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Building on the success of the last two UniSA Research Commercialisation & Translation (RC&T) Programs, applications for the Spring 2022 program (RC&T3) are now open. Presented by UniSA Ventures and delivered by Cruxes Innovation.
Click HERE and watch a short video explaining what RC&T Program is all about.
RC&T3 is an eight-week intensive research impact coaching program for UniSA research teams. It equips researchers with the tools and skills they need to create impact through partnering with industry, government and community groups. The program is delivered online and consists of cohort-based workshops, one-on-one coaching sessions, and targeted mentoring with industry mentors with a breadth and depth of relevant industry experience. Additionally, teams will be supported to develop relationships with external stakeholders and research translation partners. The program will culminate with an in-person presentation event.
Please click HERE to apply to participate in the program.
Applications close on 8th July 2022.
To maintain the quality of the cohort experience, a total of seven teams will be accepted. So don’t miss out on this opportunity!
If you’d like more information about the program, online information sessions will be held at these times:
At these information sessions, the program facilitators will answer questions, and a UniSA researcher who participated in an earlier RC&T program will talk about how it has helped them.
Please click HERE to sign up for one of the information sessions.
The program is for UniSA research teams with a project that has significant translation and/or commercialisation potential as identified by UniSA Ventures and supported by the corresponding academic unit’s Dean of Research.
Each team may include, for example, research leads (C-E level), leaders passionate about creating research impact, plus 1-3 postdocs or research fellows.
Participation typically leads to one or more of these outcomes for your research project:
The program equips you with:
Q: I’m worried that my research project is at the wrong stage for me to benefit from this program.
A: The program is for teams who believe their research project has potential to create commercial returns and/or social good, and whose project is ongoing (more than an idea) or complete. You don’t need to have a product!
Q: Because of other university commitments, I can’t attend all the program sessions. Can I still apply?
A: Yes! If at least one of your team-mates can attend all the program sessions, you’re eligible to apply and you’ll benefit from the program.
Want to know more about the program? Come to the final on-line information session, Wednesday July 6, 3:00 – 3:45 pm (Adelaide time).
Please click here to register.
If you are unable to participate in RC&T3 Program but don’t want to miss out. Enquire at hello@cruxesinnovation.com regarding RC&T4 start and end dates.