28 May 2024



With Rosie Batty AO


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After tragedy, how do we find hope?

Rosie Batty’s new memoir shows what it takes to get through the very worst of times. A singular woman who has experienced tragedy, who had lost all hope, yet now is intent on finding it again. In conversation with CEO of The Zahra FoundationKelly-ann Tansley, she discusses her latest book, Hope.

What happens when you become an accidental hero? What happens the day after the worst day of your life? What happens when you are forced to confront the emptiness and silence of a house that once buzzed with the energy of a young son?

You go to dark places from which you're not sure you'll ever recover.

On a warm summer's evening in February 2014, eleven-year-old Luke Batty was killed by his father at cricket practice. It was a horrific act of family violence that shocked Australia.

The next morning, his mother Rosie bravely stood before the media. Her powerful and gut-wrenching words about family violence galvanised the nation and catapulted her into the spotlight. From that day on, Rosie Batty campaigned tirelessly to protect women and children, winning hearts and minds with her courage and compassion, singlehandedly changing the conversation around domestic violence in this country.

Following on from her runaway best-seller A Mother's Story, which detailed the lead-up to her son's murder, Hope shares what happened to Rosie the day after the worst day of her life and how she reclaimed hope when all hope was lost. She shares her struggles with anxiety, PTSD, self-doubt and self-loathing and how she finally confronted her grief. She shares the stories of those who have inspired her to keep going, and given her hope when she needed it most. In this heartfelt, and at times heartbreaking memoir, Rosie tells how she found the light on her darkest days and how she found hope to carry on.

Imprints Booksellers will be selling copies of Rosie's book, Hope, in the Auditorium foyer on the night of the event.

Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre and The Zahra Foundation



Rosie Batty AO

Rosie Batty is a British-Australian family violence campaigner and speaker. After her 11-year-old son, Luke, was killed by his father in a violent incident in February 2014, Rosie became a passionate campaigner on the issue of family violence. She won the Pride of Australia Award in 2014 and was named Australian of the Year in January 2015. Her first memoir, A Mother’s Story, was published in 2016.

X:    @rosiebatty

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Kelly-Ann Tansley
CEO, The Zahra Foundation 

With a passion for social justice, women’s safety, and gendered equity, coupled with a history of shaking up systems and transforming services, Kelly-ann Tansley has over 15 years of industry experience in Australia across practice, leadership, policy, advocacy, and systems reform. She brings a wealth of energy and vision to her role as CEO at Zahra Foundation Australia, where she collaborates with her board and team to support women and non-binary folks impacted by domestic abuse, aiming to break the cycle of violence through economic empowerment programs and services.

LinkedIn:  Kelly-ann Tansley
 Website link

Bio photo


the zahra foundation

The Zahra Foundation's core services assist women who are recovering from the effects of domestic and family violence. Our mission is to create an Australia where every woman impacted by domestic abuse is economically empowered and safe.

The Zahra Foundation offers pathways to education, training, and employment, with specialised financial counsellors and Opportunity Knox grants for women affected by family and domestic violence.

On average, it takes seven attempts for women to leave an abusive relationship, as they fear falling into poverty or homelessness. Unfortunately, this fear is the reality for over 100,000 Australians today, who are homeless or living in poverty due to fleeing domestic abuse.

By providing pathways to economic empowerment and financial independence, The Zahra Foundation helps to ensure that women and their children not only live a life free from violence and abuse but also attain financial stability, avoiding becoming part of this growing number.

Financial independence and personal empowerment are critical in breaking the cycle of domestic abuse. In Australia, domestic abuse is the main cause of homelessness for women. No woman should have to choose between remaining in an abusive home or homelessness – you can provide support by donating today.

Find out more about the Zahra Foundation, including opportunities to donate


Zahra Foundation Blue Bio.png

Presented by
The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre AND THE ZAHRA FOUNDATION

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While the views presented by speakers within The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre public program are their own and are not necessarily those of either the University of South Australia, or The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre, they are presented in the interest of open debate and discussion in the community and reflect our themes of: Strengthening our Democracy - Valuing our Diversity - Building our Future. The Hawke Centre reserves the right to change their program at any time without notice.