving fish passage outcomes at irrigation infrastructure; a case study from the Lower Mekong Basin', Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 113-124.
Bjornlund, H, van Rooyen, A, Pittock, J & Bjornlund, V 2021, 'Changing the development paradigm in African agricultural water management to resolve water and food challenges', Water International, vol. 46, nos. SI 7-8 , pp. 1187-1204.
Cavoli, T & Shrestha, R 2021, Financial inclusion in Asia and beyond: measurement, development gaps, and economic consequences, Routledge, UK.
Cavoli, T, Gopalan, S & Rajan, RS 2021, 'Can macroprudential policies mitigate pressures from capital inflows on real exchange rates? Empirical evidence from emerging markets', International Review of Finance, online, pp. 1-13.
Cavoli, T, Gopalan, S & Rajan, RS 2021, 'Do macroprudential policies counter real exchange rate appreciation in emerging markets?', The World Economy, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 2164-2187.
Cavoli, T, Lin, D & Marquez-Ramos, L 2021, 'Insights for Australia - regions in foreign trade', in S Uminski & JM Nazarczuk( eds), Regions in International Trade, De Gruyter, Poland, ch. 9, pp. 137-159.
Cavoli, T, Onur, I & Sourdin, P 2021, 'Financial inclusion, active bank accounts, and poverty reduction in India', in T Cavoli & R Shrestha (eds), Financial inclusion in Asia and beyond: measurement, development gaps, and economic consequences, Routledge, UK, ch. 9, pp. 251-269.
Cavoli, Tony; Shrestha, Rashesh (eds) 2021, The nature and landscape of financial inclusion in Asia in Financial inclusion in Asia and beyond: measurement, development gaps, and economic consequences, Routledge, UK pp1-28.
Cooper, B, Crase, L & Kishore, A 2021, Measuring women's empowerment in India should be given a higher priority, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Australia.
Cowley, T, Frost, L, Inwood, K, Kippen, R, Maxwell-Stewart, H, Schwarz, M, Shepherd, J, Tuffin, R, Williams, M, Wilson, J & Wilson, P 2021, 'Reconstructing a longitudinal dataset for Tasmania', Historical Life Course Studies, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 20-47.urban arig
Crase, L 2021, 'Lessons in policy incoherence: a review of recent water policies, water planning and drought policy in Australia', Economic Papers: A Journal of Applied Economics and Policy, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 313-330.
Davis, A, Madigan, D, Dühr, S, Kroll, D, Afrooz, AE, Peters, S & Vij, A 2021, Downsizing to the City: project report, University of South Australia, Australia.
Dessie Ambaw 2021 Thangavelu, SM, Urata, S & Ambaw, DT 2021, 'FDI activities and integration in ASEAN and East Asia', in F Kimura et al. (eds.), Handbook on East Asian Economic Integration, Edward Elgar Publishing, US, ch. 5, pp. 88-109.
Frost, L & Shanahan, M 2021, 'Domesticating water: how initial choices shaped water networks in three Australian cities', Australian Historical Studies, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 171-188.
Hossen, MA, Connor, J & Ahammed, F 2021, ‘Water diversion and groundwater inflow to the Teesta River during the dry season’, HWRS 2021: Digital Water: Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2021, Engineers Australia, Australia, pp. 570-583.
Hossen, MA, Connor, J & Ahammed, F 2021, 'Review of hydro-economic models (HEMs) which focus on transboundary river water sharing disputes', Water Policy, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 1359-1374.
Hume, I, Summers, D & Cavagnaro, T 2021, 'Self-sufficiency through urban agriculture: nice idea or plausible reality?', Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 68, article no. 102770, pp. 1-12.
Jordan, P, Pisaniello, J, Wang, Q, Stephens, D, Cawood, M & Nathan, R 2021, ‘Guideline for the use of rainfall forecasts to make releases from dams in Victoria’, Hydrology and Risk Consulting, Australia.
Kang, L, Vij, A, Hubbard, A & Shaw, D 2021, 'The unintended impact of helmet use on bicyclists' risk-taking behaviors', Journal of Safety Research, vol. 79, pp. 135-147.
Khosroshahi, S, Crase, L, Cooper, B & Burton, M 2021, 'Matching customers' preferences for tariff reform with managers' appetite for change: the case of volumetric-only tariffs in Australia', Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 449-471.
