Publications by C3L researchers

Researchers within UniSA's Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning (C3L) publish a range of publications. 

  • books Books and edited books minus-thin plus-thin
  • book Book chapters minus-thin plus-thin
    • 2024 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Cropley, D. H. (2024). Deploying creativity for good: how engineers solve worthy problems. In RJ Sternberg & S Karami (eds), Transformational Creativity: Learning for a Better Future, (pp. 89-102). Palgrave Macmillan.
      2. Ebbert, D., Claassen, A., Wilson, N., Joksimović, S., Mirriahi, N. & Dawson, S. (2024). Addressing mind wandering in video-based learning: a comparative study on the impact of interpolated testing and self-explanation. Technology Enhanced Learning for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education, (pp. 120-1344). Springer.
      3. Hattam, S., Hattam, R., Weiler, T., King, S., Abi Abdallah, M., Bilic, S., King, T., Murtic, D., Ng, P. F., Oldham, P. N., Pham, M., Stokes, J., Ulpen, T. & Wilson, N. (2024). Toward a theory of critical enabling pedagogy for Australian higher education. In S Hattam, R Hattam, T Weiler & S King (eds), Enabling Pedagogy and Action Research in Higher Education, (pp. 285-317). DIO Press Inc.
      4. Cropley, D. H. (2024). The assessment of product creativity. In MA Runco & S Acar (eds), Handbook of Creativity Assessment, (pp. 305-319). Edward Elgar Publishing.
      5. Barthakur, A., Marrone, R., Esnaashari, S., Kovanović, V. & Dawson, S. (2024). A systematic review of studies on decision-making systems for teaching and learning in K-12. In (eds), 19th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2024, Proceedings, Part I, (pp. 49-63). Springer Science and Business Media.
      6. Zamecnik, A., Barthakur, A., Wang, H. & Dawson, S. (2024). Mapping employable skills in higher education curriculum using LLMs. Technology Enhanced Learning for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education, (pp. 18-32). Springer.
      7. Gabriel, F. (2024). From anxiety to awe: embracing patterns and curiosity in mathematics. In A Pepe (ed.), Beyond Broken. Different Systems for Different Futures, (pp. 232-238). (MOD) University of South Australia.
      8. Joksimović, S., Marrone, R. & Vieira, M. (2024). Experiential learning for the betterment of education. In A Pepe (ed.), Beyond Broken: Different Systems for Different Futures, (pp. 224-231). (MOD) University of South Australia.
    • 2023 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Maranna, S., Willison, J., Joksimović, S., Parange, N. & Costabile, M. (2023). Strategies for building sustainable and meaningful online learning communities in higher education. In M Doolan & L Ritchie (eds), Reshaping Teaching Excellence: Pandemic and the New Now, (pp. 45-60). IFNTF Publishing.
      2. Cropley, D. H. (2023). Making an impact: fit-for-purpose creativity assessment. In Fredricka Reisman (ed.), Unpacking Creativity: Culture, Innovation, and Motivation in Global Contexts, (pp. 154-174). KIE Conference.
      3. Gabriel, F., Van Hoof, J., Gómez, D. M. & Van Dooren, W. (2023). Obstacles in the development of the understanding of fractions. In KM Robinson, AK Dube & D Kotsopoulos (eds), Mathematical Cognition and Understanding, (pp. 209-225). Springer.
      4. Barthakur, A., Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S. & Pardo, A. (2023). Challenges in assessments of soft skills: towards unobtrusive approaches to measuring student success. In V Kovanovic et al. (eds), Unobtrusive observations of learning in digital environments: Examining Behavior, Cognition, Emotion, Metacognition and Social Processes Using Learning Analytics, (pp. 53-71). Springer International Publishing.
      5. Brooks, C., Kovanović, V. & Nguyen, Q. (2023). Predictive modeling of student success. In Benedict du Boulay, Antonija Mitrovic & Kalina Yacef (eds), Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Education, (pp. 350-369). Edward Elgar Publishing.
      6. Kovanović, V., Azevedo, R., Gibson, D. C. & Ifenthaler, D. (2023). Unobtrusive observations of learning processes. In V Kovanovic et al.(eds), Unobtrusive Observations of Learning in Digital Environments, (pp. 3-6). Springer International Publishing.
      7. Kovanović, V., Azevedo, R., Gibson, D. C. & Ifenthaler, D. (2023). Data for unobtrusive observations of learning: from trace data to multimodal data. In V Kovanovic et al. (eds), Unobtrusive Observations of Learning in Digital Environments: Examining Behavior, Cognition, Emotion, Metacognition and Social Processes Using Learning Analytics, (pp. 119-121). Springer International Publishing.
      8. Cropley, D. (2023). Creative cognition in engineering and technology. In LJ Ball & F Vallee Tourangeau (eds), The Routledge International Handbook of Creative Cognition, (pp. 684-697). Routledge.
      9. Seah, Y. Z. & Cropley, D. H. (2023). A new old way to foster creativity: nudge how we conceptualise and recognise it. In Fredricka Reisman (eds), Unpacking Creativity: Culture, Innovation, and Motivation in Global Contexts, (pp. 322-341). KIE Publications.
      10. Cropley, D. & Singh, C. (2023). Engineering innovation: the impact of digital transformation. In DD Preiss, M Singer & JC Kaufman (eds), Creativity, Innovation, and Change Across Cultures, (pp. 115-140). Palgrave Macmillan.
      11. Gabriel, F., Marrone, R. & van Broekhoven, K. (2023). Teaching and learning for creativity in science and mathematics. In R Reiter-Palmon & S Hunter (eds), Handbook of Organizational Creativity: Leadership, Interventions, and Macro Level Issues, (pp. 393-405). Academic Press.
      12. Medeiros, K. E., Marrone, R. L., Joksimović, S., Cropley, D. H. & Siemens, G. (2023). Promises and realities of artificial creativity. In R Reiter-Palmon & S Hunter (eds), Handbook of Organizational Creativity: Leadership, Interventions, and Macro Level Issues, (pp. 275-289). Academic Press.
      13. Cropley, D. & Cropley, A. (2023). Preparing for the demands of future of work: engineering organisations, creativity, and innovation. In R Reiter-Palmon & S Hunter (eds), Handbook of Organizational Creativity: Leadership, Interventions, and Macro Level Issues, (pp. 315-327). Academic Press.
      14. Taguma, M., Makowiecki, K. & Gabriel, F. (2023). OECD learning compass 2030: implications for mathematics curricula. In Y Shimizu & R Vithal (eds), Mathematics Curriculum Reforms Around the World, (pp. 479-509). Springer.
    • 2022 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Cropley, D. H. (2022). Why are we creative? Novel and effective products. In Jonathan A Plucker (ed.), Creativity and Innovation: Theory, Research, and Practice, (pp. 249-264). Routledge.
      2. Pardo, A., Mirriahi, N., Gašević, D. & Dawson, S. (2022). A model for learning analytics to support personalization in higher education. In R Sharpe, S Bennett & T Varga-Atkins (eds), Handbook of Digital Higher Education, (pp. 26-37). Edward Elgar Publishing.
      3. Marrone, R. L. & Cropley, D. H. (2022). The role of learning analytics in developing creativity. In YE Wang et al. (eds), Social and Emotional Learning and Complex Skills Assessment: An Inclusive Learning Analytics Perspective, (pp. 75-91). Springer.
      4. Gabriel, F., Cloude, E. B. & Azevedo, R. (2022). Using learning analytics to measure motivational and affective processes during self-regulated learning with advanced learning technologies. In Yuan Elle Wang et al. (eds), Social and Emotional Learning and Complex Skills Assessment. Advances in Analytics for Learning and Teaching, (pp. 63-108). Springer.
      5. Cropley, D. H. (2022). Creativity and morality in the world of technology: the intersection of creativity, design, and responsible problem-solving. In H Kapoor & JC Kaufman (eds.), Creativity and Morality: A volume in Explorations in Creativity Research, (pp. 283-302). Academic Press.
      6. Joksimović, S., Dawson, S., Barthakur, A., Poquet, O., Wang, Y. (., Marmolejo-Ramos, F. & Siemens, G. (2022). Mapping the landscape of social and emotional learning analytics. In Y Wang et al. (eds), Social and Emotional Learning and Complex Skills Assessment. Advances in Analytics for Learning and Teaching, (pp. 27-47). Springer.
      7. Dowell, N. & Kovanović, V. (2022). Modeling educational discourse with natural language processing. In Charles Lang et al. (eds), Handbook of Learning Analytics, (pp. 105-119). Society for Learning Analytics Research.
      8. Cropley, D. H., Medeiros, K. & Damadzic, A. (2022). The Intersection of Human and Artificial Creativity. In Danah Henriksen & Punya Mishra (eds), Creative Provocations: Speculations on the Future of Creativity, Technology & Learning, (pp. 19-34). Springer.
      9. Bogomolov, T., Korolkiewicz, M. W. & Bogomolova, S. (2022). Identifying patterns in fresh produce purchases: the application of machine learning techniques. Research Anthology on Machine Learning Techniques, Methods, and Applications, (pp. 817-847). IGI Global.
    • 2021 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Leonard, S. N. & Westwell, M. (2021). Translating the science of learning through co-design: working with teachers to prioritise executive functioning skills in mathematics education. In A Carroll, R Cunnington & A Nugent (eds), Learning under the lens: applying findings from the science of learning to the classroom, (pp. 185-201). Routledge.
      2. Xing, K., Cropley, D. H., Oppert, M. L. & Singh, C. (2021). Readiness for digital innovation and industry 4.0 transformation: studies on manufacturing industries in the city of Salisbury. In M Kosaka et al. (eds), Business Innovation with New ICT in the Asia-Pacific: Case Studies, (pp. 155-176). Springer.
      3. Chiera, B., Korolkiewicz, M. & Schultz, L. (2021). Learning from learning analytics: how much do we know about patterns of student engagement?. In T Prodromou (ed.), Big Data in Education: Pedagogy and Research. Policy Implications of Research in Education, (pp. 163-197). Springer.
    • 2020 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Bogomolov, T., Korolkiewicz, M. W. & Bogomolova, S. (2020). Identifying patterns in fresh produce purchases: the application of machine learning techniques. In FPG Marquez (ed.), Handbook of Research on Big Data Clustering and Machine Learning, (pp. 378-408). IGI-Global.
      2. Cropley, D. H. & Oppert, M. L. (2020). Commoditizing creativity. In S Pritzker & M Runco (eds), Encyclopedia of Creativity, (pp. 167-171). Elsevier.
      3. Cropley, D. H. (2020). Engineering: the ultimate expression of creativity?. In MA Runco & SR Pritzker (eds), Encyclopedia of Creativity, (pp. 434-439). Elsevier.
      4. Cropley, D. H. & Cropley, A. J. (2020). Creativity as a driver of innovation: measuring the impact of human capital in organisations. In V Dörfler & M Stierand (eds), Handbook of Research Methods on Creativity, (pp. 275-289). Edward Elgar Publishing.
      5. Leonard, S. N. (2020). Mixed reality and embodied cognition. In M Peters & R Heraud (eds), Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation, (pp. 1-5). Springer.
      6. Cropley, D. H. (2020). Creativity and discovery in engineering. In Michelfelder, DP & N Doorn (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Engineering, (pp. 138-148). Routledge.
      7. De Laat, M. & Martens, R. (2020). Practice-based design research to advance teaching and learning practices through situated partnerships. In NB Dohn, SB Hansen & JJ Hansen (eds), Designing for situated knowledge transformation, (pp. 147-159). Routledge.
    • Before 2020 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Cropley, D. H. & Cropley, A. J. (2019). Creativity and malevolence: past, present and future. In JC Kaufman & RJ Sternberg (eds), Cambridge handbook of creativity, (pp. 677-690). Cambridge University Press.
      2. Cropley, D. H. & Cropley, A. J. (2019). Industrie 4.0 und Kreativität im Ingenieurwesen: Folgen für die Hochschullehre. In T Haertel et al. (eds), Hochschullehre & Industrie 4.0: Herausforderungen - Lösungen – Perspektiven, (pp. 27-40). wbv Media. [link]
      3. Cropley, D. H. (2019). Do we make our own luck? Reflections on Ernst Mach's analysis of invention and discovery. In VP Glaveanu (ed.), The creativity reader, (pp. 219-234). Oxford University Press.
      4. Cropley, D. H. (2019). Inspiration or perspiration? Reflections on Edwin Prindle's the art of inventing. In VP Glaveanu (eds), The creativity reader, (pp. 49-72). Oxford University Press.
      5. Cropley, D. H. & Patston, T. J. (2019). Supporting creative teaching and learning in the classroom: myths, models, and measures. In CA Mullen (eds), Creativity under duress in education? Resistive theories, practices, and actions, (pp. 267-288). Springer.
      6. Hattam, S. & Stokes, J. (2019). Liberation and connection: fostering critical students as active agents of their own learning. In A Jones, A Olds & JG Lisciandro (eds), Transitioning students into higher education: philosophy, pedagogy and practice, (pp. 45-53). Routledge.
      7. Vrieling-Teunter, E., Wopereis, I., van den Beemt, A., De Laat, M. & Brand-Gruwel, S. (2019). Analysing social learning of teacher-learning groups that aim at knowledge creation. In A Littlejohn et al. (eds), Networked Professional Learning: Emerging and Equitable Discourses for Professional Development, (pp. 207-222). Springer.
      8. Bissaker, K., Kupke, S., Dawadi, D., Pokhrel, K., Alexander, V., Shearer, J., Stephenson, H., Henderson, L. & Nawab, A. (2019). The power of an effective community in creating networked researchers: outcomes beyond a thesis. In Mollie Dollinger (ed.), Getting the most out of your doctorate: The importance of supervision, networking and becoming a global academic, (pp. 63-82). Emerald Publishing.
      1. Jovanović, J., Gašević, D., Pardo, A., Mirriahi, N. & Dawson, S. (2018). An analytics-based framework to support teaching and learning in a flipped classroom. In JM Lodge, J Cooney Horvath & L Corrin (eds), Learning analytics in the classroom: translating learning analytics research for teachers, (pp. 131-151). Routledge.
      2. Cropley, D. H. & Oppert, M. L. (2018). The fuzzy front-end? How creativity drives organizational innovation. In R Reiter-Palmon, VL Kennel & JC Kaufman (eds), Individual creativity in the workplace, (pp. 35-51). Academic Press.
      3. Stokes, J. (2018). Students on the threshold: commencing student perspectives and enabling pedagogy. In CI Agosti & E Bernat (eds.), University Pathway Programs: Local Responses within a Growing Global Trend, (pp. 223-242). Springer.
      4. Munshi, C. & Deneen, C. C. (2018). Technology-enhanced feedback. In AA Lipnevich & JK Smith (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Instructional Feedback, (pp. 335-356). Cambridge University Press.
      1. Chiera, B. A. & Korolkiewicz, M. W. (2017). Visualizing big data: everything old is new again. In FPG Márquez & B Lev (eds), Big data management, (pp. 1-27). Springer.
      2. Cropley, D. H. (2017). Creative products: Defining and measuring novel solutions. In JA Plucker (ed.), Creativity and innovation: Theory, research, and practice, (pp. 61-74). Prufrock Press.
      3. Cropley, D. H., Gabriel, F. & Westwell, M. (2017). Psychological and neuro-scientific perspectives on mathematical creativity and giftedness. In R leikin & B Sriraman (eds.), Creativity and giftedness: interdisciplinary perspectives from mathematics and beyond, (pp. 183-199). Springer.
      4. Chiera, B. & Korolkiewicz, M. (2017). Teaching visualisation in the age of big data: adopting old approaches to address new challenges. In T Prodromou (ed.), Data visualization and statistical literacy for open and big data, (pp. 103-125). IGI Global.
      5. Mirriahi, N. & Vigentini, L. (2017). Analytics of Learner Video Use. In C Lange et al. (eds), Handbook of learning analytics, (pp. 251-267). Society for Learning Analytics Research.
      6. de Laat, M. & Dawson, S. (2017). Is there anybody out there? Place-based networks for learning: Netmap-a tool for accessing hidden informal learning networks. In L Carvalho, P Goodyear & M de Laat (eds), Place-based spaces for networked learning, (pp. 100-110). Routledge.
      7. Cropley, D. H. (2017). The dark side of creativity: previous research and new avenues. In H Bathelt et al. (eds), The Elgar Companion to Innovation and Knowledge Creation, (pp. 307-324). Edward Elgar Publishing.
      8. Pardo, A., Poquet, O., Martínez-Maldonado, R. & Dawson, S. (2017). Provision of data-driven student feedback in LA & EDM. In C Lang et al. (eds), Handbook of learning analytics, (pp. 163-174). Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR).
      9. Cropley, D. H., Cropley, A. J. & Sandwith, B. L. (2017). Creativity in the engineering domain. In JC Kaufman, VP Glaveanu & J Baer (eds), The Cambridge handbook of creativity across domains, (pp. 261-275). Cambridge University Press.
      10. Pardo, A. & Mirriahi, N. (2017). Design, deployment and evaluation of a flipped learning first-year engineering course. In C Reidsema et al. (eds), The flipped classroom: practice and practices in higher education, (pp. 177-191). Springer Singapore.
      11. Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Gašević, D., Hatala, M. & Siemens, G. (2017). Content analytics: the definition, scope, and an overview of published research. In C Lang et al. (eds), Handbook of learning analytics, (pp. 77-92). Society for Learning Analytics Research.
      1. Cropley, D. H. (2016). Creativity in engineering. In G Corazza & S Agnoli (eds), Multidisciplinary Contributions to the Science of Creative Thinking, (pp. 155-173). Springer.
