Why study overseas?

Go Ahead, Challenge Yourself

Say ‘yes!’ to a life-changing experience.

Exchange in 2026

Exchange in 2026 and beyond will fall under Adelaide University. If you are interested in going on exchange in 2026, please go to the Adelaide University Global Learning website. More information will be added to the Adelaide University website as it becomes available.

If you have any questions, please still direct these to UniSA Global Opportunities - see Contact Us page.

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Why study overseas?

Studying overseas offers you an amazing opportunity to enrich your life on a personal, academic and professional level. It may be one of the smartest things you can do as a university student.

You will experience a brand-new country with incredible new outlooks, customs and activities. You won’t be limited to travelling in just the one place – you can explore neighbouring countries and cities and really broaden your horizons!

Which option is right for you?

UniSA offers three main types of study overseas experiences: full semester exchange, short term opportunities, and study tours. When you apply to one of these, you will automatically be assessed for eligibility to receive a UniSA travel grant. Other scholarships, grants and loans may also be available.

Full semester exchange

Full semester exchange

As a UniSA student you can participate in an international exchange at one of our exchange partners for a semester
or a full year.

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Short-term opportunities

Short term opportunities

UniSA has a variety of short term programs which you can undertake as part of your coursework program at UniSA.

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Study tours

Study tours

Organised by UniSA staff, you will travel with a group of students to the same location for a minimum of 4.5 units of credit.

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You have everything to gain from this experience

More than an adventure, studying overseas is a smart step that will help you in your studies, future employment and personal development.

Earn credit toward your UniSA degree while traveling the world
When you go on any study overseas program, you will earn credit for courses here at UniSA. You can participate in volunteering trips, internships, placements, and other career-related programs while gaining academic credit.

Become competitive in the global marketplace
Employers love people with international experience! The skills you develop abroad translate fantastically into the workplace and can give you an edge in today’s increasingly competitive global job marketplace.

Improve your foreign language skills
Study tours and summer/winter language courses are a great way to experience a language and quickly improve your fluency. It looks great on a resume and can only help your understanding. Not all study overseas programs are in another language though. You can always study in English while abroad, and develop your language skills externally.

Immerse yourself in different cultures
You will have a unique opportunity to live in another culture and experience it first hand, rather than just being an observer from a distance.

Gain invaluable life-changing and life-enhancing skills
This experience will help develop your self-confidence, self-sufficiency, independence, empathy, flexibility, communication skills, experience, and global knowledge. Taking on new challenges and exploring the world contributes to fantastic personal and educational growth that will enhance your life.

Make new friendships and expand your network
You will meet people from all over the world! These new friendships and connections can make for a powerful network that might see you travelling further and exploring job options abroad.

Gain a new global perspective
Studying overseas will expose you to a host of different opinions and cultural norms, and will give you a more informed perspective on world affairs.

Further study at an overseas university
Thinking of continuing your study in another country? Studying overseas could help you gain entry into graduate programs at a university abroad.

 Worried by the cost
of overseas travel?

Minimise your out-of-pocket travel expenses with a UniSA International Travel Grant. If you are approved to participate in an in-country Semester Exchange or Short Term program, delivered by one of UniSA’s established mobility partners, in 2023, you will automatically be considered for a UniSA International Travel Grant.

Semester Exchange students can receive: A$1,250
Short Term Program students can receive: A$500

To be eligible for the UniSA Travel Grant you must:

- Meet all standard study overseas eligibility criteria
- Be receiving credit for your overseas program towards your UniSA studies, or be meeting a mandatory program requirement
- Not be in receipt of an alternative travel grant or scholarship (e.g., NCP Mobility Grant)

Students can receive up to a maximum of $1,500 total in UniSA travel grants over their student life at the University of South Australia. This figure may be reviewed in the future.

Award of Travel Grants is subject to availability and is at the discretion of the Pro Vice Chancellor: International.

You can also see what scholarships and grants your Academic Unit may offer you, explore external scholarship options, and apply for OS-Help loans. Some regions may come with government grants, and you can also receive Centrelink payments whilst abroad by requesting a letter from us.

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Here's what some of our students have to say about their experiences

Want to hear more about studying overseas? Check out our Returned Student Reports for both full semester exchanges and short term opportunities and short term opportunities.

Hear from our returned students

Nguyen Mai Tran

Just do it! It is an experience of a life time. It sets you apart from other students or applicants applying for the same job as you. It makes a good conversation starter. I never thought I would go through with it but it was so worth it. I did have some doubts, leaving a place where I was comfortable to somewhere I was a stranger to. However, what I’ve gained such as new experiences, friends, knowledge and skills made me believe this is the best decision I have ever made.

Nguyen Mai Tran - Japan

Austin Tredrea

I was hesitant as well! I used to be focused on saving money as I thought it would be the best thing for my future. Now having done the exchange program, I can confidently say it is the best thing that I could have ever done for my future and I do not regret the money I spent because (despite how cliché this sounds), the experience was priceless. Do it. As I'm writing this, I am currently looking for another exchange program for the upcoming year.

Austin Tredrea - Norway

Jackson Horrocks

I have gained so much from this experience, I would say I am more confident and am more educated about different ways of life. As well as realising that there is so much more to life out there in the world. Just do it! You won’t regret it. There are plenty of financial options if money is an issue in fact, this is the cheapest way to see the world for sure! You will make some of your best friends out there 100%.

Jackson Horrocks - Austria

Cordelia Woods

Exchange is nerve-wracking, unknown and the biggest but best decision I’ve ever made. Usually it is relatively easy to see what step is next – university, graduation, work, etc – but exchange is completely unknown. Its thrilling to do something without certainty. Out of everyone I met in Montreal not one regretted exchange but instead were already planning their next one. This challenge you wont regret!

Cordelia Woods - Canada

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