Industry to Student Networking Event

Our next event is Thursday 19th September 2024 (8-11am) - lock it in your calendar!

UniSA Internship Programs result in enhanced career outcomes for students and myriad benefits for industries.

September will be the 9th instalment of our award winning face-to-face speed-networking events, building on previous success and continuing to add value through UniSA Business collaborating with UniSA Creative for the second time. We will have the usual full range of Business disciplines attending plus the following from Creative:

Business = Commerce (Accounting, Finance, Economics, Financial Planning), Marketing, Management, Business Analytics, Human Resource Management, Tourism & Event Management, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Procurement, Property, Sport & Recreation.

Creative = Communications and Media, Creative Industries, Journalism & Professional Writing, Film & Television.

This is a formal, facilitated speed-networking session designed to maximise your opportunity to connect with students seeking internship placement opportunities. At registration you will be required to register up to four disciplines you are most interested in speaking with, then in the lead up to the event you will receive more information to ensure you are well prepared – with your primary homework being the development of a 1-minute pitch.

Increase your reach with VIDEO PITCHES - 2023 was the first time we offered industry partners the opportunity to send us a recorded version of their pitch ahead of the event to be shared with students to further help promote your opportunities. This was very popular with students so is now a core feature moving forward - further information below on how to submit yours once you have registered. WE NOW HAVE A QUICK "HOW TO" VIDEO, SEE BELOW

Registrations will open August 2024 for the September 2024 event:


UniSA Business

More details for Industry Partners about the UniSA Business Internship Programs


A quick walk through
How it will work and how to prepare
(2:59 minutes)


UniSA Creative

More details for Industry Partners about the UniSA Creative Placement Opportunities



Why record a video pitch?

Best way to get your brand seen by all students

Students watch them, in 2023 >70% attendees did so

Help students find you at the event (face to a name)

When to submit?
Sooner the better


Here's our short video (<2 mins) of how you
could record your 1 minute pitch video


How to Record/Submit?

You can do on your phone (like the example) or simply record via Zoom/Teams

Doesn't need to be polished, more personal the better

Submit video by file sharing platform (e.g. Dropbox), or a link to YouTube or similar


Key information for employers

This event is for Industry Partners who are interested in engaging a UniSA Business student for an internship.

The UniSA Internship Programs continue to grow, resulting in enhanced career outcomes for an even greater number of students and strengthening of talent pipelines for our industry partners. Even throughout the challenges of 2020-22, we adapted modalities to keep placements going.

Confirming the aim of this event is that you will identify student(s) that you would like to offer an internship, placement or project opportunity, we're anticipating 200-250 students. These students will be seeking opportunities to be primarily completed over the summer break of November 2024 to February 2025, as well as getting an early start on lining up opportunities for 2025.

Proposed Program for the morning:
8:15-8:45 am: Arrive from 8.15am and register, opportunity to network with industry partners over breakfast (served from 8:15am).
8:45-9:00am: Official welcome and final preparations for 9am sharp start.
9:00-11:00am: Industry and student facilitated networking . Will consist of 4 x 20 minute sessions with students from the disciplines you nominate at registration, then up to 40 minutes open networking.
11:00am: Event close - complete post-event survey to confirm matches.

We value your support and hope that you can join us!

Benefits for your organisation

  • Access to motivated students who will bring knowledge of current trends, theories, techniques and ideas
  • Identify potential new employees
  • Develop mentoring and supervision capabilities of current workforce
  • Form valuable links with UniSA Business for future collaborations with students and/or research


  • What do I need to prepare? minus-thick plus-thick

    You will have a 1 minute 'elevator pitch' summarising your organisation and the types of projects/activities that you may have a student intern undertake. The student will have a 30 second version. Each interaction only estimated to last 5 minutes.

  • How do I submit a video pitch? minus-thick plus-thick

    Any videos submitted will be hosted on a platform UniSA uses called Panopto. They will be made available only to students, they will not appear on a publicly available website.

    The beauty of this platform is it accepts pretty much any form of video file, so you can record and send from your phone/tablet if that’s easier for you, or simply record a Zoom/Teams on your computer.

    What should your video look like? It is to be a maximum 1-minute pitch to camera succinctly outlining who your organisation is and what opportunities you have available. Fair warning, anything longer than a minute will be cropped.

    We first trialled this in April 2023 and had everything from people speaking to their phone camera through to polished corporate videos. Whatever works for you, however I can say students much prefer a personalised message, ones showing what their day might look like got much higher views.

    How do you get the videos to us? Whatever is easiest really, you can send us a link to a file sharing platform (e.g. Dropbox or Google Drive), or even just the link to YouTube or similar. 

  • Will I have the opportunity to meet every/any student I want to? minus-thick plus-thick

    Due to the scale of the event this is likely not possible. However, we do try and rotate people as much as possible. These rotations are all formulated prior to the event based on the preferences noted when you register, this enables you the opportunity to engage with the highest number of relevant students possible.

  • Can I bring more than one staff to the event? minus-thick plus-thick

    Short answer is YES, however there are 2 caveats to this - everyone will need to register individually so we can track numbers, and as we are limited with capacity we may have to restrict numbers per organisation to give everyone an opportunity. We would recommend you coordinate your registrations so that you nominate as many disciplines as relevant, spread between your team. Note - the room capacity is 400 pax so if we run out of space we may ask organisations with multiple registrants to reduce their numbers.

  • Will you share the list of students prior/post the event? minus-thick plus-thick

    We don't share this level of detail prior to the event. We will provide you a sheet which you will use to record the students' name, ID number and any notes. You will then share the details of your preferred students in the survey after the event. The names of registered organisations will be sent in pre-event updates to students so they can undertake some prior research.

Get in touch

UniSA Business -
or contact one of our staff members for more information.

Daryl McMahon
Partner Engagement Manager: Internships, UniSA Business
Y1-65, City West Campus