      2. Kapoor, H., Tagat, A. & Cropley, D. H. (2016). Fifty shades of creativity: case studies of malevolent creativity in art, science, and technology. In FK Reisman (ed.), Creativity in arts, science and technology, (pp. 25-44). KIE Conference Publications.
      3. Vigentini, L., McIntyre, S., Mirriahi, N. & Alonzo, D. (2016). Mining learning sequences in MOOCs: does course design constrain students' behaviors or do students shape their own learning?. In S ElAtia, D Ipperciel & OR Zaïane (eds), Data mining and learning analytics: applications in educational research, (pp. 175-205). Wiley.
      4. Vigentini, L., Mirriahi, N. & Kligyte, G. (2016). From reflective practitioner to active researcher: towards a role for learning analytics in higher education scholarship. In MJ Spector, BB Lockee & MD Childress (eds), Learning, design, and technology: an international compendium of theory, research, practice, and policy, (pp. 1-29). Springer International Publishing.
      1. Cropley, D. (2015). Teaching engineers to think creatively : barriers and challenges in STEM disciplines0. In W Rupert, L Li & JC Kaufman (eds), The Routledge international handbook of research on teaching thinking, (pp. 402-410). Taylor and Francis.
      2. Cropley, D. H. (2015). Video games and malevolent creativity: does one thing lead to another?. In GP Green & JC Kaufman (eds), Video Games and Creativity, (pp. 61-81). Academic Press.
      3. Pardo, A. & Dawson, S. (2015). Learning analytics: how can data be used to improve learning practice?. In P Reimann et al. (eds), Measuring and visualizing learning in the information-rich classroom, (pp. 41-55). Taylor and Francis.
      4. Skrypnyk, O., Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V., Dawson, S., Gašević, D. & Siemens, G. (2015). The history and state of blended learning. In G Siemens, D Gašević & S Dawson (eds), Preparing for the digital university: a review of the history and current state of distance, blended, and online learning, (pp. 55-91). University of Texas at Arlington.
      5. Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V., Skrypnyk, O., Gašević, D., Dawson, S. & Siemens, G. (2015). The history and state of online learning. In G Siemens, D Gašević & S Dawson (eds), Preparing for the digital university: a review of the history and current state of distance, blended, and online learning, (pp. 93-131). University of Texas at Arlington.
      6. Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Skrypnyk, O., Gašević, D., Dawson, S. & Siemens, G. (2015). The history and state of distance education. In G Siemens, D Gašević & S Dawson (eds), Preparing for the digital university: a review of the history and current state of distance, blended, and online learning, (pp. 9-54). University of Texas at Arlington.
      7. McIntyre, S., Watson, K. & Mirriahi, N. (2015). Learning to teach online - evolving approaches to professional development for global reach and impact. In D Remenyi (ed.), e-Learning Excellence Awards 2015: an anthology of case histories, (pp. 128-140). Academic Conferences and Publishing International.
      1. Cropley, D. H. (2014). Engineering, ethics, and creativity: n'er the twain shall meet?. In S Moran, D Cropley & J Kaufman (eds), The Ethics of Creativity, (pp. 152-169). Palgrave Macmillan.
      2. Cropley, D. H. & Cropley, A. (2014). Managing entrepreneurship for innovation: a psychological analysis. In R Sternberg & G Krauss (eds), Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Creativity, (pp. 21-59). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
      3. Hattam, S. & Stokes, J. (2014). Critical thinking: argument, logic and persuasion. In D Carroll (ed.), Skills for academic and career success, (pp. 72-97). Pearson Australia.
      4. Baker, R. & Siemens, G. (2014). Educational data mining and learning analytics. In RK Sawyer (ed.), The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences, (pp. 253-272). Cambridge University Press.
      1. Cropley, D. H. & Kaufman, J. (2013). Rating the creativity of products. In K Thomas & J Chan (eds), Handbook of research on creativity, (pp. 196-211). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
      2. Cropley, D. H., Kaufman, J. C. & Cropley, A. J. (2013). Understanding malevolent creativity. In K Thomas & J Chan (eds), Handbook of research on creativity, (pp. 185-195). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
      3. Cropley, A. & Cropley, D. (2013). The dark side of creativity in the classroom: the paradox of classroom teaching. In J Jones & L Flint (eds), The creative imperative: school librarians and teachers cultivating curiosity together, (pp. 39-52). Libraries Unlimited.
      4. Siemens, G. (2013). Massive open online courses: innovation in education. In R McGreal, W Kinuthia & S Marshall (eds), Open educational resources: innovation research and practice, (pp. 5-15). Athabasca University.
  • news-newspaper Journal articles minus-thin plus-thin
    • 2025 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Kapoor, H., Patston, T., Cropley, D. H., Rezaei, S. & Kaufman, J. C. (2025). Creativity predicts standardized educational outcomes beyond GPA and personality. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 56. 1-12.
      2. Deho, O. B., Bewong, M., Kwashie, S., Li, J., Liu, J., Liu, L. & Joksimović, S. (2025). Is it still fair? A comparative evaluation of fairness algorithms through the lens of covariate drift. Machine Learning, 114. 1-19.
      3. Toofaninejad, E., Dawson, S., Sohrabi, S. & Kalantarion, M. (2025). Exploring the transformative potential of learning analytics in medical education: a systematic review. Journal of Advances in Medical Education and Professionalism, 13(1). 12-24.
      4. Francis, J., Ross, E., Pulker, C., Brinkman, S., Mandzufas, J., Martin, K., Howard, J. & Trapp, G. (2025). Children's views on outdoor advertising of unhealthy food and beverages near schools. Appetite, 206. 1-9.
      5. Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Marrone, R., Korolkiewicz, M., Gabriel, F., Siemens, G., Joksimović, S. & Tejada, J. (2025). Factors influencing trust in algorithmic decision-making: an indirect scenario-based experiment. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 7. 1-16.
      6. Maranna, S., Claassen, A., Joksimović, S., Willison, J., Parange, N. & Costabile, M. (2025). Cognitive presence and self-regulated learning: learning transfer in an online allied health course. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 22(1).
    • 2024 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Fowler, S. & Leonard, S. N. (2024). Using design based research to shift perspectives: a model for sustainable professional development for the innovative use of digital tools. Professional Development in Education, 50(1). 1-13.
      2. Howells, S., Nguyen, H. T., Brinkman, S. & Mitrou, F. (2024). Investigating the validity of the Australian early development census. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 55. 1564-1581.
      3. Venaruzzo, L., Mirriahi, N., Poquet, O. & Dawson, S. (2024). 'Strained and strange': second-year university students' help-seeking strategies. Student Success, 15(1). 1-8.
      4. Darvishi, A., Khosravi, H., Sadiq, S., Gašević, D. & Siemens, G. (2024). Impact of AI assistance on student agency. Computers and Education, 210. 1-18.
      5. Leonard, S. N., Devis, D., MacGill, B., Unsworth, P., Colton, J. & Fowler, S. (2024). Enhancing empathy for justice: a methodology for expansive teacher professional development through creative body-based learning. Sustainability, 16(95). 1-16.
      6. Vosniadou, S., Bodner, E., Stephenson, H., Jeffries, D., Lawson, M. J., Darmawan, I. N., Kang, S., Graham, L. & Dignath, C. (2024). The promotion of self‑regulated learning in the classroom: a theoretical framework and an observation study. Metacognition and Learning, 19(1). 381-419.
      7. Deho, O. B., Liu, L., Li, J., Liu, J., Zhan, C. & Joksimović, S. (2024). When the past != the future: assessing the impact of dataset drift on the fairness of learning analytics models. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 17. 1007-1020.
      8. Bond, M., Khosravi, H., De Laat, M., Bergdahl, N., Negrea, V., Oxley, E., Pham, P., Chong, S. W. & Siemens, G. (2024). A meta systematic review of artificial intelligence in higher education: a call for increased ethics, collaboration, and rigour. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 21. 1-41.
      9. Vieira, M., Kennedy, J. P., Leonard, S. & Cropley, D. (2024). Creative self-efficacy: why it matters for the future of STEM education. Creativity Research Journal, 1-17.
      10. Cropley, D. H., Theurer, C., Mathijssen, A. C. S. & Marrone, R. L. (2024). Fit-for-purpose creativity assessment: automatic scoring of the test of creative thinking - drawing production (TCT-DP). Creativity Research Journal, 1-16.
      11. Sun, C., Zhou, Z. & Cropley, D. (2024). Cognitive processes in selecting humorous punchlines: a comparative study of humor and creativity. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 52. 1-10.
      12. Zhan, C., Joksimović, S., Ladjal, D., Rakotoarivelo, T., Marshall, R. & Pardo, A. (2024). Preserving both privacy and utility in learning analytics. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 17. 1655-1667.
      13. Zamecnik, A., Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Grossmann, G., Ladjal, D. & Pardo, A. (2024). The perceptions of task cohesion in collaborative learning teams. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 19. 369-393.
      14. Johnson, L., Devis, D., Bacholer, C. & Leonard, S. N. (2024). Closing the loop by expanding the scope: using learning analytics within a pragmatic adaptive engagement with complex learning environments. Frontiers in Education, 9. 1-14.
      15. Marrone, R., Cropley, D. H. & Medeiros, K. (2024). How does narrow AI impact human creativity?. Creativity Research Journal, 1-11.
      16. Korolkiewicz, M., Fewster-Young, N., Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Gabriel, F., Kariuki, P., Puga, J. L., Marrone, R., Miles, A. & Garcia, A. M. R. (2024). Fear of the unknown: relationship between statistics anxiety and attitudes toward statistics of university students in three countries. Teaching Statistics, 1-22.
      17. Deneen, C., De Laat , M., Claassen, A. & Zamecnik, A. (2024). Towards automated assessment of participation and value creation in networked learning. Unknown, 14(1). 1-10.
      18. Seidenberg, N., Jivet, I., Scheffel, M., Kovanović, V., Lynch, G. & Drachsler, H. (2024). Learning at and from a virtual conference: a comparison of conference formats and value contributing factors. Journal of Learning Analytics, 11(2). 281-296.
      19. Marrone, R., Zamecnik, A., Joksimović, S., Johnson, J. & De Laat, M. (2024). Understanding student perceptions of Artificial Intelligence as a teammate. Technology Knowledge and Learning, 1-23.
      20. Jovanović, J., Zamecnik, A., Barthakur, A. & Dawson, S. (2024). Curriculum analytics: exploring assessment objectives, types, and grades in a study program. Education and Information Technologies, 1-24.
      21. Bone, E. K., French, S., Deneen, C. C. & Prosser, M. (2024). Examining academics' changing approaches to teaching in response to the pandemic disruption: a phenomenographic approach. Teaching in Higher Education, 1-22.
      22. Dzieciatko-Szendrei, B., Pantić, N., Joksimović, S., Gašević, D. & Viry, G. (2024). Systematic review of the operational definitions and indicators of teacher communities. Educational Research Review, 45. 1-15.
      23. Stephenson, H., Lawson, M. J., Nguyen-Khoa, L., Kang, S. H., Vosniadou, S., Murdoch, C., Graham, L. & White, E. (2024). Helping teacher education students' understanding of self-regulated learning and how to promote self-regulated learning in the classroom. Frontiers in Education, 9. 1-13.
      24. Barthakur, A., Kovanović, V., Dawson, S. & Deneen, C. C. (2024). The application of curriculum analytics for improving assessments and quality assurance in higher education. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 40(4). 1-18.
      25. Knight, S., Viberg, O., Mavrikis, M., Kovanović, V., Khosravi, H., Ferguson, R., Corrin, L., Thompson, K., Major, L., Lodge, J., Hennessy, S. & Cukurova, M. (2024). Emerging technologies and research ethics: developing editorial policy using a scoping review and reference panel. PLoS One, 19. 1-18.
      26. Maranna, S., Joksimović, S., Willison, J., MacDougall, M., Parange, N. & Costabile, M. (2024). Student perspectives on learning transfer from online postgraduate sonography courses to traineeships: a pilot survey. Sonography, 1-12.
      27. Marrone, R., Fowler, S., Barthakur, A., Dawson, S., Siemens, G. & Singh, C. (2024). Perceptions and perspectives of Australian school leaders on the integration of artificial intelligence in schools. School Leadership and Management, 1-23.
      28. Marrone, R., Lam, B., Barthakur, A., Brinkman, S., Dawson, S. & Gabriel, F. (2024). The relationship between wellbeing and academic achievement: a comprehensive cross-sectional analysis of system wide data from 2016-2019. Journal of Learning Analytics, 11(3). 123-141.
      29. Murray, C., Gabriel, F. & Kennedy, J. P. (2024). Factors that promote student well-being in schools: a scoping review of Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand literature. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11. 1-11.
      30. Villanueva, K., Turrell, G., Alderton, A., Davern, M., Brinkman, S., Gauvin, L., Goldfeld, S. & Badland, H. (2024). Neighborhood 'double disadvantage' and child development in inner city and growth areas. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 7. 1-9.
      31. Soong, H., McDonald, S., Vieira, M., French, M., Maher, K. & Stephenson, H. (2024). Reasserting care in higher education: perspectives from female early and mid-career researchers. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 1-16.
      32. Kovanović, V., Viberg, O., Khosravi, H. & Ferguson, R. (2024). Skills and competencies for thriving in the age of generative AI: the role of learning analytics. Journal of Learning Analytics, 11(3). 1-5.
    • 2023 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Cutting, C. & Lowrie, T. (2023). Bounded learning progressions: a framework to capture young children's development of mathematical activity in play-based contexts. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 35. 317-337.
      2. Fowler, S., Cutting, C., Fiedler, S. H. D. & Leonard, S. N. (2023). Design-based research in mathematics education: trends, challenges and potential. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 35. 635-658.
      3. Leonard, S. N., Repetto, M., Kennedy, J. P., Tudini, E. & Fowler, S. (2023). Designing maker initiatives for educational inclusion. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 33(3). 883-899.
      4. Arango-Uribe, M. L., Barrera-Causil, C. J., Pallares, V., Rojas, J. M., Mercado Díaz, L. R., Marrone, R. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2023). Statistical modelling of the impact of online courses in higher education on sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 24(2). 404-425.
      5. Fowler, S., Leonard, S. N. & Gabriel, F. (2023). Empowering mathematics teachers to meet evolving educational goals: the role of 'epistemic objects' in developing actionable practice knowledge in tumultuous times. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 51(1). 45-57.
      6. Marrone, R., Cropley, D. H. & Wang, Z. (2023). Automatic assessment of mathematical creativity using natural language processing. Creativity Research Journal, 35(4). 661-676.
      7. Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Tejo, M., Brabec, M., Kuzilek, J., Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V., González, J., Kneib, T., Bühlmann, P., Kook, L., Briseño-Sánchez, G. & Ospina, R. (2023). Distributional regression modeling via generalized additive models for location, scale, and shape: an overview through a data set from learning analytics. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 13. 1-22.
      8. Deho, O. B., Joksimović, S., Li, J., Zhan, C., Liu, J. & Liu, L. (2023). Should learning analytics models include sensitive attributes? Explaining the why. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 16(4). 560-572.
      9. Stahl, G., McDonald, S. & Stokes, J. (2023). Indigenous university pathways, WIL and the strengthening of aspirations: Robbie's journey as a learner. Higher Education Research and Development, 42(7). 1624-1639.
      10. Gašević, D., Siemens, G. & Sadiq, S. (2023). Empowering learners for the age of artificial intelligence. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 1-4.
      11. Choi, H., Jovanović, J., Poquet, O., Brooks, C., Joksimović, S. & Williams, J. J. (2023). The benefit of reflection prompts for encouraging learning with hints in an online programming course. The Internet and Higher Education, 58. 1-10.
      12. Soleymani, A., van den Brom, P., Ahmed, S., Konings, M., Sjoer, E., Itard, L., Zeiler, W., De Laat, M. & Specht, M. (2023). Learnings networks and professional development in building energy management systems industry. Education Sciences, 13. 1-16.
      13. Brushe, M. E., Lynch, J. W., Melhuish, E., Reilly, S., Mittinty, M. N. & Brinkman, S. (2023). Objectively measured infant and toddler screen time: findings from a prospective study. Social Science and Medicine – Population Health, 22. 1-7.
      14. Vosniadou, S., Lawson, M. J., Bodner, E., Stephenson, H., Jeffries, D. & Ngurah Darmawan, I. G. (2023). Using an extended ICAP-based coding guide as a framework for the analysis of classroom observations. Teaching and Teacher Education, 128. 1-13.
      15. Joksimović, S., Ifenthaler, D., Marrone, R., De Laat, M. & Siemens, G. (2023). Opportunities of artificial intelligence for supporting complex problem-solving: findings from a scoping review. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 4. 1-12.
      16. Fowler, S., Korolkiewicz, M. & Marrone, R. (2023). First 100 days of ChatGPT at Australian Universities An analysis of policy landscape and media discussions about the role of AI in Higher Education. Unknown, 1(1). 1-8.
      17. Zamecnik, A., Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Grossmann, G., Ladjal, D., Marshall, R. & Pardo, A. (2023). Using online learner trace data to understand the cohesion of teams in higher education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39(6). 1733-1750.
      18. Oppert, M. L., O'Keeffe, V., Bensnes, M., Grecu, A. & Cropley, D. H. (2023). The value of creativity: a scoping review. Journal of Creativity, 33. 1-9.
      19. Brass, T., Kennedy, J. P., Gabriel, F., Neill, B., Devis, D. & Leonard, S. (2023). Learning analytics for lifelong career development: a framework to support sustainable formative assessment and self-reflection in programs developing career self-efficacy. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 6. 1-10.
      20. Gibson, D., Kovanović, V., Ifenthaler, D., Dexter, S. & Feng, S. (2023). Learning theories for artificial intelligence promoting learning processes. British Journal of Educational Technology, 54(5). 1125-1146.
