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We partner with individuals and organisations from across industry. We value every opportunity for collaboration as it drives research that is relevant, innovative and responsive to your needs.

  • handshake-business-team Industry minus-thin


    The Centre for Enterprise Dynamics in Global Economies - C-EDGE - offers a variety of industry partnership options. 

    Partner with us and collaborate on projects that aim to solve your organisations problem. By partnering with C-EDGE you will have access to world-leading researchers, whose knowledge offers valuable insights that can help inform your business.

    C-EDGE brings together leading researchers for improved practices in dynamic contexts among enterprising individuals, organisations, professions, industries and policy-makers. We provide the tools, methods, and frameworks to influence policy and practice related to innovation and enterprise.

    We invite you to reach out and explore the opportunities for your organisation by partnering with C-EDGE.

    Contact Us

  • graduate-cap Academia plus-thin


    C-EDGE has a proud history of collaborating with many academic institutions, bringing together talented researchers from around the globe to solve challenging problems.

    If you are interested in collaborating with C-EDGE, please contact us. One of our leadership team will reach out to explore how best to establish a partnership, including arranging an academic visitation.

    Contact Us



  • book-education-apple Students plus-thin

    Advance your career with a research degree

    C-EDGE welcomes and supports students who wish to advance their career in research.

    If you are considering a research degree at UniSA, apply for one of our project-based research degrees  and advance your unstoppable career. Visit our research degrees website, where you can explore our available projects, information on our eligibility requirements, fees and the online application process.  

    Research degree projects are continually added and made available for application, and if you can't find a currently available project, please complete the expression of interest form and you will be notified about new projects when they become available.  

    If you would like to develop your own project, contact us to discuss.

    Contact Us