About this scholarship

The Graham Arnold Travel Grant is intended to assist a PhD student with the travel and accommodation-related costs of attending one of the following conferences in the United States during their studies:

  • the Academy of Management Conference
  • the Academy of International Business Conference


The value of the travel grant will be $5,000 paid in one instalment.


The Graham Arnold Travel Grant will be awarded to a PhD student, in their second or third year, who have submitted a dissertation in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility and/or International Management and International Business. 

Students are expected to provide a report following receipt of their award on the impact it has had and how it has supported their studies.

How to apply and closing date

Eligible PhD students will be invited to apply by submitting a written proposal outlining how they will benefit from receiving the grant and how it will impact their research.  Applicants must also provide a written endorsement from their supervisor.

Applications will close on 13 March 2024.

For more information contact: 

UniSA Business Research Office
Email: bis-research@unisa.edu.au