      21. Raymond, S. & Gabriel, F. (2023). An ecological framework for early years teacher self-efficacy development. Teaching and Teacher Education, 132.
      22. Zhan, C., Deho, O. B., Zhang, X., Joksimović, S. & de Laat, M. (2023). Synthetic data generator for student data serving learning analytics: a comparative study. Unknown, 1(5). 1-15.
      23. Dumuid, D., Singh, B., Brinsley, J., Virgara, R., Curtis, R. G., Brinkman, S. & Maher, C. A. (2023). Trends in well-being among youth in Australia, 2017-2022. JAMA network open, 6. 1-14.
      24. Cropley, D. (2023). Is artificial intelligence more creative than humans? ChatGPT and the Divergent Association Task. Unknown, 2(8). 1-8.
      25. Gorman, V., Gabriel, F. & Leonard, S. (2023). Explicit metacognitive questioning: a strategy to reduce mathematics anxiety. The Australian Mathematics Education Journal, 5(2). 24-29.
      26. Cutting, C., Unsworth, P. & Trewartha, B. (2023). Unpacking a framework for activating and assessing student's prior knowledge. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 28(2). 3-7.
      27. Cutting, C. & Lowrie, T. (2023). Steering STEM education develpoment through play. Unknown, 134. 1-2.
      28. Dawson, S., Joksimović, S., Mills, C., Gašević, D. & Siemens, G. (2023). Advancing theory in the age of artificial intelligence. British Journal of Educational Technology, 54. 1051-1056.
      29. Ferguson, R., Khosravi, H., Kovanović, V., Viberg, O. & Yan, V. X. (2023). Aligning the goals of learning analytics with its research scholarship. Journal of Learning Analytics, 10(2). 14-17.
      30. Cropley, D. & Cropley, A. (2023). Creativity and the cyber shock: the ultimate paradox. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 57(4). 485-487.
      31. Khosravi, H., Viberg, O., Kovanović, V. & Ferguson, R. (2023). Generative AI and Learning Analytics. Journal of Learning Analytics, 10(3). 1-6.
      32. Deneen, C. C. & Hoo, H. (2023). Connecting teacher and student assessment literacy with self-evaluation and peer feedback. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 48(2). 214-226.
      33. Villanueva, K., Woolcock, G., Goldfeld, S., Tanton, R., Brinkman, S., Katz, I. & Giles-Corti, B. (2023). The built environment and early childhood development: qualitative evidence from disadvantaged Australian communities. Children's Geographies, 21(2). 330-346.
      34. Lawson, M. J., Van Deur, P., Scott, W., Stephenson, H., Kang, S., Wyra, M., Darmawan, I., Vosniadou, S., Murdoch, C., White, E. & Graham, L. (2023). The levels of cognitive engagement of lesson tasks designed by teacher education students and their use of knowledge of self-regulated learning in explanations for task design. Teaching and Teacher Education, 125. 1-12.
      35. Olusanya, B. O., Gulati, S., Berman, B. D., Hadders Algra, M., Williams, A. N., Smythe, T., Boo, N. Y. & Brinkman, S. (2023). Global leadership is needed to optimize early childhood development for children with disabilities. Nature Medicine, 29. 1056-1060.
      36. Olusanya, B. O., Cheung, V. G., Hadders Algra, M., Breinbauer, C., Smythe, T., Morena Angarita, M., Brinkman, S., Almasri, N., Figueiredo, M., Kraus de Camargo, O., Chinonye Nnanna, I., Block, S. S., Storbeck, C., Olusanya, J. O., Berman, B. D., Wertlieb, D., Williams, A. N., Nair, M., Davis, A. C. & Wright, S. M. (2023). Sustainable Development Goals summit 2023 and the global pledge on disability-focused early childhood development. Lancet Global Health, 11. 823-825.
    • 2022 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Pantic, N., Galey, S., Florian, L., Joksimović, S., Viry, G., Gašević, D., Knutes Nyqvist, H. & Kyritsi, K. (2022). Making sense of teacher agency for change with social and epistemic network analysis. Journal of Educational Change, 23(2). 145-177.
      2. Fowler, S., Cutting, C., Kennedy, J., Leonard, S. N., Gabriel, F. & Jaeschke, W. (2022). Technology enhanced learning environments and the potential for enhancing spatial reasoning: a mixed methods study. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 34(4). 887-910.
      3. Poquet, O., Nguyen, Q., Kovanović, V., Brooks, C., Dawson, S. & Biotteau, A. (2022). Grade-based similarity prevails in online course forums at scale. Computers and Education, 178. 1 n-17.
      4. Zamecnik, A., Villa-Torrano, C., Kovanović, V., Grossmann, G., Joksimović, S., Dimitriadis, Y. & Pardo, A. (2022). The cohesion of small groups in technology-mediated learning environments: a systematic literature review. Educational Research Review, 35. 1-22.
      5. Oppert, M., Dollard, M. F., Murugavel, V. R., Reiter-Palmon, R., Reardon, A., Cropley, D. H. & O'keeffe, V. (2022). A mixed-methods study of creative problem solving and psychosocial safety climate: preparing engineers for the future of work. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. 1-18.
      6. Zamecnik, A., Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S. & Liu, L. (2022). Exploring non-traditional learner motivations and characteristics in online learning: a learner profile study. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3. 1-15.
      7. Fudge, A., Ulpen, T., Bilic, S., Picard, M. & Carter, C. (2022). Does an educative approach work? A reflective case study of how two Australian higher education Enabling programs support students and staff uphold a responsible culture of academic integrity. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 18(5). 1-20.
      8. Gabriel, F., Marrone, R., Van Sebille, Y., Kovanović, V. & de Laat, M. (2022). Digital education strategies around the world: practices and policies. Irish Educational Studies, 41(1). 85-106.
      9. Markauskaite, L., Marrone, R., Poquet, O., Knight, S., Martinez-Maldonado, R., Howard, S., Tondeur, J., De Laat, M., Buckingham Shum, S., Gašević, D. & Siemens, G. (2022). Rethinking the entwinement between artificial intelligence and human learning: what capabilities do learners need for a world with AI?. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3. 1-16.
      10. Carvalho, L., Martinez-Maldonado, R., Tsai, Y. S., Markauskaite, L. & De Laat, M. (2022). How can we design for learning in an AI world?. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3. 1-9.
      11. Poquet, O., Lim, L. & De Laat, M. (2022). Learning analytics in the corporate sector: what business leaders say. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 15(5). 605-619.
      12. McKay, J., Barthakur, A. & Joksimović, S. (2022). Self-reflection on presentation skills and on the law in environmental law teaching: an Australian example. IUCN Academy of Environmental Law eJournal, 12. 123-138.
      13. Barthakur, A., Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Zhang, Z., Richey, M. & Pardo, A. (2022). Measuring leadership development in workplace learning using automated assessments: learning analytics and measurement theory approach. British Journal of Educational Technology, 53(6). 1842-1863.
      14. Barthakur, A., Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V., Corbett, F. C., Richey, M. & Pardo, A. (2022). Assessing the sequencing of learning objectives in a study program using evidence-based practice. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 47(8). 1429-1443.
      15. Zamecnik, A., Kovanović, V., Grossmann, G., Joksimović, S., Jolliffe, G., Gibson, D. & Pardo, A. (2022). Team interactions with learning analytics dashboards. Computers and Education, 185. 1-14.
      16. Cropley, D. H. & Marrone, R. L. (2022). Automated scoring of figural creativity using a convolutional neural network. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 1-10.
      17. Szabo, E., Körmendi, A., Kurucz, G., Cropley, D., Olajos, T. & Pataky, N. (2022). Personality traits as predictors of malevolent creative ideation in offenders. Behavioral Sciences, 12. 1-20.
      18. Barthakur, A., Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V., Richey, M. & Pardo, A. (2022). Aligning objectives with assessment in online courses: integrating learning analytics and measurement theory. Computers and Education, 190. 1-16.
      19. Leonard, S. N. (2022). The arrival of STEM in the science and mathematics curriculum increases the epistemic demands on teachers. Curriculum Perspectives, 42. 191-194.
      20. Fowler, S., Gabriel, F. & Leonard, S. N. (2022). Exploring the effect of teacher ontological and epistemic cognition on engagement with professional development. Professional Development in Education, 1-17.
      21. Marrone, R., Taddeo, V. & Hill, G. (2022). Creativity and artificial intelligence-a student perspective. Journal of Intelligence, 10. 1-11.
      22. Leonard, S. N., O'Keeffe, L., White, B., O'Leary, M. & Sloan, K. (2022). The STEM crisis and teacher practice: exploring responses to the competing discursive arrangements of education in the sciences in a catholic school setting. Education Sciences, 12. 1-14.
      23. Maranna, S., Willison, J., Joksimović, S., Parange, N. & Costabile, M. (2022). Factors that influence cognitive presence: a scoping review. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 38(4). 95-111.
      24. Salehian Kia, F., Pardo, A., Dawson, S. & O'Brien, H. (2022). Exploring the relationship between personalized feedback models, learning design and assessment outcomes. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 48(6). 860-873.
      25. Barthakur, A., Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V., Mello, R. F., Taylor, M., Richey, M. & Pardo, A. (2022). Understanding depth of reflective writing in workplace learning assessments using machine learning classification. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 15(5). 567-578.
      26. Siemens, G., Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Gabriel, F., Medeiros, K., Marrone, R., Joksimović, S. & de Laat, M. (2022). Human and artificial cognition. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3. 1-9.
      27. Ferguson, R., Ochoa, X. & Kovanović, V. (2022). Learning analytics: practitioners, take note. Journal of Learning Analytics, 9(3). 1-7.
      28. Cutting, C. & O'Keeffe, L. (2022). Supporting children to think flexibly about fractions. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 27(3). 6-10.
      29. Baird, S., Marrone, R. & Gabriel, F. (2022). Addressing maths anxiety in primary school: a case study. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 27(3). 27-30.
      30. Gabriel, F. (2022). Maths anxiety - and how to overcome it. Significance, 19(1). 34-35.
      31. Ladjal, D., Joksimović, S., Rakotoarivelo, T. & Zhan, C. (2022). Technological frameworks on ethical and trustworthy learning analytics. British Journal of Educational Technology, 53(4). 733-736.
      32. Hoo, H., Deneen, C. & Boud, D. (2022). Developing student feedback literacy through self and peer assessment interventions. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 47(3). 444-457.
      33. Grace, B. S., Gregory, T., Collier, L. & Brinkman, S. (2022). Clustering of wellbeing, engagement and academic outcomes in Australian primary schools. Child Indicators Research, 15. 2171-2195.
      34. Sincovich, A., Moller, H., Smithers, L., Brushe, M., Lassi, Z. S., Brinkman, S. A. & Gregory, T. (2022). Prevalence of breakfast skipping among children and adolescents: a cross-sectional population level study. BMC Pediatrics, 22. 1-10.
      35. Trapp, G. S., Pulker, C. E., Hurworth, M., Law, K. K., Brinkman, S., Pollard, C. M., Harray, A. J., Sambell, R., Mandzufas, J., Anzman Frasca, S. & Hickling, S. (2022). The nutritional quality of kids' menus from cafés and restaurants: an Australian cross‐sectional study. Nutrients, 14(13). 1-14.
      36. Gregory, T., Lewkowicz, A., Engelhardt, D., Stringer, A., Luddy, S. & Brinkman, S. A. (2022). Data resource profile: the South Australian Well-being and Engagement Collection (WEC). International Journal of Epidemiology, 51(1). 16-16g.
      37. Brushe, M. E., Islam, T., Monroy, N. S., Sincovich, A., Gregory, T., Finlay-Jones, A. & Brinkman, S. A. (2022). Prevalence of electronic device use before bed among Australian children and adolescents: a cross-sectional population level study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 46(3). 286-291.
      38. Nguyen, H. T., Brinkman, S., Le, H. T., Zubrick, S. R. & Mitrou, F. (2022). Gender differences in time allocation contribute to differences in developmental outcomes in children and adolescents. Economics of Education Review, 89. 1-13.
      39. Venaruzzo, L., Mirriahi, N., Poquet, S. & Dawson, S. (2022). Second-year student perceptions and use of technology during emergency remote teaching to connect with peers and instructors. Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 41(1). 31-33.
    • 2021 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Lim, L. A., Gentili, S., Kovanović, V., Whitelock-Wainwright, A., Gašević, D. & Dawson, S. (2021). What changes, and for whom? A study of the impact of learning analytics-based process feedback in a large course. Learning and Instruction, 72. 1-11.
      2. Woolcott, G., Leonard, S., Scott, A., Chamberlain, D. & Keast, R. (2021). Partnered research and emergent variation: developing a set of characteristics for identifying complexity in higher education partnerships. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 43(1). 91-109.
      3. Cropley, D. H. (2021). Applying quality function deployment to the design of engineering programmes: approaches, insights and benefits. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 26(1). 138-151.
      4. Lim, L., Dawson, S., Gašević, D., Joksimović, S., Pardo, A., Fudge, A. & Gentili, S. (2021). Students' perceptions of, and emotional responses to, personalised learning analytics-based feedback: an exploratory study of four courses. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 46(3). 339-359.
      5. Patston, T. J., Kaufman, J. C., Cropley, A. J. & Marrone, R. (2021). What is creativity in education? A qualitative study of international curricula. Journal of Advanced Academics, 32(2). 207-230.
      6. Barthakur, A., Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Siemens, G., Richey, M. & Dawson, S. (2021). Assessing program-level learning strategies in MOOCs. Computers in Human Behavior, 117. 1-13.
      7. Patston, T. J., Kennedy, J., Jaeschke, W., Kapoor, H., Leonard, S. N., Cropley, D. H. & Kaufman, J. C. (2021). Secondary education in COVID lockdown: more anxious and less creative-maybe not?. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. 1-14.
      8. Fincham, E., Rozemberczki, B., Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Jovanović, J. & Gašević, D. (2021). Persistence and performance in co-enrolment network embeddings: an empirical validation of Tinto's student integration model. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 14. 106-121.
      9. Tsai, Y., Kovanović, V. & Gašević, D. (2021). Connecting the dots: an exploratory study on learning analytics adoption factors, experience, and priorities. The Internet and Higher Education, 50. 1-16.
      10. Poquet, O. & De Laat, M. (2021). Developing capabilities: lifelong learning in the age of AI. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(4). 1695-1708.
      11. Jovanović, J., Saqr, M., Joksimović, S. & Gašević, D. (2021). Students matter the most in learning analytics: the effects of internal and instructional conditions in predicting academic success. Computers and Education, 172. 1-13.
      12. Leonard, S. N. (2021). An implicate order to our practice: reflections on the Waterhouse Natural Art Prize exhibition. Teaching Science, 67(2). 31-33.
      13. Mirriahi, N., Jovanović, J., Lim, L. & Lodge, J. M. (2021). Two sides of the same coin: video annotations and in-video questions for active learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 69. 2571-2588.
      14. Cropley, D. H. (2021). Femina problematis solvendis - Problem-solving woman: a history of the creativity of women. Journal of Creativity, 1-6.
      15. Kovanović, V., Mazziotti, C. & Lodge, J. (2021). Learning analytics for primary and secondary schools. Journal of Learning Analytics, 8(2). 1-5.
      16. Ruipérez-Valiente, J. A., Jaramillo-Morillo, D., Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V., Muñoz-Merino, P. J. & Gašević, D. (2021). Data-driven detection and characterization of communities of accounts collaborating in MOOCs. Future Generation Computer Systems: The International Journal of Grid Computing and Escience, 125. 590-603.
      17. Barrera-Causil, C., Correa, J., Zamecnik, A., Torres-Avilés, F. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2021). An FDA-based approach for clustering elicited expert knowledge. Stats, 4(1). 184-204.
      18. Seidenberg, N., Scheffel, M., Kovanović, V., Lynch, G. & Drachsler, H. (2021). Virtual academic conferences as learning spaces: factors associated with the perceived value of purely virtual conferences. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 37(6). 1694-1707.
      19. Fowler, S. (2021). Navigating through augmented reality - a spatial reasoning exploration. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 26(2). 23-26.
      20. Iraj, H., Fudge, A., Khan, H., Faulkner, M., Pardo, A. & Kovanović, V. (2021). Narrowing the feedback gap: examining student engagement with personalized and actionable feedback messages. Journal of Learning Analytics, 8(3). 101-116.
      21. Skrypnyk, O., Kitto, K., Jovanović, J., Dawson, S., Siemens, G. & Markauskaite, L. (2021). Transitions through lifelong learning: implications for learning analytics. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 2. 1-11.
      22. Gourlay, L., Rodríguez-Illera, J. L., Barbera, E., Bali, M., De Laat, M. & Knox, J. (2021). Networked learning in 2021: a community definition. Postdigital Science and Education, 3. 326-369.
      23. Deneen, C. C. & Prosser, M. (2021). Freedom to innovate. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53(11). 1127-1135.
      24. Goldfeld, S., Villanueva, K., Tanton, R., Katz, I., Brinkman, S., Giles-Corti, B. & Woolcock, G. (2021). Findings from the Kids in Communities Study (KiCS): a mixed methods study examining community-level influences on early childhood development. PLoS ONE, 16(9). 1-21.
      25. Gregory, T., Sincovich, A., Brushe, M., Finlay-Jones, . A., Collier, L. R., Grace, B., Sechague Monroy, N. & Brinkman, S. A. (2021). Basic epidemiology of wellbeing among children and adolescents: a cross-sectional population level study. SSM - Population Health, 15. 1-10.
      26. Brushe, M. E., Lynch, J., Reilly, S., Melhuish, E., Mittinty, M. N. & Brinkman, S. A. (2021). The education word gap emerges by 18 months: findings from an Australian prospective study. BMC Pediatrics, 21. 1-9.
