24 September 2024

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Time Topic Speaker
9.30am - 10.45am ACDT | 7.00am - 8.15am AWST | 10.00am - 11.15am AEDT

9.30am - 10.10am Welcome to ACCP's 20th Birthday Symposium
Rethinking child protection in Australia.
Prof Leah Bromfield
10.10am - 10.35am Rethinking child protection: Our global challenge. Prof Barbara Fallon, University of Toronto
10.35am - 10.45am Q&A with Prof Leah Bromfield and Prof Barbara Fallon  
10.45am - 11.00am ACDT | 8.15am - 8.30am AWST | 11.15am - 11.30am AEDT
Preventing infant removals and linked data
11.00am - 12:15pm ACDT | 8.30am - 9.45am AWST | 11.30am - 12.45am AEDT

11.00am - 11.30am Preventing infant removals: Shining a light on the reality and collaborating towards a better future. Prof Melissa O’Donnell
11.30am - 11.50am The Wise Counsel model – Aboriginal led co-design. Dr Jacynta Krakouer
11.50am - 12.05pm Lived experience: Co-designing holistic perinatal care for women with complex needs. Renée Usher
12.05pm - 12.15pm Q&A with Prof Melissa O’Donnell, Dr Jacynta Krakouer and Renée Usher
Rapid Insights: Messages from research using administrative and linked data
12.15pm - 12.45pm ACDT | 9.45am - 10.15am AWST | 12.45pm - 1.15pm AEDT 
Aboriginal children’s pathways through the child protection system. Fernando Lima
The incidence of domestic violence in child protection.  Dr Sarah Cox
Repeat involvement in child protection. Dr Olivia Octoman
Resilience, Mental Health, Wellbeing and Homelessness: Young People Transitioning from Out-of-Home Care. Fadzai Chikwava
12.45pm - 1.15pm ACDT | 10.15am - 10.45am AWST | 1.15pm - 1.45pm AEDT
Enhancing practice
1.15pm - 2.30pm ACDT | 10.45am - 12.00pm AWST | 1.45pm - 3.00pm AEDT
1.15pm - 1.40pm Enhancing service responses for victim-survivors of child sexual abuse: The National Minimum Standards for Child Sexual Abuse.  Amanda Paton
1.40pm - 2.00pm Enhancing capacity to respond to childhood trauma: ACCP approach to online learning.  Jaqueline Le Mesurier & Emily Russell 
2.00pm - 2.10pm Developing accessible user-friendly resources for carers.  Amber Alexander
2.10pm - 2.20pm Enhancing practice in Family Law: The importance of children’s voices in International Child Abduction.  Dr Michelle Fernando
2.20pm - 2.30pm Panel Discussion with Amanda Paton, Jacqueline Le Mesurier, Emily Russell, Amber Alexander, & Dr Michelle Fernando.
Rapid insights: Generating new knowledge
2.30pm - 2.45pm ACDT | 12.00pm - 12.15pm AWST | 3.00pm - 3.15pm AEDT
Complex trauma from child abuse and neglect: Learnings from expert group interviews. Dr Eden Thain
Therapeutic residential care: A review of the evidence. Danielle Perfect
2.45pm - 3.15pm ACDT | 12.15pm - 12.45pm AWST | 3.15pm - 3.45pm AEDT
Intersectoral and multi-disciplinary practice
3.15pm - 4.00pm ACDT | 12.45pm - 1.30pm AWST | 3.45pm - 4.30pm AEDT
3.15pm - 3.35pm Human-centred service delivery: The key to interdisciplinary practice.  Dr Sarah Seekamp
3.35pm - 3.50pm Better together: Evidence for multidisciplinary teams in responding to abuse and neglect. Dr James Herbert
3.50pm - 4.00pm Panel Discussion with Dr Sarah Seekamp & Dr James Herbert.  
Harmful Sexual Behaviours
4.00pm - 4.45pm ACDT | 1.30pm - 2.15pm AWST | 4.30pm - 5.15pm AEDT
4.00pm - 4.45pm Defining HSB: Contemporary Issues Prof Simon Hackett, Durham UniversityProf Leah Bromfield, & Amanda Paton
Conclusion of event
4.45pm - 5.00pm ACDT | 2.15pm - 2.30pm AWST | 5.15pm - 5.30pm AEDT

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