Designed to make a difference

Match Studio is the University of South Australia’s innovative learning space, geared to support design skills development through client-focused interdisciplinary project collaboration and professional practice.

Since our establishment in 2010, we have explored, tested and refined an authentic and industry responsive exchange experience for students, academics and clients. At the core of our undergraduate and postgraduate projects are our guiding principles of design thinkingsystems-thinking and user-centred approaches, delivered within a disciplinary-agnostic studio environment.

We offer tailored creative solutions for students, industry and academics, including work-integrated learning opportunities, internships and course electives, co-designed with clients and colleagues. We facilitate professional development workshops, and undertake research projects that provide impactful applied outcomes for clients, organisations and students. Through multi-disciplinary knowledge sharing, we strive to foster a better understanding of diverse creative languages and processes, promote student connection and collaboration and provide a link between stakeholders and up-and-coming graduate talent.  

Match Studio offers structured student and researcher engagement opportunities to inform innovations for business, industry and policy makers. Through the curation of diverse teams of interdisciplinary specialists, Match Studio research builds on industry-focused and design-led projects. 

We invite students, researchers and organisations to contact our team and find out more about forming a collaboration or partnership with us.  

Match Tournament

Match studio tournament logo

Match Tournament is an interdisciplinary collaboration of academic and student minds to develop proposals for products, policies, systems, and services that address a Meta Challenge posed by a project proponent/sponsor. The student’s assessable outcomes offer project proponents a diverse array of mono and interdisciplinary responses to the challenge that they or other investors may wish to support to take to market or use to inspire innovations in their organisation’s approach to addressing a specific challenge they have, or a wicked societal problem.

If you are a business, community group, or government agency looking for innovative responses to a wicked problem you have, you might like to propose a meta challenge for a Match Tournament in 2023. (See contact information below).

If you are a current UniSA student and looking for an elective or placement opportunity during the mid-year break? Are you prepared to work hard, meet and work with new people, and most of all, have a fun and rewarding experience? Then consider signing up to the Match Tournament Interdisciplinary Design Sprint (IDS). The tournament IDS is open to students from any discipline. Keep your eyes peeled in the New Year for details about the tournament challenge.

Want to talk to someone in Match Studio about posing a Match Tournament Meta Challenge, or participating as a student in the Match Tournament?


FInd out more (PDF, 2MB)


Our partners

Anglicare SA
Hillgrove Resources
Jacobs Creek
South Australian Police
Fay Fuller Foundation
Wellbeing SA
UniSA Video

In 2020 while the pandemic was in full swing Bachelor of Media Arts second year student Thomas Youil made this documentary about Match Studio as part of his course – check it and some of our students out!    

Match Studio team

Ian Gwilt
Research Professor: Design, UniSA Creative
K4-29, City West Campus
Aaron Davis
Senior Lecturer, UniSA Creative
K4-29, City West Campus
Fanke Peng
Enterprise Fellow, UniSA Creative
K4-09, City West Campus

Contact us

Match Studio

Location BH3-19, City West campus, North Terrace, Adelaide