    • 2020 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Aitchison, C., Harper, R., Mirriahi, N. & Guerin, C. (2020). Tensions for educational developers in the digital university: developing the person, developing the product. Higher Education Research and Development, 39(2). 171-184.
      2. Tubb, A., Cropley, D. H., Marrone, R. L., Patston, T. & Kaufman, J. C. (2020). The development of mathematical creativity across high school: increasing, decreasing, or both?. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 35. 1-13.
      3. Karwowski, M., Gralewski, J., Patston, T., Cropley, D. H. & Kaufman, J. (2020). The creative student in the eyes of a teacher: a cross-cultural study. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 35. 1-12.
      4. Stahl, G., McDonald, S. & Stokes, J. (2020). 'I see myself as undeveloped': supporting Indigenous first-in-family males in the transition to higher education. Higher Education Research and Development, 39. 1488-1501.
      5. Thompson, C., Gabriel, F. & Leonard, S. N. (2020). Collaborative assessment design as teacher professional learning: a case study of student fraction knowledge. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 25(1). 27-32.
      6. Joksimović, S., Jovanović, J., Kovanović, V., Gašević, D., Milikic, N., Zouaq, A. & van Staalduine, J. P. (2020). Comprehensive analysis of discussion forum participation: from speech acts to discussion dynamics and course outcomes. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 13(1). 38-51.
      7. Poquet, O., Jovanović, J. & Dawson, S. (2020). Differences in forum communication of residents and visitors in MOOCS. Computers and Education, 156. 1-17.
      8. Sun, C., Fu, H., Zhou, Z. & Cropley, D. H. (2020). The effects of different types of social exclusion on creative thinking: the role of self-construal. Personality and Individual Differences, 166. 1-6.
      9. van Broekhoven, K., Cropley, D. & Seegers, P. (2020). Differences in creativity across art and STEM students: we are more alike than unalike. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 38. 3-41.
      10. Cutting, C. & Larkin, K. (2020). The impact of weekly formative video feedback on pre-service teachers' experiences in online mathematics education. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 23(1). 74-90.
      11. Gabriel, F., Buckley, S. & Barthakur, A. (2020). The impact of mathematics anxiety on self-regulated learning and mathematical literacy. Australian Journal of Education, 64(3). 227-242.
      12. de Laat, m., Joksimović, S. & Ifenthaler, D. (2020). Artificial intelligence, real-time feedback and workplace learning analytics to support in situ complex problem-solving: a commentary. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 37(5). 267-277.
      13. Lim, L., Dawson, S., Gašević, D., Joksimović, S., Fudge, A., Pardo, A. & Gentili, S. (2020). Students' sense-making of personalised feedback based on learning analytics. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(6). 15-33.
      14. Joksimović, S., Siemens, G., Wang, Y., San Pedro, M. O. Z. & Way, J. (2020). Editorial: Beyond cognitive ability. Journal of Learning Analytics, 7(1). 1-4.
      15. Kennedy, J. P., Quinn, F. & Lyons, T. (2020). The keys to STEM: Australian year 7 students' attitudes and intentions towards science, mathematics and technology courses. Research in science education, 50(5). 1805-1832.
      16. Zhou, J. & Deneen, C. (2020). 'Sandwiched' or 'filtering': middle leaders' agency in innovation enactment. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 42(3). 332-346.
      17. Hoo, H., Tan, K. & Deneen, C. (2020). Negotiating self- and peer-feedback with the use of reflective journals: an analysis of undergraduates' engagement with feedback. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 45(3). 431-446.
      18. Sincovich, A., Gregory, T., Harman-Smith, Y. & Brinkman, S. A. (2020). Exploring associations between playgroup attendance and early childhood development at school entry in Australia: a cross-sectional population-level study. American Educational Research Journal, 57(2). 475-503.
      19. Laurens, K. R., Islam, F., Kariuki, M., Harris, F., Chilvers, M., Butler, M., Schofield, J., Essery, C., Brinkman, S. A., Carr, V. J. & Green, M. J. (2020). Reading and numeracy attainment of children reported to child protection services: a population record linkage study controlling for other adversities. Child Abuse & Neglect: the international journal, 101. 1-15.
      20. Sincovich, A., Gregory, T., Zanon, C., Santos, D. D., Lynch, J. & Brinkman, S. A. (2020). Measuring early child development in low and middle income countries: investigating the validity of the early Human Capability Index. SSM - Population Health, 11. 1-12.
      21. Brushe, M. E., Lynch, J. W., Reilly, S., Melhuish, E. & Brinkman, S. A. (2020). How many words are Australian children hearing in the first year of life?. BMC Pediatrics, 20(52). 1-9.
      22. Nakajima, N., Jung, H., Pradhan, M., Hasan, A., Kinnell, A. & Brinkman, S. (2020). Gender gaps in cognitive and social-emotional skills in early primary grades: evidence from rural Indonesia. Developmental Science, 23(5). 1-17.
      23. Collier, L. R., Gregory, T., Harman-Smith, Y., Gialamas, A. & Brinkman, S. A. (2020). Inequalities in child development at school entry: a repeated cross-sectional analysis of the Australian Early Development Census 2009-2018. The Lancet Regional Health. Western Pacific, 4. 1-9.
    • Before 2020 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Cropley, D. H. & Kaufman, J. C. (2019). The siren song of aesthetics? Domain differences and creativity in engineering and design. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233(2). 451-464.
      2. Pardo, A., Jovanović, J., Dawson, S., Gašević, D. & Mirriahi, N. (2019). Using learning analytics to scale the provision of personalised feedback. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(1). 128-138.
      3. Pardo, A., Gašević, D., Jovanović, J., Dawson, S. & Mirriahi, N. (2019). Exploring student interactions with preparation activities in a flipped classroom experience. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 12(3). 333-346.
      4. Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Poquet, O., Hennis, T., de Vries, P., Hatala, M., Dawson, S., Siemens, G. & Gašević, D. (2019). Examining communities of inquiry in Massive Open Online Courses: the role of study strategies. The Internet and Higher Education, 40. 20-43.
      5. Alonzo, D., Mirriahi, N. & Davison, C. (2019). The standards for academics' standards-based assessment practices. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(4). 636-652.
      6. Gašević, D., Joksimović, S., Eagan, B. R. & Shaffer, D. W. (2019). SENS: Network analytics to combine social and cognitive perspectives of collaborative learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 92. 562-577.
      7. Jovanović, J., Mirriahi, N., Gašević, D., Dawson, S. & Pardo, A. (2019). Predictive power of regularity of pre-class activities in a flipped classroom. Computers and Education, 134. 156-168.
      8. Al-Qadami, G., Van Sebille, Y., Le, H. & Bowen, J. (2019). Gut microbiota: implications for radiotherapy response and radiotherapy-induced mucositis. Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 13(5). 485-496.
      9. Cutting, C., Fowler, S., Leonard, S. & O'Keefe, L. (2019). The mathematics proficiencies: A doorway into spatial thinking. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 24(1). 36-40.
      10. Joksimović, S., Dowell, N., Gašević, D., Mirriahi, N., Dawson, S. & Graesser, A. C. (2019). Linguistic characteristics of reflective states in video annotations under different instructional conditions. Computers in Human Behavior, 96. 211-222.
      11. Gašević, D., Tsai, Y. S., Dawson, S. & Pardo, A. (2019). How do we start? An approach to learning analytics adoption in higher education. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 36(4). 342-353.
      12. Khatin-Zadeh, O., Khoshsima, H., Yarahmadzehi, N. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2019). The impact of metaphorical Prime on metaphor comprehension processes*. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 39(3). 375-388.
      13. Van Sebille, Y. Z., Gibson, R. J., Wardill, H. R., Carney, T. J. & Bowen, J. M. (2019). Use of zebrafish to model chemotherapy and targeted therapy gastrointestinal toxicity. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 244. 1178-1185.
      14. Tsai, Y., Poquet, O., Gašević, D., Dawson, S. & Pardo, A. (2019). Complexity leadership in learning analytics: drivers, challenges and opportunities. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(6). 2839-2854.
      15. Siemens, G. (2019). Learning analytics and open, flexible, and distance learning. Distance Education, 40(3). 414-418.
      16. Khatin-Zadeh, O., Eskandari, Z., Banaruee, H. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2019). Abstract metaphorical classes: a perspective from distributed models of conceptual representations. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 50(2). 108-113.
      17. Cropley, D. H., Patston, T., Marrone, R. L. & Kaufman, J. C. (2019). Essential, unexceptional and universal: teacher implicit beliefs of creativity. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 34. 1-11.
      18. Ospina, R. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2019). Performance of some estimators of relative variability. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 5(43). 1-20.
      19. Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V. & Dawson, S. (2019). The journey of learning analytics. Higher Education Research and Development, 6. 37-63.
      20. Helal, S., Li, J., Liu, L., Ebrahimie, E., Dawson, S. & Murray, D. J. (2019). Identifying key factors of student academic performance by subgroup discovery. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 7(3). 227-245.
      21. Balzaretti, N., Ciani, A., Cutting, C., O'Keeffe, L. & White, B. (2019). Unpacking the potential of 360degree video to support pre-service teacher development. Research on Education and Media, 11(1). 63-69.
      22. Yoshimura, N., Yonemitsu, F., Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Ariga, A. & Yamada, Y. (2019). Task difficulty modulates the disrupting effects of oral respiration on visual search performance. Journal of Cognition, 2. 1-13.
      23. Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Arshamian, A., Tirado, C., Ospina, R. & Larsson, M. (2019). The allocation of valenced percepts onto 3D space. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. 1-9.
      24. Tejo, M., Araya, H., Niklitschek-Soto, S. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2019). Theoretical models of reaction times arising from simple-choice tasks. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 13(4). 409-416.
      25. Rodríguez-Medina, D. A., Leija-Alva, G., Domínguez-Trejo, B., del Rocio Hernández-Pozo, M., Cruz-Albarrán, I. A., Morales-Hernández, L. A. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2019). Effects of the trier social stress test on the distributions of IL-6 and MAP levels. Heliyon, 5. 1-9.
      26. Barrera-Causil, C. J., Correa, J. C. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2019). Experimental investigation on the elicitation of subjective distributions. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. 1-10.
      27. Schreurs, B., Cornelissen, F. & De Laat, M. (2019). How do online learning networks emerge? A review study of self-organizing network effects in the field of networked learning. Education Sciences, 9. 1-27.
      28. Deneen, C. C., Fulmer, G. W., Brown, G. T., Tan, K., Leong, W. S. & Tay, H. Y. (2019). Value, practice and proficiency: teachers' complex relationship with assessment for learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 80. 39-47.
      29. Villanueva, K., Badland, H., Tanton, R., Katz, I., Brinkman, S., Lee, J., Woolcock, G., Giles-Corti, B. & Goldfeld, S. (2019). Local housing characteristics associated with early childhood development outcomes in Australian disadvantaged communities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(10). 1-17.
      30. Goldfeld, S., Villanueva, K., Tanton, R., Katz, I., Brinkman, S., Giles-Corti, B. & Woolcock, G. (2019). Creating community indicators for early childhood development: challenges and innovations from the kids in communities study. Cities & Health, 3. 68-77.
      31. Sincovich, A., Gregory, T., Zanon, C., Santos, D. D., Lynch, J. & Brinkman, S. A. (2019). Measuring early childhood development in multiple contexts: the internal factor structure and reliability of the early Human Capability Index in seven low and middle income countries. BMC Pediatrics, 19. 1-14.
      32. Nakajima, N., Hasan, A., Jung, H., Brinkman, S., Pradhan, M. & Kinnell, A. (2019). Investing in school readiness: a comparison of different early childhood education pathways in rural Indonesia. International Journal of Educational Development, 69. 22-38.
      33. Green, M. J., Tzoumakis, S., Laurens, K. R., Dean, K., Kariuki, M., Harris, F., Brinkman, S. A. & Carr, V. J. (2019). Early developmental risk for subsequent childhood mental disorders in an Australian population cohort. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 53(4). 304-315.
      34. Gregory, T., Engelhardt, D., Lewkowicz, A., Luddy, S., Guhn, M., Gadermann, A., Schonert-Reichl, K. & Brinkman, S. (2019). Validity of the middle years development instrument for population monitoring of student wellbeing in Australian school children. Child Indicators Research, 12. 873-899.
      1. Camelia, F., Ferris, T. L. & Cropley, D. H. (2018). Development and initial validation of an instrument to measure students' learning about systems thinking: the affective domain. IEEE Systems Journal, 12(1). 115-124.
      2. Gabriel, F., Signolet, J. & Westwell, M. (2018). A machine learning approach to investigating the effects of mathematics dispositions on mathematical literacy. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 41(3). 1-22.
      3. Van Sebille, Y. Z., Gibson, R. J., Wardill, H. R., Ball, I. A., Keefe, D. M. & Bowen, J. M. (2018). Dacomitinib-induced diarrhea: Targeting chloride secretion with crofelemer. International Journal of Cancer, 142. 369-380.
      4. Joksimović, S., Dowell, N., Poquet, O., Kovanović, V., Gašević, D., Dawson, S. & Graesser, A. C. (2018). Exploring development of social capital in a CMOOC through language and discourse. The Internet and Higher Education, 36. 54-64.
      5. Joksimović, S., Poquet, O., Kovanović, V., Dowell, N., Mills, C., Gašević, D., Dawson, S., Graesser, A. C. & Brooks, C. (2018). How do we model learning at scale? A systematic review of research on MOOCs. Review of Educational Research, 88(1). 43-86.
      6. Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Poquet, O., Hennis, T., Čukić, I., de Vries, P., Hatala, M., Dawson, S., Siemens, G. & Gašević, D. (2018). Exploring communities of inquiry in massive open online courses. Computers and Education, 119. 44-58.
      7. Crosslin, M., Dellinger, J. T., Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V. & Gašević, D. (2018). Customizable modalities for individualized learning: Examining patterns of engagement in dual-layer MOOCS. Online Learning Journal, 22(1). 19-38.
      8. Mirriahi, N., Jovanović, J., Dawson, S., Gašević, D. & Pardo, A. (2018). Identifying engagement patterns with video annotation activities: a case study in professional development. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 34(1). 57-72.
      9. Stokes, J. (2018). Inclusion and engagement by design: creating a digital literacy course to inspire diverse learners in an Australian university enabling program. International Studies in Widening Participation, 4(2). 65-78.
      10. Wardill, H. R., Van Sebille, Y. Z., Ciorba, M. A. & Bowen, J. M. (2018). Prophylactic probiotics for cancer therapy-induced diarrhoea: a meta-analysis. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, 12(2). 187-197.
      11. Mirriahi, N., Joksimović, S., Gašević, D. & Dawson, S. (2018). Effects of instructional conditions and experience on student reflection: a video annotation study. Higher Education Research and Development, 6. 1245-1259.
      12. Poquet, O., Kovanović, V., de Vries, P., Hennis, T., Joksimović, S., Gašević, D. & Dawson, S. (2018). Social presence in massive open online courses. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 19(3). 43-68.
      13. Patston, T. J., Cropley, D. H., Marrone, R. L. & Kaufman, J. C. (2018). Teacher implicit beliefs of creativity: Is there an arts bias?. Teaching and Teacher Education, 75. 366-374.
      14. Helal, S., Li, J., Liu, L., Ebrahimie, E., Dawson, S., Murray, D. J. & Long, Q. (2018). Predicting academic performance by considering student heterogeneity. Knowledge-Based Systems, 161. 134-146.
      15. Lowrie, T., Leonard, S. N. & Fitzgerald, R. N. (2018). STEM Practices: A translational framework for large-scale STEM education design. EDeR: educational design research, 2. 1-20.
      16. Falconer, E. G., Cropley, D. & Dollard, M. . F. (2018). An exploration of creativity in primary school children. Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem Solving, 28(2). 7-25.
      17. Hattam, S., Stokes, J. & Ulpen, T. (2018). Should I stay or should I go? Understanding student subjectivity, institutional discourse, and the role enabling academics can play in empowering students within the system. The International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership, 25. 1-14.
      18. Leonard, S. N. & Fitzgerald, R. N. (2018). Holographic learning: A mixed reality trial of Microsoft HoloLens in an Australian secondary school. Research in Learning Technology, 26. 1-12.
      19. Balzaretti, N., Leonard, S. N., Lim, L., Unsworth, P. & Vannini, I. (2018). Innovating methodology through international collaboration: expanding the use of video analysis for understanding learning designs. Italian Journal of Educational Research, 21. 11-30.
      20. Mirzaei, S. & Hayati, A. F. (2018). Effects of the computer mediated communication interaction on vocabulary improvement. Telkomnika, 16(5). 2217-2225.
      21. Pardo, A., Bartimote-Aufflick, K., Buckingham Shum, S., Dawson, S., Gao, J., Gašević, D., Leichtweis, S., Liu, D., Martínez-Maldonado, R., Mirriahi, N., Moskal, A. C. M., Schulte, J., Siemens, G. & Vigentini, L. (2018). OnTask: delivering data-Informed, personalized learning support actions. Journal of Learning Analytics, 5(3). 235-249.
      22. Mirzaei, S. & Farrokh Hayati, A. (2018). An intelligent model for internet advertising selection based on user-profile. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 10(4). 1044-1051.
      23. Kennedy, J. P., Quinn, F. & Lyons, T. (2018). Australian enrolment trends in technology and engineering: putting the T and E back into school STEM. International journal of technology and design education, 28(2). 553-571.
      24. Tejo, M., Niklitschek-Soto, S. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2018). Fatigue-life distributions for reaction time data. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 12(3). 351-356.
      25. Velasco, C., Beh, E. J., Le, T. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2018). The shapes associated with the concept of 'sweet and sour' foods. Food quality and preference, 68. 250-257.
