Creating an Education Revolution that places Life-Long Learning at its Core
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with Dr Alexandre KalacheTuesday 21 November 201710am-11.15am |
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The world is going through two unprecedented shifts: the Longevity Revolution and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They will impact every aspect of all of our lives. We now need to respond by creating an Education Revolution that places Life-long Learning at its core.
Alexandre Kalache
Adelaide Thinker in Residence 2011–2012, Dr Alexandre Kalache is a specialist in age-related issues. More specifically, his expertise is in the epidemiology of ageing and the life-course, inter-sectoral policy development, health promotion, human rights, old-age care, migration, advocacy and the complexity of cultural attitudes toward ageing.
Dr Kalache has a long history of advocacy for the human rights of older persons. He is actively involved in the process toward the adoption of a United Nation`s Convention for the Rights of Older Persons. Among many other enduring initiatives, he conceived and launched the WHO Active Ageing Policy Framework (2002) and the WHO Age-Friendly Cities project (2007).
As an Adelaide Thinker in Residence (2012) Dr Kalache was instrumental in shaping the South Australian Ageing Plan: Prosperity through Longevity 2014-2019. His Residency brought together state government, local government, universities, key agencies in the community ageing sector and, most importantly, older people.
His expertise informed the development of a set of uniquely South Australian ‘age-friendly’ guidelines, including: Age-friendly South Australia Guidelines for State Government; Age-friendly Living Guidelines for Residential Development; and Age-friendly Neighbourhoods Guidelines and Toolkit for Local Government.
His current roles include Co-President (Brazil) and Global Alliance President of the International Longevity Centre, Brazil which is part of a multinational consortium of fourteen such centres with a mission to help societies address the longevity revolution. He currently serves on several distinguished Boards, including the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization Advisory Board on Age Friendly Cities.
Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre and Office for the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation, UniSA, and aligned with the 'An Age Friendly World' research theme.
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