18 September 2024



2-5pm, Wednesday 18 September

Lewis O'Brien Building Boardroom (LB1-08), UniSA City West Campus


The UniSA Jean Monnet Centre's 'Law Social Theory and Digitization' Workshop will explore contemporary challenges posed by advanced digital technologies and some of the legal responses that have been developed. Discussions will focus on how digital technologies and their social impacts are theorised, and how this informs policy making.

Register by email to louis.everuss@unisa.edu.au


Challenges and limits of the European human-centric approach to AI: Trust and distrust in the governance of the digital

Professor Massimo Durante - University of Turin, Italy

In this presentation, Professor Durante examines and questions the European approach to AI regulation (i.e., the human-centric approach) through a critical examination of its basic anthropological assumptions. I suggest rethinking these assumptions from the relationship between trust and distrust understood as a constitutive feature of human experience and a key to understanding a different model of digital governance.

Massimo Durante is full professor of Philosophy of Law and Legal Informatics at the Department of Law of the University of Turin. He holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Law at the Department of Law of the University of Turin, and a Ph.D. in Moral Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Paris IV La Sorbonne. Faculty Fellow of the Nexa Center for Internet and Society and Director of the University Master’s Program “Digital Innovation and Legal Compliance” at the University of Turin, he is vice-coordinator of the International Ph.D. Program “Law, Science and Technology”. He is editor in chief of the Philosophical Studies Series, Springer. Author of monographs and papers in Italian, French and English, his main research interests include law and new technologies, digital governance, AI law, information ethics, privacy law and personal data protection. His latest book is Computational Power. The Impact of ICT on Law, Society and Knowledge, Routledge, New York-London, 2021.

Dark Partners: the blurred line between reality and fabrication in digital advertising

Dr Jacopo Ciani - University of Turin, Italy

Dr Ciani's presentation will focus on the use of chatbots, deep fakes, virtual influencers and photoshop tecniques in advertising. Dr Ciani will examine the increasing difficulty to distinguish virtuality from real-life and the gaps in existing transparency obligations set forth by the recently adopted AI Act in the EU.

Jacopo Ciani is a post-doc research associate at the University of Turin (Italy), where he teaches Legal Informatics and adjunct professor at ESCP Business School, Turin Campus, where he teaches International Business Law. He graduated summa cum laude and honours from the University of Turin (2011) and earned his Ph.D. from the University of Milan, Italy (2016). He has been visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Munich, Germany) and at the KU Leuven Center for IT & IP Law (Belgium). He has published in 2021 his first book on the Public Domain in the Knowledge Society and is now working on a volume on Ecodesign. His main research field is philosophy of law and law and technology, with a particular interest in legal and ethical issues related to data governance, advertising, digitization, access to knowledge and sustainability.

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