The Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning (C3L) focuses on the complex relationship between human and artificial cognition, knowledge processes, and learning. Our innovative research in education onAI, learning analytics and educational technologies is world-leading. C3L’s researchers are amongst the most influential globally in implementing and evaluating new technologies and pedagogies to enable futurelearning models and have been at the forefront of the most significant educational trends of the past several decades: digital learning, learning analytics, distributed learning, augmented learning, and AI in education.
C3L takes a holistic view of the education system and lifelong learning. The C3L investigates how present education models can transition to more effectively focus on attributes and processes beyond the cognitive aspect of their curriculum. The C3L will seek to research and apply novel approaches that facilitate curriculum models that actively incorporate the skills needed for creative knowledge work, self-regulation, collaboration, and mindsets that enable acceptance of ambiguity and uncertainty. The complex problems that define contemporary education cannot be understood and managed through traditional, often reductionist, research approaches, instead an integrated, holistic, and networked approach is required. The mission and vision for Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning (C3L) is embodied in a complexity science framework and methodology.
The centre researches an individual’s lifespan of learning and applies these findings to develop new opportunities for UniSA programs. This involves investigations into the learning skills, mindsets and developmental aspects of education that are necessary for a digitally rich and complex age. C3L pursues research that directly impacts education, and society. C3L investigates learning and development through the collection of diverse data sets about how learners engage in formal and informal learning settings. These data provide an important lens into the development of people within a society, the impact of interventions, and how the interaction points that a person has with society’s institutions impacts their education and well-being development.