12 June 2024



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Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre 

How resilient is modern democracy, what lessons can we take from other countries, and how do we rekindle faith in our own democratic institutions?

These are just some of the questions that will be presented to the Honourable Peter Malinauskas MP, the Labor Member for Croydon and 47th Premier of South Australia by author and journalist, George Megalogenis. Additionally, attendees can look forward to an exciting announcement directly from the Premier during the event.

South Australia has been at the forefront of democratic reform throughout its history, from the development of the secret ballot and instituting universal suffrage, to recognising the need for independent bodies to run elections and determine electoral boundaries.

But in an age when an increasing number of citizens – especially young people – harbour doubts about the value of democracy as a system of government, we see an increasing threat from populist movements within western liberal democracies, including our closest allies.

Thus, Australia faces an existential challenge: how can we sidestep the challenges we see around us and improve voter perception of our own nation’s institutions and the ability of the ballot box to reflect the will of the people?

During the 2022 state campaign SA Labor pledged to improve public confidence in the democratic process by banning political donations in South Australia, removing any role for private, corporate, or union money in elections.

With less than two years before South Australians return to the polls, Premier Malinauskas will speak about whether this lofty goal can be achieved, what challenges remain, and what is at stake if we fail to empower voters with the tools to fully participate and engage in the process – as well as a glimpse at what a future without donations might look like for political parties, for voters, and for the process of democratic renewal.

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the Honourable Peter Malinauskas MP,
the Labor Member for Croydon &
47th Premier of South Australia

The Honourable Peter Malinauskas MP led the South Australian Labor Party to victory at the March 2022 state election, becoming the 47th Premier of South Australia.

He first entered state parliament as a member of the Legislative Council in 2015 before being elected as the member for Croydon in 2018.

During the Weatherill Labor Government, Peter held the portfolios of Minister for Police, Correctional Services, Emergency Services, and Road Safety (2016-2017) and Minister for Health, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse (2017-2018).

As Leader of the Opposition (2018-22) he brought a constructive alternative approach to the challenges facing South Australia during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

With a focus on health, education, jobs, skills, and the environment, Peter was elected with a plan not just for the next four years, but for the next generation of South Australians.

In Peter’s spare time, he can often be found at a Port Adelaide game or out on the footy field playing with his beloved Adelaide Uni Blacks.

His great love though is his family. Peter and his wife Annabel have four young children Sophie, Jack, Eliza, and George.

X: @PMalinauskasMP
Peter Malinauskas MP, Website

Website Bio Mali.jpg

george megalogenis
author & journalist

George Megalogenis is an author and journalist with three decades' experience in the media. The Australian Moment won the 2013 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Non-fiction and the 2012 Walkley Award for Non-fiction, and formed the basis for the ABC documentary series Making Australia Great.

He is also the author of The Football Solution, Faultlines, The Longest Decade, Quarterly Essay 40: Trivial Pursuit - Leadership and the End of the Reform Era and Quarterly Essay 61: Balancing Act - Australia Between Recession and Renewal.

X: @GMegalogenis

Website Bio George.jpg

Presented by
The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre 


While the views presented by speakers within The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre public program are their own and are not necessarily those of either the University of South Australia, or The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre, they are presented in the interest of open debate and discussion in the community and reflect our themes of: Strengthening our Democracy - Valuing our Diversity - Building our Future. The Hawke Centre reserves the right to change their program at any time without notice.