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The pathway to impact lies in translating the best available scientific evidence into changes in policy and practice. This area of research is specialised in promoting large-scale transformation of research into practice and promoting medicine policies and guidelines that are both globally relevant and locally appropriate. Our team of researchers take active roles in decision making committees and provide consulting work for governmental and non-governmental organisations, both in Australia and overseas.

Consultancy work with the World Health Organisation

Consultancy work with Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

Medicine Safety: Take Care

Our report showed that 250,000 Australians are hospitalised each year as a result of medication-related problems. At least half of this could have been prevented. We estimated the annual cost of medication-related problems in Australia at $1.4 billion.

The extent of medication harms and the importance of our report were highlighted in 9 News coverage and the Sydney Morning Herald 

Medicine Safety: Aged Care

Our report found:

  • Over 95% of people living in aged care facilities have at least one problem with their medicines detected at the time of a medicines review; most have three problems
  • 50% of people with dementia are taking medicines with anticholinergic properties, which can worsen confusion and other symptoms of dementia.
  • One fifth of people living in aged care are on antipsychotics; more than half use the medicine for too long.

Strengthening responses to dementia: Building an evidence platform for the development of a Vietnam National Dementia Plan

Dementia is a costly condition in its social, economic, and health dimensions that has a significant impact on individuals, their family caregivers, communities and society. The cost of dementia to the economy is predicted to rise to US$2 trillion by 2030. Dementia and cognitive impairment are the leading causes of disability and dependency in the elderly, resulting in significant needs for care both for people with dementia and their carers. The catastrophic costs of long-term care not only drive many families with persons with dementia below the poverty line, but also strain health and social systems, as well as government budgets. The dementia problem is even worse in low- and middle-income countries (LMICSs) where the costs are mostly borne in informal care of unpaid family members. Like other LMICs, Vietnam is undergoing a dramatic demographic transition that will result in a substantial increase in the number of older adults and those with non-communicable diseases including dementia. There is an urgent need for the development of a Vietnam national dementia plan to ensure that adequate care and services are provided to people with dementia and their carers now and in the future. In this project, research capacity will be built using policy, epidemiological and qualitative analyses, and local stakeholders will be engaged to develop an understanding of the impact of dementia, population needs and existing resources in Vietnam with the aim of formulating sound recommendations for an effective national dementia plan.