With a week or so to go before the Christmas closedown, I wanted to send a brief note of thanks to you all for everything you've done to keep the show on the road in what can only be described as another very unusual year - (doesn't that make it...
The expansion of the vaccination roll-out (roll-up?) in SA to include everyone over the age of 16 is a hugely positive step in our collectively charting a return to something akin to normal life (whatever that is - answers on a postcard please)....
Imagine my utter geeky delight when I discovered recently that one widely accepted definition of a 'generation' is thirty years. Think about it. Australia's University of Enterprise . Thirty years old. Wouldn't that mean we are now gearing up for...
You hear it often said that 90% of an iceberg lies beneath the surface. Unseen. But present. That's a fact of physics and the relative densities of ice and salt water. It's hard to imagine the unseen - but so much of life, and work, is unseen to s...
Warning - this blog contains some very long sentences*... Last week we took our senior staff offsite for two days for a planning retreat. Ordinarily that wouldn't be a particularly newsworthy event, but in these prudent times it caused some raised...