The Marcia Nicholl Research Top Up Scholarship honours the memory of Marcia Nicholl, who graduated from the University of South Australia in 1994 with a Bachelor of Arts (Liberal Studies). This perpetual scholarship is designed to empower female students to undertake a Doctorate by Research or Master of Research, by providing financial support throughout the program for the maximum period of up to three years full-time, or where necessary, six years part-time.

The Top Up Scholarship is available to female students who are Australian citizens, permanent residents or international students.
A student must identify with one or more of the following:

  • a person of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait heritage,
  • a person with refugee status,
  • a person with a recognised disability.

Applicants are required to be in receipt of one of the following stipend scholarships:

  • Research Training Program Domestic Stipend (RTPDSTIP)
  • Research Training Program International Stipend (RTPISTIP)
  • Enterprise Research Scholarship (ERS)
  • Aboriginal Enterprise Research Scholarship (AERS)

Applicants are required to provide a Curriculum Vitae and written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:
 - academic achievements
 - reasons for studying their current program
 - positive involvement with the community
 - ability and willingness to act as an ambassador for UniSA, e.g. participate in occasional activities such as filming/interviews to document the research journey and impact of the scholarship

Applicants are required to provide a reference from their principal supervisor. If successful in being shortlisted applicants will need to attend a selection panel interview.

Whilst full-time is preferred, the scholarship is available to part-time candidates. Preference will be given to a students who can demonstrate academic achievement and/or positive involvement with the community.

How to apply:

Apply through My Scholarships, accessed via your myUniSA student portal.

Applications close 28/03/2025.

Applicants are also required to provide a written statement, as outlined above, and a Curriculum Vitae to

Value: Doctorate by Research - up to $24,000 to be paid as a top-up stipend ($8,000 per year for a maximum of three years). Pro-rata payments will apply for part-time enrolment.
Master of Research - up to $16,000 to be paid as a top-up stipend ($8,000 per year for maximum of two years). Pro-rata payments will apply for part-time enrolment.

For more information contact:
Research Student Services
Tel: (08) 8302 5880