Building sustainable and inclusive futures

The global challenge of finding the right balance between economic growth and environmental responsibility, equity and inclusion is reflected by the United Nation's (UN) sustainable development goals.

The Centre for Markets, Values and Inclusion (CMVI) combines specialist skills and multidisciplinary perspectives to provide a transdisciplinary approach to delivering meaningful research, which informs innovative, evidence-based solutions for a more inclusive and sustainable future.

Our research:

  • Informs public and private sector choices and policies
  • Addresses global development and governance issues in populations experiencing inequity
  • Develops incentives for business and not-for-profits to develop, monitor and report on socially responsible enterprises

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What are Markets, Values and Inclusion?

UniSA Video

Researchers from UniSA's Centre for Markets, Values and Inclusion discuss what each of these terms mean for the Centre.

Latest news from CMVI

Our partners

Anglicare SA
Australian Water Association
FACT Alliance
Government of SA - SA Health
SA Water
Uniting Communities
Wellbeing SA

Contact us

Centre for Markets, Values and Inclusion 

Location Way Lee Building, UniSA City West Campus, ADELAIDE SA 5072



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