Professor Anthony Elliott is Executive Director of the UniSA Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. He is also Dean of External Engagement and Research Professor of Sociology at the University of South Australia.
Professor Elliott is a specialist in European social theory, and holds a PhD from Cambridge University – where he studied with Lord Anthony Giddens – and a BA (Hons) from the University of Melbourne.
Through awards from the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Programme, the Australian Research Council and the Toyota Foundation, Professor Elliott currently leads an international team – working across Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Finland, Ireland, the UK and Japan – investigating the social impact of digital technologies, robotics and artificial intelligence.
In the broad context of European social theory, his research has focused on the transformed relationship between globalization and identity. Internationally acclaimed for his writings on identity studies, he has pioneered an original account of how globalization, mobilities and the digital revolution are transforming the contemporary world.
Professor Elliott is currently also Super-Global Professor of Sociology at Keio University, Japan and Visiting Professor of Sociology at University College Dublin, Ireland. He is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, a Fellow of the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, and a member of King’s College, Cambridge. He has held visiting Fellowships and Professorships at universities in the UK, Ireland, France, USA, and Japan, and most recently was a Visiting Fellow at the Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and a Visiting Professor at the Universite Pantheon Assas, Paris II, France.
He is the author and editor of some 40 books, which have been translated or are forthcoming in over a dozen languages. His recent books include Identity (4 volumes), Contemporary Social Theory: An Introduction, The New Individualism (with Charles Lemert), Mobile Lives (with John Urry), On Society (with Bryan S. Turner), Reinvention, Identity Troubles, and The Culture of AI: Everyday Life and the Digital Revolution. He is best known for Concepts of the Self, which has been in continuous print for more than 25 years and across three editions.
Professor Elliott contributes to media worldwide: among others, he has recently been interviewed by the BBC World Service, The Sunday Times, ABC Radio National, The Australian, BBC Radio 4, GMTV Sunday, as well as European and North American radio and television networks.
Dr Louis Everuss is a Research Associate and Coordinator at the UniSA Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of South Australia, where he lectures in sociology. Dr Everuss’ primary research interests are located in the sociological study of mobilities, migration, globalization, political and media communication and climate change. His work has studied how systems of mobility are incorporated into representations of sovereign outsiders, and how public opinions of climate change are impacted by national context. His work has been accepted published in Political Geography the Journal of Sociology, Applied Mobilities and Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory and featured in Nature Climate Change.
Since 2017 Dr Everuss was acted as coordinator of UniSA's Jean Monnet activities, funded through the ERASMUS+ Program of the EU. In this role Dr Everuss has facilitated significant EU focused public events and research activities. These include international summits on migration and refugee policy, as well as seminars and workshops examining urban mobilities, disasters, and the social impacts of modern robotics and AI. In 2018 Dr Everuss worked as part of an international team to develop successful grant applications under the EU’s Erasmus+ Programme to establish a Jean Monnet Network and Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of South Australia. As Coordinator and Research Associate of these Jean Monnet Actions, Dr Everuss continues to work on building EU-Australia networks and facilitating EU focussed research activities.
Dr Everuss is also Co-Leader of the Risk, Emergency Management and Global Pandemics Research Platform.
Dr Ross Boyd is a Senior Research Associate in Justice & Society Academic Unit at the University of South Australia. He is a member of a team based at UniSA that is working on an ARC funded project exploring AI, Robotics and the future of work, an ARC funded project studying Industry 4.0 and work and life transformations, a Toyota Foundation funded project researching socially assistive robotics in aged care, and an EU funded project on Digital technologies, Transformations and Skills. His research interests span the fields of social and cultural theory, economic sociology and the sociology of education. He is currently collaborating with Professor Robert Holton on the development of an economic sociological approach to the challenges of intelligent and social machines.
Centre Research Platform Leaders
Professor Susan Luckman - Creative Economy and Workplace Transformation Research Platform Leader
Professor Susan Luckman is an interdisciplinary cultural studies scholar whose work is concerned with the intersections of culture, place and creativity. Her research explores these relationships in relation to creative and cultural industries, cultural work and social inclusion, digital media, and grassroots innovation. She is currently Chief Investigator on a 3 year Australian Research Council Discovery Project 'Promoting the Making Self in the Creative Micro-economy’ which explores how online distribution is changing the environment for operating a creative micro-enterprise and, with it, the opportunities for mobile working lives and the impacts upon the larger relationship between public and private spheres this entails. She is the author of Craft and the Creative Economy (Palgrave Macmillan 2015), Locating Cultural Work: The Politics and Poetics of Rural, Regional and Remote Creativity (Palgrave Macmillan 2012), and co-edited the anthology on creative music cultures and the global economy (Sonic Synergies,Ashgate 2008), and numerous book chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles and government reports on cultural work.
Professor Luckman is a Chief Investigator on an ERASMUS+ Monnet Project Grant: Creative Industries and the Digital Economy as Drivers of EU Integration and Innovation (CIDEII)
Dr Eric L Hsu - Risk, Emergency Management and Global Pandemics Research Platform Co-Leader
Dr. Eric L. Hsu is a Lecturer in the Justice & Society Academic Unit at the University of South Australia (UniSA). He is an Associate Member of UniSA's Centre for Sleep Research. Previously, he was an Associate Lecturer of Sociology at Flinders University. In 2014, he was a Visiting Research Fellow at the College of Sociology at Rikkyo University, Japan. Dr. Hsu is an emerging expert in the sociology of sleep and in the sociological study of time, especially on the issue of social acceleration. His research also extends into the sociology of disasters and globalization studies. He currently sits on the Editorial Board of Palgrave Communications.