10 July 2017

Master of Teaching

The entry requirements for the Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) and (Primary) have been updated for 2018 entry. This change ensures that we adhere to updated Teachers Registration Board requirements. 

Applicants for the Master of Teaching Early Childhood and Primary must have:

  • Completed in their three-year Bachelor degree, one year of full-time equivalent study relevant to one or more learning areas of the primary school curriculum (Arts, English, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Languages, Mathematics, Science, Technologies). At least half of the learning area studies must be in a single learning area.
  • Applicants for the Mater of Teaching (Early Childhood), (Primary) and (Secondary) must also supply a personal statement about their motivation to be a teacher 

Personal statement description (required for Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary):

  • 400 words maximum 
  • Statement advising of your motivation to be a teacher by addressing the following three themes: Understanding of the role of a teacher; why you want to be a teacher; personal qualities and communication skills you possess.
  • Descriptions of your involvement with any relevant community services, volunteer or professional experiences and, any significant awards need to be included.

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