28 May 2024

Grad Cert promotion screenshot cropped.jpgThe Graduate Certificate in Childhood Trauma, developed in collaboration between UniSA Online and the Australian Centre for Child Protection, is the first qualification of its kind in Australia.

Responding to a recognised need to address the major public health issue that is child abuse and neglect in Australia, the course is designed to help professionals who are already working with children and young people to develop the skills to recognise the signs of abuse and trauma, and work therapeutically with vulnerable children.

People with existing experience in the child protection or related sectors can develop a deeper understanding of childhood trauma, and build their career in a sector where there is high demand for skilled, trauma-informed professionals, through this fully online, one year part-time course.

Participants will learn from experienced practitioners whose world-leading knowledge has been informed by the latest, leading research into child abuse and neglect from the ACCP. In addition, they will benefit from regular community of practice sessions, engaging directly with specialists and peers to discuss their learnings.

Enrolment for the June intake is now open until:

Wednesday 29 May (if applying for prior credit)

Thursday 13 June (if not applying for credit)

For more information, visit the UniSA Online website.

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