      26. Trafimow, D., Amrhein, V., Areshenkoff, C. N., Barrera-Causil, C. J. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2018). Manipulating the alpha level cannot cure significance testing. Frontiers in psychology, 9. 1-7.
      27. Tirado, C., Khatin-Zadeh, O., Gastelum, M., Jones, N. L. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2018). The strength of weak embodiment. International journal of psychological research, 11(2). 77-85.
      28. Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Tiradob, C., Arshamianc, E., Vélezd, J. I. & Arshamian, A. (2018). The allocation of valenced concepts onto 3D space. Cognition and emotion, 32(4). 709-718.
      29. Correa, J. C. M., Barrera-Causil, C. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2018). The next winner of the 2018 FIFA World Cup will be...: an illustration of the use of statistical simulation to make a prediction in a complex tournament. Chilean Journal of Statistics, 9(1). 59-65.
      30. Gathigia, M. G., Wang, R., Shen, M., Tirado, C., Tsaregorodtseva, O., Khatin-Zadeh, O., Minervino, R. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2018). A cross-linguistic study of metaphors of death. Cognitive linguistic studies, 5(2). 359-375.
      31. Razumiejczyk, E. C., Macbeth, G. C., Hurtado, G., Girardi, C. P. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2018). Sonidos del comer: propuestas para el estudio intermodal entre el sabor y la música. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 42. 145-149.
      32. Sincovich, A., Gregory, T., Wilson, A. & Brinkman, S. (2018). The social impacts of mining on local communities in Australia. Rural Society, 27(1). 18-34.
      33. Stephenson, H., Giles, D. & Bissaker, K. (2018). The power of hermeneutic phenomenology in restoring the centrality of experiences in work-integrated learning. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 19(3). 261-271.
      34. Liaw, S. Y., Rashasegaran, A., Wong, L. F., Deneen, C. C., Cooper, S., Levett-Jones, T., Goh, H. S. & Ignacio, J. (2018). Development and psychometric testing of a clinical reasoning evaluation simulation tool (CREST) for assessing nursing students' abilities to recognize and respond to clinical deterioration. Nurse Education Today, 62. 74-79.
      35. Deneen, C. C., Brown, G. T. L. & Carless, D. (2018). Students' conceptions of eportfolios as assessment and technology. Innovations In Education and Teaching International, 55(4). 487-496.
      36. Bundy, D. A., de Silva, N., Horton, S., Patton, G. C., Brinkman, S. & Sawyer, S. M. (2018). Investment in child and adolescent health and development: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd Edition. LANCET, 391. 687-699.
      37. Green, M. J., Tzoumakis, S., Laurens, K. R., Dean, K., Kariuki, M., Harris, F., O'Reilly, N., Chilvers, M., Brinkman, S. A. & Carr, V. J. (2018). Latent profiles of early developmental vulnerabilities in a New South Wales child population at age 5years. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 52(6). 530-541.
      38. Green, M. J., Harris, F., Laurens, K. R., Kariuki, M., Tzoumakis, S., Dean, K., Islam, F., Rossen, L., Whitten, T., Smith, M., Holbrook, A., Bore, M., Brinkman, S., Chilvers, M., Sprague, T., Stevens, R. & Carr, V. J. (2018). Cohort profile: The New South Wales Child Development Study (NSW-CDS)-wave 2 (child age 13 years). International Journal of Epidemiology, 47(5). 1396-+.
      39. Green, M. J., Tzoumakis, S., McIntyre, B., Kariuki, M., Laurens, K. R., Dean, K., Chilvers, M., Harris, F., Butler, M., Brinkman, S. A. & Carr, V. J. (2018). Childhood maltreatment and early developmental vulnerabilities at age 5 years. Child Development, 89(5). 1599-1612.
      1. Gašević, D., Mirriahi, N., Dawson, S. & Joksimović, S. (2017). Effects of instructional conditions and experience on the adoption of a learning tool. Computers in Human Behavior, 67. 207-220.
      2. Coller, J. K., Bowen, J. M., Ball, I. A., Wardill, H. R., Van Sebille, Y. Z., Stansborough, R. L., Lightwala, Z., Wignall, A., Shirren, J., Secombe, K. & Gibson, R. J. (2017). Potential safety concerns of TLR4 antagonism with irinotecan: a preclinical observational report. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 79(2). 431-434.
      3. Jovanović, J., Gašević, D., Dawson, S., Pardo, A. & Mirriahi, N. (2017). Learning analytics to unveil learning strategies in a flipped classroom. The Internet and Higher Education, 33. 74-85.
      4. Van Sebille, Y. Z., Gibson, R. J., Wardill, . H. R., Secombe, K. R., Ball, I. A., Keefe, D. M., Finnie, J. W. & Bowen, J. M. (2017). Dacomitinib-induced diarrhoea is associated with altered gastrointestinal permeability and disruption in ileal histology in rats. International Journal of Cancer, 140(12). 2820-2829.
      5. Cropley, D. & Cropley, A. (2017). Innovation capacity, organisational culture and gender. European Journal of Innovation Management, 20(3). 493-510.
      6. Sandwith, B. L., Cropley, D. H. & Chantler, L. (2017). The influence of cognitive structure and task structure on creativity in a military context. Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem Solving, 27(2). 95-112.
      7. Patston, T., Cropley, D. H., Marrone, R. L. & Kaufman, J. (2017). Teacher self-concepts of creativity: meeting the challenges of the 21st century classroom. The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving, 27(2). 23-34.
      8. Toofaninejad, E., Zaraii Zavaraki, E., Dawson, S., Poquet, O. & Sharifi Daramadi, P. (2017). Social media use for deaf and hard of hearing students in educational settings: a systematic review of literature. Deafness and Education International, 19. 144-161.
      9. Gašević, D., Jovanović, J., Pardo, A. & Dawson, S. (2017). Detecting learning strategies with analytics: links with self-reported measures and academic performance. Journal of Learning Analytics, 4(2). 113-128.
      10. Slater, S., Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V., Baker, R. S. & Gašević, D. (2017). Tools for educational data mining: a review. Journal of educational and behavioral statistics, 42(1). 85-106.
      11. Leonard, S. N., Belling, S., Morris, A. & Reynolds, E. (2017). Playing with rusty nails: 'conceptual tinkering' for 'next' practice. EDeR: educational design research, 1. 1-22.
      12. Leonard, S. N., Fitzgerald, R. N., Bacon, M. & Munnerley, D. (2017). Mapping next generation learning spaces as a designed quality enhancement process. Quality in higher education, 23(2). 168-182.
      13. Leonard, S. N., Fitzgerald, R. N., Kohlhagen, S. & Johnson, M. W. (2017). Design principles as a bridge between contexts: from innovation in the science museum to transformation in formal education. EDeR: educational design research, 1. 1-16.
      14. Gašević, D., Kovanović, V. & Joksimović, S. (2017). Piecing the learning analytics puzzle: a consolidated model of a field of research and practice. Learning: research and practice, 3(1). 63-78.
      15. Khatin-Zadeh, O., Banaruee, H., Khoshsima, H. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2017). The role of motion concepts in understanding non-motion concepts. Behavioral sciences, 7(4). 1-8.
      16. Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Khatin-Zadeh, O., Yazdani-Fazlabadi, B., Tirado, C. & Sagi, E. (2017). Embodied concept mapping Blending structure-mapping and embodiment theories. Pragmatics & Cognition, 24(2). 164-185.
      17. Razumiejczyk, E., Pereyra Girardi, C., del Carme Crivelloa, M., Fioramonti, M., Macbeth, G. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2017). Crossmodal interference between language and flavour. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia, 49(2). 91-101.
      18. Stins, J. F., Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Hulzinga, F., Wenker, E. & Canal-Bruland, R. (2017). Words that move us. The effects of sentences on body sway. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 13(2). 156-165.
      19. Campitelli, G., Macbeth, G., Ospina, R. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2017). Three strategies for the critical use of statistical methods in psychological research. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 77(5). 881-895.
      20. Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Correa, J. C., Sakarkar, G., Ngo, G., Ruiz-Fernandez, S., Butcher, N. & Yamada, Y. (2017). Placing joy, surprise and sadness in space: a cross-linguistic study. Psychological Research, 81(4). 750-763.
      21. Velez, J. I. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2017). Extension of a graphical diagnostic test for contingency tables. Chilean journal of statistics, 8(1). 53-65.
      22. Xue, J., Liu, T., Marmolejo-Ramos, F. & Pei, X. (2017). Age of acquisition effects on word processing for Chinese native learners' english: ERP evidence for the arbitrary mapping hypothesis. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. 1-14.
      23. Yonemitsu, F., Sung, Y., Naka, K., Yamada, Y. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2017). Does weight lifting improve visual acuity? A replication of Gonzalo-Fonrodona and Porras (2013). BMC Research Notes, 10. 1-5.
      24. El-Maaddawy, T. & Deneen, C. (2017). Outcomes-based assessment and learning: trialling change in a postgraduate civil engineering course. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 14. 1-23. [link]
      25. Christian, H., Ball, S. J., Zubrick, S. R., Brinkman, S., Turrell, G., Boruff, B. & Foster, S. (2017). Relationship between the neighbourhood built environment and early child development. HEALTH & PLACE, 48. 90-101.
      26. Johnson, C., Burke, C., Brinkman, S. & Wade, T. (2017). A randomized controlled evaluation of a secondary school mindfulness program for early adolescents: do we have the recipe right yet?. BEHAVIOUR RESEARCH AND THERAPY, 99. 37-46.
      27. Brinkman, S. A., Hasan, A., Jung, H., Kinnell, A. & Pradhan, M. (2017). The Impact of Expanding Access to Early Childhood Education Services in Rural Indonesia. JOURNAL OF LABOR ECONOMICS, 35. S305-S335.
      28. Brinkman, S. A., Hasan, A., Jung, H., Kinnell, A., Nakajima, N. & Pradhan, M. (2017). The role of preschool quality in promoting child development: evidence from rural Indonesia. EUROPEAN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION RESEARCH JOURNAL, 25(4). 483-505.
      29. Laurens, K. R., Tzoumakis, S., Dean, K., Brinkman, S. A., Bore, M., Lenroot, R. K., Smith, M., Holbrook, A., Robinson, K. M., Stevens, R., Harris, F., Carr, V. J. & Green, M. J. (2017). The 2015 Middle Childhood Survey (MCS) of mental health and well-being at age 11 years in an Australian population cohort. BMJ OPEN, 7. 1-16.
      30. Maika, A., Mittinty, M. N., Brinkman, S. & Lynch, J. (2017). Associations of early-and later-childhood poverty with child cognitive function in Indonesia: effect decomposition in the presence of exposure-induced mediator-outcome confounding. American Journal of Epidemiology, 185(10). 879-887.
      31. Brinkman, S. A., Kinnell, A., Maika, A., Hasan, A., Jung, H. & Pradhan, M. (2017). Validity and reliability of the Early Development Instrument in Indonesia. Child indicators research, 10(2). 331-352.
      32. Goldfeld, S., Villanueva, K., Tanton, R., Katz, I., Brinkman, S., Woolcock, G. & Giles-Corti, B. (2017). Kids in Communities Study (KiCS) study protocol: a cross-sectional mixed-methods approach to measuring community-level factors influencing early child development in Australia. BMJ Open, 7. 1-14.
      33. Johnson, C., Burke, C., Brinkman, S. & Wade, T. (2017). Development and validation of a multifactor mindfulness scale in youth: the Comprehensive Inventory of Mindfulness Experiences-Adolescents (CHIME-A). Psychological Assessment, 29(3). 264-281.
      34. Tanton, R., Dare, M., Brinkman, S., Corti, B., Katz, I., Woolcock, G. & Goldfeld, S. (2017). Identifying off-diagonal communities using the Australian Early Development Census results. Social Indicators Research: an international and interdisciplinary journal for quality-of-life measurement, 132. 977-992.
      1. Macfadyen, L. P., Dawson, S., Prest, S. & Gašević, D. (2016). Whose feedback? A multilevel analysis of student completion of end-of-term teaching evaluations. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 41(6). 821-839.
      2. Gašević, D., Dawson, S., Rogers, T. & Gašević, D. (2016). Learning analytics should not promote one size fits all: the effects of instructional conditions in predicting academic success. The Internet and Higher Education, 28. 68-84.
      3. Ognjanovic, I., Gašević, D. & Dawson, S. P. (2016). Using institutional data to predict student course selections in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 29. 49-62.
      4. Cropley, D. (2016). Measuring capacity for innovation in local government organizations. Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, 2. 31-45.
      5. Van Sebille, Y. Z., Gibson, R. J., Wardill, H. R. & Bowen, J. M. (2016). Gastrointestinal toxicities of first and second-generation small molecule human epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors in advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, 10(2). 152-156.
      6. Mirriahi, N., Liaqat, D., Dawson, S. & Gašević, D. (2016). Uncovering student learning profiles with a video annotation tool: reflective learning with and without instructional norms. Educational Technology Research and Development, 64(6). 1-24.
      7. al-Rifaie, M. M., Cropley, A., Cropley, D. & Bishop, M. (2016). On evil and computational creativity. Connection Science: Journal of Neural Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Cognitive Research, 28(2). 171-193.
      8. Wardill, . H. R., Mander, . K. A., Van Sebille, Y. Z., Gibson, . R. J., Logan, . R. M., Bowen, . J. M. & Sonis, . S. T. (2016). Cytokine-mediated blood brain barrier disruption as a conduit for cancer/chemotherapy-associated neurotoxicity and cognitive dysfunction. International Journal of Cancer, 139(12). 2635-2645.
      9. Wardill, H. R., Gibson, R. J., Van Sebille, Y. Z., Secombe, K. R., Coller, J. K., White, I. A., Manavis, J., Hutchinson, M. R., Staikopoulos, V., Logan, R. M. & Bowen, J. M. (2016). Irinotecan-Induced gastrointestinal dysfunction and pain are mediated by common TLR4-dependent mechanisms. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 15(6). 1376-1386.
      10. Wardill, H. R., Bowen, J. M., Van Sebille, Y. Z., Secombe, K. R., Coller, J. K., Ball, I. A., Logan, R. M. & Gibson, R. J. (2016). TLR4-dependent claudin-1 internalization and secretagogue-mediated chloride secretion regulate irinotecan-induced diarrhea. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 15(11). 2767-2779.
      11. Ristic, R., Fudge, A. L., Pinchbeck, K. A., De Bei, R., Fuentes, S., Hayasaka, Y., Tyerman, S. D. & Wilkinson, K. L. (2016). Impact of grapevine exposure to smoke on vine physiology and the composition and sensory properties of wine. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, 28(1). 67-83.
      12. Wardill, . H. R., Logan, . R. M., Bowen, . J. M., Van Sebille, Y. Z. & Gibson, . R. J. (2016). Tight junction defects are seen in the buccal mucosa of patients receiving standard dose chemotherapy for cancer. Supportive care in cancer, 24(4). 1779-1788.
      13. Wardill, H. R., Gibson, R. J., Van Sebille, Y. Z., Secombe, K. R., Logan, R. M. & Bowen, J. M. (2016). A novel in vitro platform for the study of SN38-induced mucosal damage and the development of Toll-like receptor 4-targeted therapeutic options. Experimental biology and medicine, 241(13). 1386-1394.
      14. Leonard, S. N. & Roberts, P. (2016). No time to think: policy, pedagogy and professional learning. Journal of education policy, 31(2). 142-160.
      15. Leonard, S. N., Fitzgerald, R. N. & Riordan, G. (2016). Using developmental evaluation as a design thinking tool for curriculum innovation in professional higher education. Higher Education Research and Development, 35(2). 309-321.
      16. Leonard, S. N., Fitzgerald, R. N. & Bacon, M. (2016). Fold-back: Using emerging technologies to move from quality assurance to quality enhancement. Australasian journal of educational technology, 32(2). 15-31.
      17. Dietze, S., Siemens, G., Taibi, D. & Drachsler, H. (2016). Editorial: datasets for learning analytics. Journal of learning analytics, 3(2). 307-311.
      18. Kennedy, J. P., Quinn, F. & Taylor, N. (2016). The school science attitude survey: a new instrument for measuring attitudes towards school science. International journal of research and method in education, 39(4). 422-445.
      19. Shen, M., Xie, J., Liu, W., Lin, W., Chen, Z., Marmolejo-Ramos, F. & Wang, R. (2016). Interplay between the object and its symbol: the size-congruency effect. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 12(2). 115-129.
      20. Noguchi, K. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2016). Assessing equality of means using the overlap of range-preserving confidence intervals. American Statistician, 70(4). 325-334.
      21. Vélez, J. I. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2016). The secrets of one hundred years of solitude: a stylometric approach for psycholinguistic research. Revista Colombiana de Psicologia, 25(2). 265-287.
      22. Salgado-Montejo, A., Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Alvarado, J. A., Arboleda, J. C., Suarez, D. R. & Spence, C. (2016). Drawing sounds: representing tones and chords spatially. Experimental Brain Research, 234(12). 3509-3522.
      23. Vélez, J. I., Marmolejo-Ramos, F. & Correa, J. C. (2016). A graphical diagnostic test for two-way contingency tables. Revista Colombiana de Estadistica, 39(1). 97-108.
      24. Woods, A. T., Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Velasco, C. & Spence, C. (2016). Using single colors and color pairs to communicate basic tastes II: foreground-background color combinations. I-Perception, 7(5). 1-20.
      25. Zhang, L., Fang, Q., Gabriel, F. C. & Szucs, D. (2016). Common magnitude representation of fractions and decimals is task dependent. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(4). 764-780.
      26. Gabriel, F. (2016). Understanding magnitudes to understand fractions. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 21(2). 36-40.
