At the heart of good science is the experiment and at the heart of good scientific training is the opportunity to engage in measurement and in the collection and statistical analysis of one's own experimental data. The Gould Experimental Science Grant has been established via a personal gift from Dr Ian Gould, former Chancellor of the University of South Australia.
The grant aims to encourage Honours, Master of Research and PhD students to undertake 'hands on' research where the student proposes to engage actively in experimental work and collect and analyse their own data for thesis work in any area of science, including the social sciences.
One grant will be awarded on the basis of academic merit, a personal written statement, a reference from the research supervisor and performance at an interview.
You must be accepted for admission to candidature of an Honours degree and be undertaking full-time study at UniSA in the year for which the grant is tenable. The grant is not available to students studying degrees 'with honours'. Applicants are required to submit a research thesis proposal.
You must be enrolled full-time at UniSA, have had your research proposal accepted and demonstrate satistactory academic performance.
You must be enrolled full-time in your second or third year at UniSA and demonstrate satisfactory academic performance.
$10,000.00 (2025)
Applications open 03/02/2025
Applications close 21/02/2025
You can apply for this grant through myScholarships, which you can access via your myUniSA.
Applicants must submit a personal written statement detailing how the funds will be used to support their experimental research and a reference from their research supervisor.
For more information please contact:
Research Student Services Team
Tel: (08) 8302 5880