Towards a new relationship with Europe: Why 2018 could become a game-changer year for Australia
Presented by
bradley forum, UniSA City West campus
With the launch of Free Trade negotiations in Canberra on 18 June the EU and Australia are about to open a new chapter in their relationship. A looming Brexit next year will have significant consequences for Australia's interaction with continental Europe. Time to revisit a partnership that for a long-time had been marred by differences over agricultural policy, market access and climate change. In recent years however both sides have come closer in their outlook on key global challenges. A Framework Agreement signed in August last year compliments the push to liberalise bilateral trade and commits both sides to intensify cooperation in a whole range of areas covering foreign and security policy, science and technology, climate change and energy, education and culture.
What are the prospects for a reinvigorated partnership with the European Union and what would be the advantages for Australia in this undertaking?
His Excellency dr michael pulch
His Excellency Dr Pulch was appointed to the role of European Union Ambassador to Australia in September 2017. Prior to his arrival in Australia Dr Pulch served as EU Ambassador in Singapore. Dr Pulch previously headed the Russia Division in the European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels, where he coordinated EU policies on Russia and chaired the EU Interservice Group on Russia. Prior to that from 2006 to 2011 he was posted to Beijing as Deputy Chief of Mission of the EU Delegation to China, in charge of EU policies on China and relations with Mongolia.
As deputy head of the European Commission's East Asia Division in Brussels until 2006 he worked on political and economic aspects of EU relations with countries in the Far East/Australasia region. He also co-authored the EU's first East Asia Policy Guidelines.
Dr Pulch holds degrees in law and political sciences from the universities of Bonn, Paris and Cambridge. He received honorary citizenships of the State of Tennessee and the City of Little Rock, Arkansas.
Twitter: @MichaelPulchEU
Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre and the Hawke EU Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
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