Lountain, S, Crase, L & Cooper, B 2021, 'When the genie is out of the bottle: the case of dynamic groundwater markets in West Bengal, India', in SA Wheeler (ed.), Water Markets: A Global Assessment, Edward Elgar, UK, ch. 5, pp. 79-90.
Luo, L, O'Hehir, J, Regan, CM, Meng, L, Connor, JD & Chow, CW 2021, 'An integrated strategic and tactical optimization model for forest supply chain planning', Forest Policy and Economics, vol. 131, article no. 102571, pp. 1-12.
Maruta, AA & Banerjee, R 2021, 'Does energy aid improve energy efficiency in developing countries?', Empirical Economics, vol. 61, pp. 355-388.
Pearse, M, Pisaniello, JD, Foster, M & Hill, P 2021, Water NSW SFAIRP framework development: part A, Hydrology and Risk Consulting Pty Ltd, Australia.
Peterson, DC & Crase, L 2021, 'Disaster, disruption, recovery and resilience: lessons from and for agricultural and resource-based industries', Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 767-775.
Sandhu, H, Regan, C, Perveen, S & Patel, V 2021, 'Methods and frameworks: the tools to assess externalities', in B Gemmill-Herren, LE Baker & PA Daniels (eds), True Cost Accounting for Food: Balancing the Scale, Routledge, UK, ch. 4, pp. 51-67.
Shanahan, M & Fellman, S 2021, 'Shifts in government business relations: assessing change using the restrictive business registers in the OECD, 1945-1995', Business History, 63, no. 8, pp. 1253-1272.
Summers, DM, Regan, CM, Settre, C, Connor, JD, O'Connor, P, Abbott, H, Frizenschaf, J, van der Linden, L, Lowe, A, Hogendoorn, K, Groom, S & Cavagnaro, TR 2021, 'Current carbon prices do not stack up to much land use change, despite bundled ecosystem service co-benefits', Global Change Biology, vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 2744-2762.
Tingey-Holyoak, J, Pisaniello, J, Buss, P & Mayer, W 2021, 'The importance of accounting-integrated information systems for realising productivity and sustainability in the agricultural sector', International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, vol. 41, article no. 100512, pp. 1-19.
Tingey-Holyoak, JL, Pisaniello, JD & Buss, P 2021, 'Embedding smart technologies in accounting to meet global irrigation challenges', Meditari Accountancy Research, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1146-1178.
Van Rooyen, AF, Bjornlund, H & Pittock, J 2021, 'Beyond fertilizer for closing yield gaps in sub-Saharan Africa', Nature Food, vol. 2, pp. 756-757.
Vij, A, Connor, JD & Beer, A 2021, ' effects of urban agglomeration on housing affordability in Australia', Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 26-46.
Vij, A, Connor, JD & Beer, A 2021, 'The negative effects of urban agglomeration on housing affordability in Australia', Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 26-46.
Yan, W, Cai, Y, Lin, F & Ambaw, DT 2021, 'The impacts of trade restrictions on world agricultural price volatility during the COVID-19 pandemic', China and World Economy, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 139-158.
Arreola Hernandez, Jose; Kang, Sang Hoon; McIver, Ron P.; Yoon, Seong Min; 2021, ‘Network interdependence and optimization of bank portfolios from developed and emerging Asia Pacific countries’ in Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, pp1-35.
Banerjee, R & Gupta, K 2021, 'Do country or firm-specific factors matter more to R&D spending in firms?', International Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 76, pp. 75-95.
Bradrania, R & Neghab, DP 2021, 'State-dependent asset allocation using neural networks', European Journal of Finance, online, pp. 1-27.
Choi, KH, McIver, R, Ferraro, S, Xu, L & Kang, SH 2021, 'Dynamic volatility spillover and network connectedness across ASX sector markets', Journal of Economics and Finance, vol. 45, pp. 677-691.
Cottrell, S & Karpavičius, S 2021, 'Does foreign monetary policy drive Australian banks' wholesale funding costs?', Global Finance Journal, vol. 50, article no. 100676, pp. 1-25.
Cottrell, S, Yu, X, Delpachitra, S & Ma, Y 2021, 'What determines wholesale funding costs of the global systemically important banks?', Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 132, article no. 106197, pp. 1-17.
Dela Vega, EJC & Elliott, RJ 2021, 'Conditional coherent risk measures and regime-switching conic pricing', Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 267-300.