      27. Vrieling, E., Van Den Beemt, A. & De Laat, M. (2016). What's in a name: dimensions of social learning in teacher groups. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 22(3). 273-292.
      28. Meijs, C., Prinsen, F. R. & De Laat, M. F. (2016). Evaluation of the functional status of learning networks based on the dimensions defining communities of practice. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 12(3). 279-295.
      29. Spector, J. M., Ifenthaler, D., Sampson, D., Yang, L. (., Mukama, E., Warusavitarana, A., Dona, K. L., Eichhorn, K., Fluck, A., Huang, R., Bridges, S., Lu, J., Ren, Y., Gui, X., Deneen, C. C., San Diego, J. & Gibson, D. C. (2016). Technology enhanced formative assessment for 21st century learning. Educational Technology and Society, 19(3). 58-71.
      30. Deneen, C. C. & Brown, G. T. (2016). The impact of conceptions of assessment on assessment literacy in a teacher education program. Cogent Education, 3. 1-14.
      31. West, D. & Stephenson, H. (2016). SANTPEN's SoTL Journey: building and using a SoTL approach across institutions. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 16(5). 1-16.
      32. Zhou, J. & Deneen, C. C. (2016). Chinese award-winning tutors' perceptions and practices of classroom-based assessment. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 41(8). 1144-1158.
      33. Janus, M., Harrison, L. J., Goldfeld, S., Guhn, M. & Brinkman, S. (2016). International research utilizing the Early Development Instrument (EDI) as a measure of early child development: introduction to the special issue. Early childhood research quarterly, 35. 1-5.
      34. Kariuki, M., Raudino, A., Green, M. J., Laurens, K. R., Dean, K., Brinkman, S. A., Lenroot, R. K., Liu, E., Harris, F., Luo, L. & Carr, V. J. (2016). Hospital admission for infection during early childhood influences developmental vulnerabilities at age 5 years. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 52(9). 882-888.
      35. Johnson, C., Burke, C., Brinkman, S. & Wade, T. (2016). Effectiveness of a school-based mindfulness program for transdiagnostic prevention in young adolescents. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 81. 1-11.
      36. Carr, V. J., Harris, F., Raudino, A., Luo, L., Kariuki, M., Liu, E., Tzoumakis, S., Smith, M., Holbrook, A., Bore, M., Brinkman, S., Lenroot, R., Dix, K., Dean, K., Laurens, K. R. & Green, M. J. (2016). New South Wales Child Development Study (NSW-CDS): an Australian multiagency, multigenerational, longitudinal record linkage study. BMJ Open, 6. 1-9.
      37. Chittleborough, C. R., Searle, A. K., Smithers, L. G., Brinkman, S. & Lynch, J. W. (2016). How well can poor child development be predicted from early life characteristics? A whole-of-population data linkage study. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 35. 19-30.
      38. Brinkman, S. A., Johnson, S. E., Codde, J. P., Hart, M. B., Straton, J. A., Mittinty, M. N. & Silburn, S. R. (2016). Efficacy of infant simulator programmes to prevent teenage pregnancy: a school-based cluster randomised controlled trial in Western Australia. The Lancet, 388. 2264-2271.
      39. Goldfeld, S., O'Connor, E., O'Connor, M., Sayers, M., Moore, T., Kvalsvig, A. & Brinkman, S. (2016). The role of preschool in promoting children's healthy development: evidence from an Australian population cohort. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 35. 40-48.
      1. Gašević, D., Dawson, S. & Siemens, G. (2015). Let's not forget: learning analytics are about learning. TechTrends, 59(1). 64-71.
      2. Cropley, D. H. (2015). Promoting creativity and innovation in engineering education. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 9(2). 161-171.
      3. Skrypnyk, O., Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V., Gaševic, D. & Dawson, S. (2015). Roles of course facilitators, learners, and technology in the flow of information of a cMOOC. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 16(3). 188-217.
      4. Carceller, C., Dawson, S. & Lockyer, L. (2015). Social capital from online discussion forums: Differences between online and blended modes of delivery. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 31(2). 150-163.
      5. Landgraf, S., Ilinykh, A., Haller, C. S., Shemelina, O., Cropley, D., von Treskow, I., Razumnikova, O. M., Kutscher, T. & Van der Meer, E. (2015). Culture makes the difference: the "creativity-schizotypy" association varies between Germans and Russians. Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem Solving, 25(1). 35-60.
      6. Le, D. H., Cropley, D. H. & Gleaves, D. H. (2015). Examining the relationship between mental health, creative thought and optimism. The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving, 25(1). 5-20.
      7. Cropley, D. (2015). Through the looking glass: inside the world of creativity research. Creativity Research Journal, 27(3). 243-248.
      8. Stokes, J. & Ulpen, T. (2015). Agents for change: applying critical pedagogy in enabling programs. International Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 22(3). 57-65.
      9. Dinmore, S. & Stokes, J. (2015). Creating inclusive university curriculum: implementing universal design for learning in an enabling program. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 17(4). 4-19.
      10. Kovanović, V., Gašević, D., Dawson, S., Joksimović, S., Baker, R. S. & Hatala, M. (2015). Does time-on-task estimation matter? Implications on validity of learning analytics findings. Journal of Learning Analytics, 2(3). 81-110.
      11. Van Sebille, Y. Z., Stansborough, . R., Wardill, . H. R., Bateman, . E., Gibson, . R. J. & Keefe, . D. M. (2015). Management of mucositis during chemotherapy: from pathophysiology to pragmatic therapeutics. Current oncology reports, 17. 1-8.
      12. Van Sebille, Y. Z., Gibson, R. J., Wardill, H. R. & Bowen, J. M. (2015). ErbB small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) induced diarrhoea: chloride secretion as a mechanistic hypothesis. Cancer Treatment Reviews, 41(7). 646-652.
      13. Wardill, . H. R., Van Sebille, Y. Z., Mander, . K. A., Gibson, . R. J., Logan, . R. M., Bowen, . J. M. & Sonis, . S. T. (2015). Toll-like receptor 4 signaling: a common biological mechanism of regimen-related toxicities: an emerging hypothesis for neuropathy and gastrointestinal toxicity. Cancer Treatment Reviews, 41(2). 122-128.
      14. Mirriahi, N. & Alonzo, D. (2015). Shedding light on students' technology preferences: implications for academic development. Journal of university teaching & learning practice, 12. 1-16.
      15. Mirriahi, N., Vaid, B. S. & Burns, D. P. (2015). Meeting the challenge of providing flexible learning opportunities: considerations for technology adoption amongst academic staff. Canadian journal of learning and technology, 41(1). 1-16.
      16. Martinez-Maldonado, R., Pardo, A., Mirriahi, N., Yacef, K., Kay, J. & Clayphan, A. (2015). LATUX: an iterative workflow for designing, validating and deploying learning analytics visualisations. Journal of learning analytics, 2(3). 9-39.
      17. Mirriahi, N., Alonzo, D., McIntyre, S., Kligyte, G. & Fox, B. (2015). Blended learning innovations: leadership and change in one Australian institution. International journal of education and development using information and communication technology, 11(1). 4-16.
      18. Mirriahi, N., Alonzo, D. & Fox, B. (2015). A blended learning framework for curriculum design and professional development. Research in learning technology, 23. 1-14.
      19. Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Gaševic, D., Siemens, G. & Hatala, M. (2015). What public media reveals about MOOCs: a systematic analysis of news reports. British journal of educational technology, 46(3). 510-527.
      20. Gašević, D., Adesope, O., Joksimović, S. & Kovanović, V. (2015). Externally-facilitated regulation scaffolding and role assignment to develop cognitive presence in asynchronous online discussions. Internet and higher education, 24. 53-65.
      21. Kovanović, V., Gašević, D., Joksimović, S., Hatala, M. & Adesope, O. (2015). Analytics of communities of inquiry: effects of learning technology use on cognitive presence in asynchronous online discussions. Internet and higher education, 27. 74-89.
      22. Leonard, S. N. (2015). Stepping outside: collaborative inquiry-based teacher professional learning in a performative policy environment. Professional development in education, 41(1). 5-20.
      23. Salmona, M., Partlo, M., Kaczynski, D. & Leonard, S. N. (2015). Developing culturally competent teachers: an international student teaching field experience. Australian journal of teacher education, 40(4). 35-53.
      24. Joksimović, S., Gašević, D., Loughin, T. M., Kovanović, V. & Hatala, M. (2015). Learning at distance: effects of interaction traces on academic achievement. Computers and education, 87. 204-217.
      25. Merceron, A., Blikstein, P. & Siemens, G. (2015). Learning analytics: from big data to meaningful data. Journal of learning analytics, 2(3). 4-8.
      26. Xue, J., Marmolejo-Ramos, F. & Pei, X. (2015). The linguistic context effects on the processing of body-object interaction words: an ERP study on second language learners. Brain Research, 1613. 37-48.
      27. Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Cousineau, D., Benites, L. & Maehara, R. (2015). On the efficacy of procedures to normalize Ex-Gaussian distributions. Frontiers in Psychology, 5. 1-13.
      28. Razumiejczyk, E., Macbeth, G., Marmolejo-Ramos, F. & Noguchi, K. (2015). Crossmodal integration between visual linguistic information and flavour perception. Appetite, 91. 76-82.
      29. Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Hellemans, K., Comeau, A., Heenan, A., Faulkner, A., Abizaid, A. & D'Angiulli, A. (2015). Event-related potential signatures of perceived and imagined emotional and food real-life photos. Neuroscience Bulletin, 31(3). 317-330.
      30. D'Angiulli, A., Griffiths, G. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2015). Neural correlates of visualizations of concrete and abstract words in preschool children: a developmental embodied approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 6. 1-17.
      31. Montoro, P. R., Contreras, M. J., Elosua, M. R. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2015). Cross-modal metaphorical mapping of spoken emotion words onto vertical space. Frontiers in psychology, 6. 1-13.
      32. Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Velez, J. I. & Romão, X. (2015). Automatic detection of discordant outliers via the Ueda's method. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications, 2(1). 1-14.
      33. Leiva, V., Tejo, M., Guiraud, P., Schmachtenberg, O., Orio, P. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2015). Modeling neural activity with cumulative damage distributions. Biological cybernetics, 109. 421-433.
      34. Velez, J. I., Correa, J. C. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2015). A new approach to the Box-Cox transformation. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 1-10.
      35. Prasad, S., Marmolejo-Ramos, F. & Mishra, R. K. (2015). Made you look! Temporal and emotional characteristics of attentional shift towards gazed locations. Cogent psychology, 2. 1-15.
      36. Tan, K. & Deneen, C. C. (2015). Aligning and sustaining meritocracy, curriculum, and assessment validity in Singapore. Assessment Matters, 8. 31-52.
      1. Cropley, D. H., Kaufman, J. C., White, A. E. & Chiera, B. A. (2014). Layperson perceptions of malevolent creativity: the good, the bad, and the ambiguous. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 8(4). 400-412.
      2. Dawson, S. & Siemens, G. (2014). Analytics to literacies: the development of a learning analytics framework for multiliteracies assessment. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 15(4). 284-305.
      3. Stokes, J. (2014). Student perspectives on transitioning to university in South Australia : exploring skill needs identified by commencing enabling program students. International Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 20(4). 1-8.
      4. Stokes, J. J. (2014). New students and enabling pedagogies: supporting students from diverse backgrounds through a university enabling program. The International Journal of Diversity in Education, 13. 1-10.
      5. Dawson, S. P. & Hubball, H. (2014). Curriculum analytics: application of social network analysis for improving strategic curriculum decision-making in a research-intensive university. Teaching and Learning Inquiry: the ISSOTL Journal, 2(2). 59-74.
      6. Macfadyen, L. P., Dawson, S. P., Pardo, A. & Gašević, D. (2014). Embracing big data in complex educational systems: the learning analytics imperative and the policy challenge. Research and Practice in Assessment, 9. 17-28.
      7. Cropley, D. (2014). From rhetoric to reality: designing activities to foster creativity. Knowledge Quest, 42(5). 24-27.
      8. Joksimović, S., Gašević, D., Kovanović, V., Adesope, O. & Hatala, M. (2014). Psychological characteristics in cognitive presence of communities of inquiry: a linguistic analysis of online discussions. Internet and higher education, 22. 1-10.
      9. Leonard, S. N. & Roberts, P. (2014). Performers and postulates: the role of evolving socio-historical contexts in shaping new teacher professional identities. Critical studies in education, 55(3). 303-318.
      10. Gašević, D., Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S. & Siemens, G. (2014). Where is research on massive open online courses headed? A data analysis of the MOOC research initiative. International review of research in open and distance learning, 15(5). 134-176.
      11. Kovanović, V., Gašević, D. & Hatala, M. (2014). Learning analytics for communities of inquiry. Journal of learning analytics, 1(3). 195-198.
      12. Joksimović, S., Hatala, M. & Gašević, D. (2014). Learning analytics for networked learning models. Journal of learning analytics, 1(3). 191-194.
      13. Pardo, A. & Siemens, G. (2014). Ethical and privacy principles for learning analytics. British journal of educational technology, 45(3). 438-450.
      14. Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Miller, J. & Habel, C. (2014). The influence of question type, text availability, answer confidence and language background on student comprehension of an expository text. Higher education research and development, 33(4). 712-727.
      15. Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2014). Current topics in statistical graphics. Revista Colombiana de Estadistica, 37. 1-4.
      16. Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Montoro, P. R., Elosua, M. R., Contreras, M. J. & Jimenez-Jimenez, W. A. (2014). The activation of representative emotional verbal contexts interacts with vertical spatial axis. Cognitive Processing, 15(3). 253-267.
      17. Velasco, C., Balboa, D., Marmolejo-Ramos, F. & Spence, C. (2014). Crossnnodal effect of music and odor pleasantness on olfactory quality perception. Frontiers in Psychology, 5. 1-9.
      18. Marmolejo-Ramos, F. & D'Angiulli, A. (2014). Current research topics in embodied social cognition. Cognitive processing, 15(3). 235-236.
      19. Szucs, D., Devine, A., Soltesz, F., Nobes, A. & Gabriel, F. (2014). Cognitive components of a mathematical processing network in 9-year-old children. Developmental Science, 17(4). 506-524.
      20. Pincham, H. L., Matejko, A. A., Obersteiner, A., Killikelly, C., Abrahao, K. P., Benavides-Varela, S., Gabriel, F. C., Rato, J. R. & Vuillier, L. (2014). Forging a new path for educational neuroscience: an international young-researcher perspective on combining neuroscience and educational practices. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 3(1). 28-31.
      21. Zhang, L., Fang, Q., Gabriel, F. C. & Szuecs, D. (2014). The componential processing of fractions in adults and children: effects of stimuli variability and contextual interference. Frontiers in Psychology, 5. 1-8.
      22. Marmolejo-Ramos, F. & Cevasco, J. (2014). Text comprehension as a problem solving situation. Universitas Psychologica, 13(2). 725-743.
      23. Velasco, C., Salgado-Montejo, A., Marmolejo-Ramos, F. & Spence, C. (2014). Predictive packaging design: tasting shapes, typefaces, names, and sounds. Food Quality and Preference, 34. 88-95.
      24. Schreurs, B. & De Laat, M. (2014). The Network Awareness Tool: a web 2.0 tool to visualize informal networked learning in organizations. Computers in Human Behavior, 37. 385-394.
      1. Lockyer, L., Heathcote, E. & Dawson, S. (2013). Informing pedagogical action: aligning learning analytics with learning design. American Behavioral Scientist, 57(10). 1439-1459.
      2. Cocks, T. L. & Stokes, J. J. (2013). Policy into practice: a case study of widening participation in Australian higher education. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 15(1). 22-38.
      3. Cropley, D. H., Cropley, A. J., Chiera, B. A. & Kaufman, J. C. (2013). Diagnosing organizational innovation : measuring the capacity for innovation. Creativity Research Journal, 25(4). 388-396.
      4. Kaufman, J. C., Baer, J., Cropley, D. H., Reiter-Palmon, R. & Sinnett, S. (2013). Furious activity vs. understanding: how much expertise is needed to evaluate creative work?. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 7(4). 332-340.
      5. Carceller, C., Dawson, S. & Lockyer, L. (2013). Improving academic outcomes: does participating in online discussion forums payoff. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 5(2). 117-132.
      6. Haythornthwaite, C., De Laat, M. & Dawson, S. P. (2013). Introduction to the Special Issue on Learning Analytics. American Behavioral Scientist, 57(10). 1371-1379.
      7. Risko, E. F., Foulsham, T., Dawson, S. & Kingstone, A. (2013). The collaborative lecture annotation system (CLAS): A new TOOL for distributed learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 6(1). 4-13.
      8. Fudge, A. L., Wilkinson, K. L., Ristic, R. & Cozzolino, D. (2013). Synchronous two-dimensional MIR correlation spectroscopy (2D-COS) as a novel method for screening smoke tainted wine. Food chemistry, 139. 115-119.
      9. Siemens, G. (2013). Learning analytics: the emergence of a discipline. American behavioral scientist, 57(10). 1380-1400.
      10. Marmolejo-Ramos, F. & Gonzalez-Burgos, J. (2013). A power comparison of various tests of univariate normality on ex-gaussian distributions. Methodology, 9(4). 137-149.
      11. Iossifova, R. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2013). When the body is time: spatial and temporal deixis in children with visual impairments and sighted children. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(7). 2173-2184.
      12. Marmolejo-Ramos, F. & Dunn, J. (2013). On the activation of sensorimotor systems during the processing of emotionally-laden stimuli. Universitas Psychologica, 12(5). 1511-1542.
