Exclusion and embrace

Volf Miroslav portrait

Reconciliation in an Australian context


Sunday 16 March 2014



Cultivating Modernism will be an inspiration to all with an interest in gardens, books, and the recent past. - See more at: https://www.mup.com.au/items/9780522861228#sthash.IWB5ebKK.dpuf
Cultivating Modernism will be an inspiration to all with an interest in gardens, books, and the recent past. - See more at: https://www.mup.com.au/items/9780522861228#sthash.IWB5ebKK.dpuf

with Professor Miroslav Volf, Yale University

Podcast available HERE 

Join Yale University’s Professor Miroslav Volf – one of the world’s leading theologians and critical thinkers – in an exploration of reconciliation in an Australian context. Professor Volf has written over 70 scholarly articles and hundreds of popular editorials. He is the author of Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness and Reconciliation.

The lecture will be followed by an on-stage conversation and Q&A session with Professor Volf and two South Australian theologians, Rev’d Dr Phillip Tolliday (St Barnabas’ College) and Rev’d Dr Graham Buxton (Tabor Adelaide).


St Barnabas

Presented by St Barnabas Theological College


Cultivating Modernism will be an inspiration to all with an interest in gardens, books, and the recent past. - See more at: https://www.mup.com.au/items/9780522861228#sthash.IWB5ebKK.dpuf
        Tabor Adelaide logo       Anglicare logo

Supported by the Hawke Centre, Tabor Adelaide, and Anglicare SA

VolfProfessor Miroslav Volf

Miroslav Volf, is Founder and Director of Yale Center for Faith and Culture and Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology, at Yale University Divinity School.

He is actively involved in many top-level initiatives concerning Christian-Muslim relations and was the lead author of the Christian response to A Common Word Between Us and You, the historic open letter signed by 138 Muslim scholars, clerics, and intellectuals, which identified some core common ground at the heart of Christian and Muslim faiths.



 While the views presented by speakers within the Hawke Centre public program are their own and are not necessarily those of either the University of South Australia or The Hawke Centre, they are presented in the interest of open debate and discussion in the community and reflect our themes of: strengthening our democracy - valuing our diversity - and building our future.

The copying and reproduction of any transcripts within the Hawke Centre public program is strictly forbidden without prior arrangements.

While the views presented by speakers within The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre public program are their own and are not necessarily those of either the University of South Australia, or The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre, they are presented in the interest of open debate and discussion in the community and reflect our themes of: Strengthening our Democracy - Valuing our Diversity - Building our Future. The Hawke Centre reserves the right to change their program at any time without notice.