Elliott, R J; Madan, DB; Siu, TK 2021, ‘Two price economic equilibria and financial market bid/ask prices’ Annals of Finance, vol. 17, no. 1, pp.27 - 43.
Elliott, RJ; Madan, DB; Wang, K 2021, ‘Filtering response directions’, SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, vol. 12, no. 3, pp.1285-1306.
Gupta, K, Krishnamurti, C 2021, 'Corporate social responsibility, competition, and firm value', Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol. 68, article no. 101622, pp. 1-21.
He, Y; Xu, L; Yang, M 2021, ‘The impact of tunnelling on financial distress and resolution: evidence from listed firms in China’, International Journal of Finance and Economics, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 1773 - 1792
Kang, S, Hernandez, JA, Sadorsky, P & McIver, R 2021, ‘Frequency spillovers, connectedness, and the hedging effectiveness of oil and gold for US sector ETFs’, Energy Economics, vol.99, no 105278, pp. 1- 16.
Krishnamurti, C, Chowdhury, H & Han, HD 2021, 'CEO centrality and stock price crash risk', Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, vol. 31, article no. 100551, pp. 1-16.
Krishnamurti, C, Pensiero, D & Velayutham, E 2021, 'Corruption risk and stock market effects: Evidence from the defence industry', Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol. 70, article no. 101681, pp. 1-19.
Li, Y & Xu, L 2021, 'Does long-term investment really pay off? Evidence from listed mining firms in Canada', in K Wendt (ed.), Green and Social Economy Finance: A Review, CRC Press, US, ch. 10, pp. 155-170.
Mackay, W & Xu, L 2021, 'Environmental social and governance, executive remuneration, and firm performance', in K Wendt (ed.), Green and Social Economy Finance: A Review, CRC Press, US, ch. 2, pp. 10-33.
Mackay, W, Xu, L & Meredith, G 2021, 'Sustainable energy investment in Australia', in K Wendt (ed.), Theories of Change: Change Leadership Tools, Models and Applications for Investing in Sustainable Development, Springer, Switzerland, ch. 27, pp. 453-472.
McKay, J 2021, 'Sentencing climate change activists in Australia: issues and lessons from the early jurisprudence in Queensland', IUCN Academy of Environmental Law eJournal, no. 11, pp. 125-129.
Waye, V & Duffy, M 2021, 'The fate of class action common fund orders: the policy, procedural and constitutional issues of a legislative revival', University of Queensland Law Journal, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 215-255.
Waye, V 2021, 'Controls in the Australian wine sector', in T Georgopoulos (ed.), Administrative controls in the wine sector, Mare & Martin, France, pp. 1-31.
Waye, V 2021, Submission on class actions and litigation funding issues paper, New Zealand Government, New Zealand.
Waye, V 2021, Submission on Corporations Amendment (Improving Outcomes for Litigation Funding Participants) Bill 2021, Parliament of Australia, Australia.
Waye, V, Mcintyre, J, Knowler, J, Olijnyk, A, Snowden, C, Martini, B, Deegan, G & Palmer, J 2021, 'Maximising the to online courts: digital transformation, not mere digitisation', Journal of Judicial Administration, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 126-152.
Xu, L, Wu, L & Dong, S 2021, 'Internal mechanism and quality of CSR disclosure: evidence from China', in K Wendt (ed.), Green and Social Economy Finance: A Review, CRC Press, US, ch. 4, pp. 49-70.
Xu, X, Xu, L & Li, L 2021, 'Domestic heating and China's sustainable energy goals', in K Wendt (ed.), Theories of Change: Change Leadership Tools, Models and Applications for Investing in Sustainable Development, Springer, Switzerland, ch. 26, pp. 437-451.
Yuan, G, McIver, R & Xu, L 2021, 'Tax reform, tax aggressiveness and corporate value: evidence from China's enterprise income tax law reform', in K Wendt (ed.), Green and Social Economy Finance: A Review, CRC Press, US, ch. 11, pp. 171-191.
Aguda, D & Leishman, C 2021, 'Neighbourhood effects, social capital and young adults' homeownership outcomes in the United Kingdom', Housing, Theory and Society, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 669-687.
Arakawa Martins, B; Barrie, H; Visvanathan, R; Daniel, L; Arakawa Martins, L; Ranasinghe, D; Wilson, A; Soebarto, V, 2021, ‘A multidisciplinary exploratory approach for investigating the experience of older adults attending hospital services’, Health Environments Research and Design Journal, vol. 14, no. 1, pp.141-163
Baker, E, Pham, A, Leishman, C, Daniel, L & Bentley, R 2021, 'Urban social housing pathways: a linked administrative data analysis', Urban Policy and Research, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 1-15.