      13. Szucs, D., Nobes, A., Devine, A., Gabriel, F. C. & Gebuis, T. (2013). Visual stimulus parameters seriously compromise the measurement of approximate number system acuity and comparative effects between adults and children. Frontiers in Psychology, 4. 1-12.
      14. Gabriel, F. C., Szucs, D. & Content, A. (2013). The development of the mental representations of the magnitude of fractions. PLoS ONE, 8.
      15. Cevasco, J. & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2013). The importance of studying prosody in the comprehension of spontaneous spoken discourse. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia, 45(1). 21-33.
      16. Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Elosua, R. M., Yamada, Y., Hamm, N. F. & Noguchi, K. (2013). Appraisal of space words and allocation of emotion words in bodily space. PLoS ONE, 8(12). 1-13.
      17. Gabriel, F., Szucs, D. & Content, A. (2013). The mental representations of fractions: adults' same-different judgments. Frontiers in Psychology, 4. 1-6.
      18. Szucs, D., Devine, A., Soltesz, F., Nobes, A. & Gabriel, F. (2013). Developmental dyscalculia is related to visuo-spatial memory and inhibition impairment. Cortex, 49(10). 2674-2688.
      19. Gabriel, F., Coche, F., Szucs, D., Carette, V., Rey, B. & Content, A. (2013). A componential view of children's difficulties in learning fractions. Frontiers in Psychology, 4.
  • classroom-teacher-present Conference papers minus-thin plus-thin
    • 2024 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Poquet, O., Joksimović, S. & Brams, P. (2024). The role of gender in citation practices of learning analytics research. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2024, 807-813.
      2. Barthakur, A., Jovanović, J., Zamecnik, A., Kovanović, V., Xu, G. & Dawson, S. (2024). Towards comprehensive monitoring of graduate attribute development: a learning analytics approach in higher education. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2024, 78-89.
      3. Taylor, M., Barthakur, A., Azad, A., Joksimović, S., Zhang, X. & Siemens, G. (2024). Quantifying collaborative complex problem solving in classrooms using learning analytics. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2024, 551-562.
      4. Cutting, C. (2024). Learning to share fairly: the importance of spatial reasoning in early partitioning experiences. Proceedings of the Surfing the waves of mathematics education. Proceedings of the 46th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 183-190.
      5. Soleymani, A., Aerts, T., De Laat, M. & Specht, M. (2024). Gamified networked learning environments in higher education: a study on student engagement and value creation in computer science. Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2024, 755-765.
      6. Nguyen, A., Scrivner, J., De Laat, M. & Scrivner, O. (2024). Transformation of Teaching and Learning in the Age of AI. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2024, 2-3.
    • 2023 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Kennedy, J., Devis, D., Giannoni, K., Reuther, C., Roach-Attard, T. & Leonard, S. N. (2023). Using chatbots as a learning partner to promote student self-awareness and autonomy in an aspirational careers program. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK23), 61-64.
      2. Zamecnik, A., Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V., Grossmann, G., Ladjal, D. & Pardo, A. (2023). Exploring the feedback provision of mentors and clients for teams in work-integrated learning environments. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge: Towards Trustworthy Learning Analytics, LAK 2023, 566-571.
      3. Li, L., Sha, L., Li, Y., Rakovic, M., Rong, J., Joksimović, S., Selwyn, N., Gašević, D. & Chen, G. (2023). Moral machines or tyranny of the majority? A systematic review on predictive bias in education. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge: Towards Trustworthy Learning Analytics, LAK 2023, 499-508.
      4. Dawson, S., Pardo, A., Salehian Kia, F. & Panadero, E. (2023). An integrated model of feedback and assessment: from fine grained to holistic programmatic review. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge: Towards Trustworthy Learning Analytics, LAK 2023, 579-584.
      5. Barthakur, A., Dawson, S. & Kovanović, V. (2023). Advancing leaner profiles with learning analytics: a scoping review of current trends and challenges. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 606-612.
      6. Strambi, A., Cropley, D. & Caldwell, D. (2023). Exploring the potential of NLP for automated assessment of creativity. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 29-32.
      7. Deho, O. B., Joksimović, S., Liu, L., Li, J., Zhan, C. & Liu, J. (2023). Assessing the fairness of course success prediction models in the face of (un)equal demographic group distribution. Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, L@S 2023, 48-58.
    • 2022 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Alzahrani, A., Tsai, Y., Kovanović, V., Moreno-Marcos, P. M., Jivet, I., Aljohani, N. & Gašević, D. (2022). Success-enablers of learning analytics adoption in higher education: a quantitative ethnographic study. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography (ICQE 2021), 395-409.
      2. Iqbal, S., Swiecki, Z., Joksimović, S., Ferreira Mello, R., Aljohani, N. & Ul Hassan, S. (2022). Uncovering associations between cognitive presence and speech acts: a network-based approach. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge: Learning Analytics for Transition, Disruption and Social Change, LAK 2022, 315-325.
      3. Ferreira, M., Ferreira Mello, R., Kovanović, V., Nascimento, A., Lins, R. D. & Gašević, D. (2022). NASC: network analytics to uncover socio-cognitive discourse of student roles. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge: Learning Analytics for Transition, Disruption and Social Change, LAK 2022, 415-425.
      4. Fowler, S., Cutting, C., Devis, D. & Leonard, S. N. (2022). Methodological choices made when using design based research to explore mathematics education: an updated analysis. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA 44), 194-201. [link]
      5. Deho, B. O., Liu, L., Joksimović, S., Li, J., Zhan, C. & Liu, J. (2022). Assessing the causal impact of online instruction due to COVID-19 on students' grades and its aftermath on grade prediction models. Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, 32-38.
      6. Soleymani, A., De Laat, M., Itard, L. & Specht, M. (2022). How networked learning can facilitate professional development?. Proceedings of the Networked Learning Conference Consortium., 229-236.
      7. Kelly, N., Dawes, L., Whiteford, C., De Laat, M., Corbett, G. & Robertson, A. (2022). What kinds of social network groups do teachers find useful?. Proceedings of the Networked Learning Conference Consortium, 117-126.
      8. Scrivner, O., De Laat, M., Perez, N., McKay, C. & Scrivner, J. (2022). Teaching and learning technologies transformation. Proceedings of the 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2022, 2-3.
    • 2021 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Lim, L. A., Gašević, D., Matcha, W., Ahmad Uzir, N. & Dawson, S. (2021). Impact of learning analytics feedback on self-regulated learning: Triangulating behavioural logs with students' recall. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge: The Impact we Make: The Contributions of Learning Analytics to Learning, LAK 2021, 364-374.
      2. Cutting, C. (2021). Spatial reasoning and the development of early fraction understanding. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia: Excellence in Mathematics Education: Foundations and Pathways, 171-178. [link]
      3. Parks, A., Murtic, D., Fudge, A. & King, T. (2021). Promoting retention through a second chance at assessment. Proceedings of the 6th STARS Conference: Students Transitions Achievement Retention and Success (STARS), 1-2.
    • 2020 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Fowler, S., Leonard, S. N. & Fiedler, S. H. (2020). Visualising the field: reviewing trends in educational design research in mathematics. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2609-2610.
      2. Iraj, H., Fudge, A., Faulkner, M., Pardo, A. & Kovanović, V. (2020). Understanding Students' engagement with personalised feedback messages. Proceedings of the LAK '20: the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 438-447.
      3. Jovanović, J., Dawson, S., Joksimović, S. & Siemens, G. (2020). Supporting actionable intelligence: reframing the analysis of observed study strategies. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge: Shaping the Future of the Field, LAK 2020, 161-170.
      4. Uzir, N. A., Gaševic, D., Jovanović, J., Matcha, W., Lim, L. & Fudge, A. (2020). Analytics of time management and learning strategies for effective online learning in blended environments. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge: Shaping the Future of the Field, LAK 2020, 392-401.
      5. Barbosa, G., Camelo, R., Cavalcanti, A. P., Miranda, P., Mello, R. F., Kovanović, V. & Gašević, D. (2020). Towards automatic cross-language classification of cognitive presence in online discussions. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge: Shaping the Future of the Field, LAK 2020, 605-614.
      6. Duff, A., Zamecnik, A., Pardo, A. & Smith, E. (2020). The SEIRA approach: Course embedded activities to promote academic integrity and literacies in first year engineering. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge: Shaping the Future of the Field, LAK 2020, 218-223.
      7. Bretana, N. A., Robati, M., Rawat, A., Pandey, A., Khatri, S., Kaushal, K., Nair, S., Abadia, R. & Cheang, G. H. L. (2020). Predicting student success for programming courses in a fully online learning environment. Proceedings of the ICCE 2020: 28th International Conference on Computers in Education, 47-56.
    • Before 2020 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Lim, L., Joksimović, S., Dawson, S. & Gašević, D. (2019). Exploring students' sensemaking of learning analytics dashboards: Does frame of reference make a difference?. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2019, 250-259.
      2. Fincham, E., Joksimović, S., Whitelock-Wainwright, A., Van Staalduinen, J. P., Kovanović, V. & Gašević, D. (2019). Counting clicks is not enough: Validating a theorized model of engagement in learning analytics. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2019, 501-510.
      3. Jovanović, J., Dawson, S., Gašević, D., Whitelock-Wainwright, A. & Pardo, A. (2019). Introducing meaning to clicks: Towards traced-measures of self-efficacy and cognitive load. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2019, 511-520.
      4. Dawson, S., Joksimović, S., Poquet, O. & Siemens, G. (2019). Increasing the impact of learning analytics. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2019, 446-455.
      5. Pogorskiy, E., Beckmann, J. F., Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V. & West, R. (2019). Utilising a Virtual Learning Assistant as a Measurement and Intervention Tool for Self-Regulation in Learning. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), 846-849.
      6. Phillips, M., Kovanović, V., Mitchell, I. & Gašević, D. (2019). The influence of discipline on teachers' knowledge and decision making. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography: ICQE2019, 177-188.
      7. Rolim, V., Ferreira Leite De Mello, R., Kovanović, V. & Gašević, D. (2019). Analysing social presence in online discussions through network and text analytics. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2019, 163-167.
      8. Leonard, S. N., MacGregor, D. & White, B. (2019). Teaching for tomorrow: teacher education for an uncertain future. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica: Education and Post Democracy Volume 1 Politics, Citizenship, Diversity and Inclusion, 58-62. [link]
      9. Tsai, Y., Kovanović, V. & Gašević, D. (2019). Learning analytics adoption - approaches and maturity. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK'19), 1-2. [link]
      10. Lim, L., Fudge, A. & Dawson, S. (2019). Feeling supported: enabling students in diverse cohorts through personalised, data-informed feedback. Proceedings of the 36th International Conference of Innovation, Practice and Research in the use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education: Personalised Learning. Diverse Goals. One Heart., 206-215.
      1. Dawson, S., Poquet, O., Colvin, C., Rogers, T., Pardo, A. & Gašević, D. (2018). Rethinking learning analytics adoption through complexity leadership theory. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2018, 236-244.
      2. Poquet, O., Lim, L., Mirriahi, N. & Dawson, S. (2018). Video and learning: A systematic review (2007-2017). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2018, 151-160.
      3. Poquet, O., Dowell, N., Brooks, C. & Dawson, S. (2018). Are MOOC forums changing?. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2018, 340-349.
      4. Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Mirriahi, N., Blaine, E., Gašević, D., Siemens, G. & Dawson, S. (2018). Understand students' self-reflections through learning analytics. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2018, 389-398.
      5. Ferreira, R., Kovanović, V., Gašević, D. & Rolim, V. (2018). Towards combined network and text analytics of student discourse in online discussions. Proceedings of the 19th International conference on artificial intelligence in education, AIED 2018, 111-126.
      6. Neto, V., Rolim, V., Ferreira, R., Kovanović, V., Gašević, D., Dueire Lins, R. & Lins, R. (2018). Automated analysis of cognitive presence in online discussions written in Portuguese. Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2018, 245-261.
      7. Picard, M., Fudge, A., Bilic, S. & Cooper, S. (2018). Academic integrity: an educative and equitable approach in enabling pathway programs. Proceedings of the 41st HERDSA Annual International Conference, 172-181.
      8. Lim, L., Barker, S., Fudge, A. & Kelly, S. (2018). Keeping everyone OnTask: gauging the impact of personalised feedback through academic case studies. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference of Innovation, Practice and Research in the use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, ASCILITE 2018, 184-193.
      9. Van Sebille, Y., Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V., Stansborough, R. & Dawson, S. (2018). Extending video interactions to support self-regulated learning in an online course. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference of Innovation, Practice and Research in the use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, ASCILITE 2018, 262-272.
      10. James, N., Kovanović, V., Marshall, R., Joksimović, S. & Pardo, A. (2018). Examining the value of learning analytics for supporting work-integrated learning. Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Work-integrated Learning (ACEN’18), 55-61.
      1. Dawson, S., Jovanović, J., Gašević, D. & Pardo, A. (2017). From prediction to impact: evaluation of a learning analytics retention program. Proceedings of the LAK '17 7th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 474-478.
      2. Tsai, Y., Gašević, D., Muñoz-Merino, P. J. & Dawson, S. P. (2017). La policy: developing an institutional policy for learning analytics using the RAPID outcome mapping approach. Proceedings of the LAK '17 7th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 494-495.
      3. Poquet, O., Dawson, S. & Dowell, N. (2017). How effective is your facilitation? Group-level analytics of MOOC forums. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2017, 208-217.
      4. Hazeri, K., Childs, P. R. & Cropley, D. (2017). Proposing a new product creativity assessment tool and a novel methodology to investigate the effects of different types of product functionality on the underlying structure of factor analysis. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design ICED17, 579-588.
      5. Stokes, J. & Price, B. (2017). Social media, visual culture and contemporary identity. Proceedings of the 11th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2017, 159-163.
      6. Brooker, A., Corrin, L., Fisher, J. & Mirriahi, N. (2017). Defining 'data' in conversations with students about the ethical use of learning analytics. Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research, 27-31.
      1. Kitto, K., Bakharia, A., Lupton, M., Mallet, D., Banks, J., Bruza, P., Pardo, A., Shum, S. B., Dawson, S., Gašević, D., Siemens, G. & Lynch, G. (2016). The connected learning analytics toolkit. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 548-549.
      2. Joksimović, S., Manataki, A., Gašević, D., Dawson, S., Kovanović, V. & De Kereki, I. F. (2016). Translating network position into performance: importance of centrality in different network configurations. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on learning analytics and knowledge, LAK 2016, 314-323.
      3. Bakharia, A., Corrin, L., de Barba, P., Kennedy, G., Gašević, D., Mulder, R., Williams, D., Dawson, S. & Lockyer, L. (2016). A conceptual framework linking learning design with learning analytics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2016, 329-338.
      4. Pardo, A., Mirriahi, N., Martinez-Maldonado, R., Jovanović, J., Dawson, S. & Gašević, D. (2016). Generating actionable predictive models of academic performance. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2016, 474-478.
      5. Skrypnyk, O. & Dawson, S. (2016). Untangling MOOC learner networks. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2016, 208-212.
      6. Chiera, B. & Korolkiewicz, M. (2016). Teaching visualisation in the age of big data: lessons from the past. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics (OZCOTS), 172-177.
      1. Corrin, L., Kennedy, G., De Barba, P., Bakharia, A., Lockyer, L., Gašević, D., Williams, D., Dawson, S. & Copeland, S. (2015). Loop: a learning analytics tool to provide teachers with useful data visualisations. Proceedings of the Globally Connected, Digitally Enabled (Ascilite 2015), 409-413.
      2. Skrypnyk, O. & Dawson, S. (2015). Analysis of MOOC forum participation. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning and Tertiary Education, ASCILITE 2015, 224-234.
      3. Surovek, A., Cropley, D., Jensen, D. & Benning, J. (2015). The creative designer: educating divergent thinkers in a convergent climate. Proceedings of the Structures Congress, 755-768.
      4. Berger, K., Surovek, A., Jensen, D. & Cropley, D. (2015). Individual creativity and team engineering design: A taxonomy for team composition. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, 1-4.
      5. Pardo, A., Mirriahi, N., Dawson, S., Zhao, Y., Zhao, A. & Gašević, D. (2015). Identifying learning strategies associated with active use of video annotation software. Proceedings of the LAK 2015: Fifth International Conference on Learning Analytics And Knowledge, 255-259.
      6. Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V., Dowell, N., Gašević, D., Graesser, A. C., Skrypnyk, O. & Dawson, S. (2015). How do you connect? Analysis of social capital accumulation in connectivist MOOCs. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2015, 64-68.
      7. Kovanović, V., Gašević, D., Dawson, S., Joksimović, S., Baker, R. S. & Hatala, M. (2015). Penetrating the black box of time-on-task estimation. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, LAK 2015, 184-193.
      8. Bakharia, A. & Dawson, S. (2015). Using sentence compression to develop visual analytics for student responses to short answer questions. Proceedings of the VISLA 2015 Visual Aspects of Learning Analytics, 11-13.
      1. Ferguson, R., Clow, D., Macfadyen, L., Essa, A., Dawson, S. & Alexander, S. (2014). Setting learning analytics in context: overcoming the barriers to large-scale adoption. Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 251-253.
      2. Gašević, D., Mirriahi, N. & Dawson, S. (2014). Analytics of the effects of video use and instruction to support reflective learning. Proceedings of the LAK 2014: Fourth International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 123-132.
      3. Dawson, S., Gašević, D., Siemens, G. & Joksimović, S. (2014). Current state and future trends: a citation network analysis of the learning analytics field. Proceedings of the International Conference on learning analytics and knowledge, 231-240.
      4. Shanahan, M., Lockyer, L. & Dawson, S. (2014). Towards a more detailed understanding of professional learning mediated by educational tools. Proceedings of the EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, 1441-1450.
