We are going GREEN

We are aiming to be as environmentally friendly and supportive of the local community as we can in this Conference and Forum, so please help us in our mission to keep the environment as clean as possible of general waste.
- The program and conference booklet will only be available in PDF, which will be emailed out to all participants, prior to the event, and all updated information will be relayed at the event.
- Our caterers are a Victorian community initiative, employing local women with great skills and capabilities, find out more about the Sorghum Sisters – African Catering https://www.sorghumsisters.com.au/
- Our coffee and cups are sustainably sourced
- Utensils used will be 100% recyclable or compostable
- Name tags – we could not avoid this so we aim to reuse them multiple times, please return name tags once the conference is over
- Note-taking – there will be minimal paper available on the day, please bring your laptops, tablets to minimize paper wastage