Baker, Emma; Pham, Anh; Leishman, Chris; Daniel, Lyrian; Bentley, Rebecca ‘Urban social housing pathways: a linked administrative data analysis’ in Urban Policy and Research, vol. 39, no. 1, pp1-15.
Bridge, C, Zmudzki, F, Huang, T, Owen, C & Faulkner, D 2021, Impacts of new and emerging assistive technologies for ageing and disabled housing, Australian Housing and Research Institute (AHURI), Australia.
Davis, A, Madigan, D, Dühr, S, Kroll, D, Afrooz, AE, Peters, S & Vij, A 2021, Downsizing to the City: project report, University of South Australia, Australia.
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Dean, M, Rainnie, A, Stanford, J & Nahum, D 2021, 'Industrial policy-making after COVID-19: manufacturing, innovation and sustainability', Economic and Labour Relations Review, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 283-303.
Dinmore, H & Beer, A 2021, 'Narrative and leadership: lessons for policy and place leadership', in M Sotarauta & A Beer (eds), Handbook on city and regional leadership, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, ch. 19, pp. 343-360.
Faulkner, D, McKinley, K, Lester, L, Beer, A, Goodwin-Smith, I, Ellison, C & Price, D 2021, Medium term accommodation for NDIS participants Final Report, University of South Australia, Australia.
Goods, C, Herod, A, Ellem, B & Rainnie, A 2021, 'Warring brothers constructing Komatsu's and Caterpillar's globalization', Tempo Social: Revista de Sociologia da USP, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 123-142.
Han, H, Kim, S, Jin, MY & Pettit, C 2021, 'Providing affordable housing through urban renewal projects in Australia: expert opinions on barriers and opportunities', International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 41-61.
Herod, A, McGrath-Champ, S & Rainnie, A 2021, 'Foundations', in S McGrath-Champ, A Herod & A Rainnie (eds), Handbook of Employment and Society: Working Space, Edward Elgar, UK, ch. 1, pp. 1-16.
Kim, S & Park, C 2021, Australian housing market trends and policy changes: strategies for better housing affordability and market stability, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, Korea.
Madigan, D 2021, ‘Alternative Infill: a design study of housing intensification, adaptation and choice in the established suburbs of Adelaide’, A New Suburban Ambition, Melbourne Design Week, Victoria, Australia, 26 March-5 April 2021.
Madigan, D 2021, built environment in the bluefields, Architecture Australia, Architecture Media.
Martins, BA, Taylor, D, Barrie, H, Lange, J, Kho, KSF & Visvanathan, R 2021, 'Objective and subjective measures of the neighbourhood environment: associations with frailty levels', Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, vol. 92, article no. 104257, pp. 1-7.
Parella, A, Pearson, O, Davy, C, Barrie, H, Mott, K, Morey, K, D'Angelo, S, Sambo, R, Aitken, R, Franks, C, Canuto, K, Brown, A & Braunack-Maye, A 2021, 'Understanding culturally safe aged care from the perspectives of older Aboriginal Australians in rural and remote communities', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, online, pp. 1-10.
Rainnie, A & Dean, M 2021, 'Manufacturing', in A Nankervis et al. (eds), The Fourth Industrial Revolution: What does it mean for Australian Industry?, Springer, Singapore, ch. 3, pp. 39-56.
Rainnie, A 2021, 'Regional development and agency: unfinished business', Local Economy, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 42-55.
Sharam, A, McNelis, S, Cho, H, Logan, C, Burke, T & Rossini, P 2021, Towards an Australian social housing best practice asset management framework, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Australia.
Stone, W, Power, E, Tually, S, James, A, Faulkner, D, Goodall, Z & Buckle, C 2021, Housing and housing assistance pathways with companion animals: risks, costs, benefits and opportunities, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Australia.
Yuan, G, McIver, R & Xu, L 2021, 'Tax reform, tax aggressiveness and corporate value: evidence from China's enterprise income tax law reform', in K Wendt (ed.), Green and Social Economy Finance: A Review, CRC Press, US, ch. 11, pp. 171-191.S
Some CMVI team members are editors for academic journals. A list of these journals is provided so you can read more about the work that they are involved in.