About the Study

In this study you will be assisted to make changes to your current behaviours with the aim to reduce the time you spend sitting, increase your physical activity, and improve your sleep. You will use a tailored website to help support you in making progressive changes.  Testing will be conducted at the Noarlunga TAFE; questionnaires will be completed online, and your physical activity levels and sleep duration will be assessed through a Fitbit. You will be randomly allocated to either the ‘Extended Program’ group or the ‘Condensed Program’ group.

The program is for 12-weeks with 2 follow-up visits in the following 6-months. In total, there will be 5 in-person visits and 4 scheduled phone calls. Participants allocated to the ‘Extended Program’ group will also receive an extra 15 ten-minute phone calls.

Eligibility Requirements

You may be eligible to participate in this study if you meet all the following eligibility requirements:

  • You are at least 65 years of age.
  • You reside within the community of the Marion, Onkaparinga or Yankalilla council region.
  • You are fluent in English.
  • You do not have a current diagnosis of dementia.
  • You do not have a major neurological or psychiatric diagnosis.
  • You do not have a known intellectual disability or major physical disability.
  • You are NOT meeting current Australian physical activity guidelines (150 mins of moderate intensity physical activity) and have been deemed safe to participate in physical activity or have clearance to do so from a health professional.
  • You have access to and are competent in using technology, such as a mobile phone, tablet, or computer and have access to regular internet connection.

Before deciding to participate, we ask that you read the participant information sheet which explains what your participation would involve. It also details other eligibility criteria. To obtain a participant information sheet, and a screening questionnaire please contact the email address or phone number below or go to https://redcap.link/smallsteps.


While we cannot guarantee any direct benefits, ‘Small Steps’ is intended to educate you about the effect of physical activity and sleep on your health and encourage you to improve your physical behaviour. In addition, at the completion of your participation in the study you will be able to keep the Fitbit, as reimbursement for your participation. If you withdraw prior to the third data collection time-point you will not keep the Fitbit device

Contact Details

Clinical Trial Facility Volunteers phone (08) 8302 1365 or
email unisa.researchvolunteers@unisa.edu.au

This project has been approved by the University of South Australia’s Human Research Ethics Committee. (Ethics protocol 205989)