Satellite Revolution
10 September 2019
How small satellites – CubeSats – are taking over space.
A series of free talks exploring impactful partnerships between UniSA researchers,
industry and the community; presenting their solutions for a changing world.
How small satellites – CubeSats – are taking over space.
5 March 2019
Positive change can happen when designers collaborate with care professionals and the community
20 November 2018
Better patient outcomes with better medicine management.
14 June 2018
What’s next for businesses embracing diversity at the top?
11 April 2018
How microbiopsy technology can sample skin for molecular analysis without anesthetics or scarring.
27 February 2017
Discover the approach to university-industry collaboration creating the industries of tomorrow.
23 November 2016
Turning off the tap: preventing chronic pain by changing acute pain care.
1 November 2016
More than just a logo? The building blocks for a strong brand identity.
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