      1. Mirriahi, N. & Dawson, S. (2013). The pairing of lecture recording data with assessment scores: a method of discovering pedagogical impact. Proceedings of the LAK '13 Third Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 180-184.


  • document-paper Other publications minus-thin plus-thin
    • 2024 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Ebbert, D., Claassen, A., Wilson, N., Joksimović, S., Mirriahi, N. & Dawson, S. (2024). Tackling mind wandering in video learning environments. Tuwhera Open Access.
      2. Vieira, M., Shepley, D., Devis, D. & Leonard, S. (2024). STEM Girls Academy Creative Challenge Retrospective Exhibition 2024.
      3. Murray, C. & Kennedy, J. (2024). An analysis of Corroboree Frog College student WEC data (2020-2023). University of South Australia.
      4. Lam, B., Marrone, R., Gabriel, F., Fowler, S. & Brinkman, S. (2024). Measuring self-regulation in the wellbeing and engagement collection - pilot study. University of South Australia.
      5. Dolan, C., Smith, L., Vass, N., Platt, A. L. M. & Kennedy, J. (2024). Illuminating principal practice. University of South Australia.
      6. Gabriel, F. & Brinkman, S. (2024). WEC Screening tool: identifying student risks for wellbeing and academic achievement. University of South Australia.
      7. Brass, T., Kennedy, J., Devis, D. & Leonard, S. (2024). Launching community space innovation from regional South Australia: a report on teacher self-efficacy. University of South Australia and Andy Thomas Space Foundation.
      8. Vieira, M., Devis, D., Le Cerf, T., Fowler, S., Kennedy, J. & Leonard, S. (2024). Design thinking for creative confidence. University of South Australia.
      9. Lam, B., McMahon, T., Beauchamp, T., Badu, E. & Brinkman, S. (2024). Stronger starts, brighter futures II: exploring trends to promote the early development of children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in Australia. University of South Australia and Settlement Services International.
      10. Kennedy, J. & Gabriel, F. (2024). Addressing mathematics anxiety at Great Barred Frog School. University of South Australia.
    • 2023 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Barthakur, A. & Kovanović, V. (2023). Aligning assessment with course learning outcomes through learning analytics. SoLAR Nexus. [link]
      2. Sincovich, A., Lam, B., Gregory, T., Rodilosso, N. & Brinkman, S. (2023). Early childhood education quality and child development in lao pdr. EU European Publishing.
      3. Howells, S., Lam, B., Marrone, R. & Brinkman, S. (2023). Rapid review of the literature and results of an academic pulse survey to determine the evidence behind pre-school for 3-year-old children. University of South Australia.
      4. Howells, S., Marrone, R. & Brinkman, S. (2023). Self-regulation in educational settings. UniSA.
      5. Devis, D., Fowler, S., Vieira, M., Giannoni, K., Gabriel, F., Kennedy, J. & Leonard, S. (2023). From insight to action: strategies for cultivating equity and empowering women in industry. University of South Australia.
      6. Smith, L., Fowler, S., Gabriel, F. & Brinkman, S. (2023). Measuring metacognition in children and adolescents. University of South Australia.
      7. Smith, L., Gabriel, F., Terauds, V., Fowler, S. & Brinkman, S. (2023). Interventions to improve metacognition for children and adolescents. University of South Australia.
      8. Inwood, K., Fowler, S., Devis, D. & Leonard, S. (2023). Improving music teacher self-efficacy (Catalyst Report #13). Univeristy of South Australia.
      9. Fowler, S., Gabriel, F. & Leonard, S. N. (2023). Co-designing the translation of the science of learning (Catalyst report #10). University of South Australia.
      10. Murray, C. & Kennedy, J. P. (2023). An artefact analysis of well-being policies across Corroboree Frog College and the wider community. University of South Australia.
      11. Lam, B., Terauds, V. & Brinkman, S. (2023). Playgroups post pandemic, a snapshot of playgroup attendance and child development from 2012 to 2021. Playgroups Australia.
      12. Kennedy, J., Marrone, R. & Gabriel, F. (2023). Addressing mathematics anxiety at Peron's Tree Frog School. University of South Australia.
    • 2022 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Mercer-Mapstone, L., Fatnowna, T., Ross, P., Bricknell, L., Mude, W., Wheat, J., Barone, R., Martinez, D., West, D., Gregory, S., Vanderlelie, J., McLaughlin, T., Kennedy, B., Able, A., Levy, P., Banas, K., Gabriel, F., Pardo, A. & Zucker, I. (2022). Recommendations for equitable student support during disruptions to the higher education sector: lessons from COVID-19. National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education.
      2. Joksimović, S., Siemens, G., Coyle, D., Zamecnik, A., De Laat, M., Dawson, S., Richey, M. C., Kovanović, V., Pardo, A. & Fey, A. (2022). Position paper: Data for AI research (DAIR) infrastructure: advancing educational research and practice. Global Research Alliance for AI in Learning and Education.
      3. Dooley, K., Gao, J., McKibbin, J., Peng, F. & Siemens, G. (2022). Skills gaps in the South Australian advertising and design sector. University of South Australia.
      4. Howells, S. & Brinkman, S. (2022). Rapid review 2 report: evidence for instruments for measuring executive function and self-regulation in childhood and adolescence. Telethon Kids Institute.
      5. Howells, S. & Brinkman, S. (2022). The reading gap for boys: evidence base for interventions. Telethon Kids Institute.
      6. Howells, S. & Brinkman, S. (2022). Self-regulation in childhood and adolescence. Telethon Kids Institute.
      7. Fowler, S., Kennedy, J., Cutting, C., Devis, D. & Leonard, S. (2022). A data summary report on the impact of a computer aided design program on the spatial reasoning and attitudes of primary school students (Catalyst report #7). University of South Australia.
      8. Windle, J., Morrison, A., Sellar, S., Squires, R., Kennedy, J. P. & Murray, C. (2022). Teachers at breaking point: why working in South Australian schools is getting tougher. University of South Australia.
    • 2021 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Fowler, S. (2021). The practice architectures of technologically enhanced learning environments. Associazione “Per Scuola Democratica”.
      2. Kennedy, J. P. & Leonard, S. N. (2021). A data summary report for secondary academic leaders at 'Corroboree Frog College'. University of South Australia.
      3. Kennedy, J., Thompson, K., Fowler, S. & Leonard, S. N. (2021). A novel approach to mapping changes in student attitudes towards science and mathematics in reaction to changes to their learning environment. Curtin University. [link]
      4. Vosniadou, S., Lawson, M. J., Stephenson, H. & Bodner, E. (2021). Teaching students how to learn: setting the stage for lifelong learning. International Bureau of Education.
    • 2020 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Kovanović, V., Scheffel, M., Pinkwart, N. & Verbert, K. (2020). LAK 2020 program chairs' welcome. ACM - Association for Computing Machinery Inc.
      2. Kennedy, J. P., Fowler, S., Cutting, C. & Leonard, S. N. (2020). The foldback project data report no. 1: preliminary report following activities at Corroboree Innovation and creativity school June 2020. University of South Australia.
      3. Southgate, E., Howard, S., De Laat, M., Cohen, J. & Frew, J. (2020). YAI: an overdue conversation. University of Newcastle.
    • Before 2020 minus-thick plus-thick
      1. Sie, R. L., Delahunty, J., Bell, K., Percy, A., Rienties, B., Cao, T. & De Laat, M. (2019). Artificial intelligence to enhance learning design in UOW online, a unified approach to fully online learning. IEEE.
      2. Hill, F., Fulcher, D., Sie, R. & De Laat, M. (2019). Balancing accuracy and transparency in early alert identification of students at risk. IEEE.
      3. Cutting, C. (2019). Re-thinking fraction instruction in primary school: the case for an alternative approach in the early years. Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
      4. Deneen, C., Ali, I., Byard, K. & Kommunuri, J. (2019). Using blogs to develop and determine graduate competencies in an undergraduate business subject. ASCILITE - Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education.
      5. Deneen, C., Elliott, K., Disseldorp, B. & Lim, W. Y. R. (2019). Technology-enhanced assessment: seizing opportunities & addressing challenges. ASCILITE.
      6. Mirzaei, S., Wilkinson, B. & Wyra, M. (2019). Usability testing of VLASTA: a vocabulary learning and strategy teaching app. IEEE.
      7. Thompson, K., Leonard, S., Adams, D., deLaat, M., Gabriel, F., Howard, S., Knight, S., Lodge, J., Markauskaite, L., Reimann, P. & Vasco, D. (2019). Educational research data: linking data for collaborative research about learning and teaching. University of Wollongong.
      8. Dawson, S., Zhang, J. & Burgos, D. (2019). Advancing open, flexible and distance learning through learning analytics. Routledge.
      9. Leonard, S. N. & Fitzgerald, R. (2019). Questacon mathematics tour: evidence base and concept plan. University of Canberra.
      10. Cutting, C. & Lowrie, T. (2019). Bounded learning progressions. STEM Education Research Centre. [link]
      1. Andres, J. M. L., Baker, R. S., Gašević, D., Siemens, G., Crossley, S. A. & Joksimović, S. (2018). Studying MOOC completion at scale using the MOOC replication framework. ACM Press.
      2. Deneen, C. & Munshi, C. (2018). Technology-enabled feedback: it's time for a critical review of research and practice. ASCILITE - Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education.
      3. Unsworth, P., Tippett, N., Buckskin, P. & Leonard, S. (2018). Excellence & equity in mathematics (XE) project: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student achievement and tertiary aspirations in mathematics and STEM. Australian Government.
      1. Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Katerinopoulos, P., Michail, C., Siemens, G. & Gašević, D. (2017). Developing a MOOC experimentation platform: insights from a user study. Association for Computing Machinery.
      2. Dowell, N. M., Brooks, C., Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S. & Gašević, D. (2017). The changing patterns of MOOC discourse. ACM.
      3. Oberprieler, K., Leonard, S. N. & Fitzgerald, R. (2017). Gamifying design education. Design Research Society.
      4. Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Gašević, D. & Siemens, G. (2017). Digital learning design framework for social learning spaces. Ruzica Piskac.
      5. Ruipérez-Valiente, J. A., Joksimović, S., Kovanović, V., Gašević, D., Muñoz-Merino, P. J. & Delgado Kloos, C. (2017). A data-driven method for the detection of close submitters in online learning environments. World Wide Web Conferences Committee (IW3C2).
      6. Spann, C. A., Schaeffer, J. & Siemens, G. (2017). Expanding the scope of learning analytics data: preliminary findings on attention and self-regulation using wearable technology. ACM Press.
      7. O'Donnell, B. & Gabriel, F. (2017). Gamifying graph reading. Academic Conferences International Limited.
      8. Deneen, C. C., Fulmer, G. W. & Tan, K. (2017). Value, proficiency, and practice: Singaporean secondary school teachers' perceptions of assessment for learning (AfL). American Educational Research Association.
      9. Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Poquet, O., Hennis, T., Dawson, S., Gašević, D., de Vries, P., Hatala, M. & Siemens, G. (2017). Understanding the relationship between technology use and cognitive presence in MOOCs. ACM.
      10. Wardill, H. R., Bowen, J. M., Van Sebille, Y. Z. & Gibson, R. J. (2017). Routine assessment of the gut microbiome to promote preclinical research reproducibility and transparency. BMJ Group.
      11. Molenaar, I., Ochoa, X. & Dawson, S. (2017). LAK 2017 program chairs' welcome. ACM.
      12. Brooks, C., Teasley, S. & Siemens, G. (2017). Challenges and opportunities facing educational discourse researchers. ACM Press.
      13. Kovanović, V., Gašević, D., Hatala, M. & Siemens, G. (2017). A novel model of cognitive presence assessment using automated learning analytics methods. SRI International.
      14. Lowrie, T., Downes, N. & Leonard, S. (2017). STEM education for all young Australians: a Bright Spots STEM Learning Hub Foundation Paper, for SVA, in partnership with Samsung. Social Ventures Australia & University of Canberra STEM Education Research Centre.
      15. Fitzgerald, R., Leonard, S. N. & Bacon, M. (2017). Canberra Grammar School Pearson Hololens trial evaluation report. University of Canberra.
      1. Bakharia, A., Kitto, K., Pardo, A., Gašević, D. & Dawson, S. (2016). Recipe for success: lessons learnt from using xAPI within the connected learning analytics toolkit. Association for Computing Machinery.
      2. Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Waters, Z., Gaševíc, D., Kitto, K., Hatala, M. & Siemens, G. (2016). Towards automated content analysis of discussion transcripts: a cognitive presence case. Association for Computing Machinery.
      3. Kovanović, V., Owers, J., Joksimović, S., Scott, A. M., Gašević, D. & Woodgate, A. (2016). Profiling MOOC course returners: how does student behavior change between two course enrollments?. Association for Computing Machinery.
      4. Kovanović, V., Gašević, D., Joksimović, S., Siemens, G. & Hatala, M. (2016). MOOCs in the news: a European perspective. EADTU.
      5. O'Donnell, B., Pfahl, D., Mehling, J. & Gabriel, F. (2016). Walk the climate talk. Academic Conferences International Limited.
      6. Brooks, C. A., Thompson, C. & Kovanović, V. (2016). Introduction to data mining for educational researchers. ACM.
      7. Gašević, D., Dawson, S. & Pardo, A. (2016). How do we start? State and directions of learning analytics adoption. International Council for Open and Distance Education.
      8. Habel, C., Whitman, K. & Stokes, J. (2016). Exploring the experiences of low SES students via enabling programs. National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education.
      1. Martinez-Maldonado, R., Pardo, A., Mirriahi, N., Yacef, K., Kay, J. & Clayphan, A. (2015). The LATUX workflow: designing and deploying awareness tools in technology-enabled learning settings. ACM.
      2. Joksimović, S., Zouaq, A., Kovanović, V., Gašević, D., Jovanović, J. & Hatala, M. (2015). What do cMOOC participants talk about in social media?: a topic analysis of discourse in a cMOOC. Association for Computing Machinery.
      3. Oberprieler, K. & Leonard, S. N. (2015). A model for using activity theory in education design: a gamificaiton example. Australian Association for Research in Education Conference.
      4. Waters, Z., Kovanović, V., Kitto, K. & Gašević, D. (2015). Structure matters: adoption of structured classification approach in the context of cognitive presence classification. Springer International.
      5. Dowell, N. M., Skrypnyk, O., Joksimović, S., Graesser, A. C., Dawson, S., Gašević, D., de Vries, P., Hennis, T. & Kovanović, V. (2015). Modeling learners' social centrality and performance through language and discourse. International Educational Data Mining Society.
      6. Aleven, V., Sewall, J., Popescu, O., Xhakaj, F., Chand, D., Baker, R., Wang, Y., Siemens, G., Rosé, C. & Gašević, D. (2015). The beginning of a beautiful friendship? Intelligent tutoring systems and MOOCs. Springer.
      7. De Laat, M., Haythornthwaite, C., Dawson, S. & Suthers, D. (2015). Introduction to social media and learning minitrack. IEEE.
      8. Wardill, H. R., Van Sebille, Y. Z., Bowen, J. M. & Gibson, R. J. (2015). Editorial Comment: Does gut-derived inflammation enhance pain signaling following chemotherapy in a Toll-like receptor 4-dependent manner?. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Ltd.
      1. Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Gašević, D. & Hatala, M. (2014). Automated cognitive presence detection in online discussion transcripts.
      2. Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Gašević, D. & Hatala, M. (2014). What is the source of social capital? The association between social network position and social presence in communities of inquiry.
      3. Ferguson, R., De Liddo, A., Whitelock, D., De Laat, M. & Shum, S. (2014). DCLA14: Second international workshop on discourse-centric learning analytics. Association for Computing Machinery.
      4. Rosé, C. P. & Siemens, G. (2014). Shared task on prediction of dropout over time in massively open online courses. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
      5. De Laat, M., Haythornthwaite, C., Dawson, S. & Suthers, D. (2014). Introduction to social media & learning minitrack. IEEE.
      6. Cropley, D. H., Kaufman, J., Murphy, M. & Moran, S. (2014). Summary: Creativity and ethics-two golden eggs. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
      7. Cropley, D. H. (2014). Commentary on the psychology of creativity: a critical reading by Vlad P Glaveanu. University of Bialystok.
      8. Cropley, D. H. (2014). Fighting the slump: a multi-faceted exercise for fostering creativity in children. Korean Association for Thinking Development.
      9. Moran, S., Cropley, D. & Kaufman, J. C. (2014). The Ethics of Creativity. Palgrave MacMillan.
      10. Salmona, M., Partlo, M., Kaczynski, D. & Leonard, S. (2014). Promoting cultural skills acquisition through an international student teaching field experience. American Educational Research Association.
      1. Mirriahi, N. (2013). A window into lecturers' conversations: with whom are they speaking about technology and why does it matter?. Macquarie University.
      2. Joksimović, S., Jovanović, J., Gašević, D., Zouaq, A. & Jeremic, Z. (2013). An empirical evaluation of ontology-based semantic annotators. Association for Computing Machinery.
      3. Schreurs, B., Teplovs, C., Ferguson, R., De Laat, M. & Buckingham Shum, S. (2013). Visualizing social learning ties by type and topic: Rationale and concept demonstrator. Association for Computer Machinery.
      4. Buckingham Shum, S., De Laat, M., De Liddo, A., Ferguson, R., Kirschner, P., Ravenscroft, A., Sandor, A. & Whitelock, D. (2013). DCLA13: 1st International workshop on discourse-centric learning analytics. ACM - Association for Computing Machinery Inc.
      5. Siemens, G., Dawson, S. & Lynch, G. (2013). Improving the quality and productivity of the higher education sector: policy and strategy for systems-level deployment of learning analytics. Society for Learning Analytics Research.