Adelaide Thinkers in Residence public lecture
The Shift To The Health Society
With Professor Ilona Kickbusch
Tuesday 13 November 2007: Adelaide Town Hall
Co-presented by Adelaide Thinkers in Residence and The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre at UniSA
Unedited audio transcript (27.5Mb mp3 format)
Health is created in the settings of everyday life where people work, live and play. Health has implications across every portfolio and every sector of society. The sustainability of South Australia’s health is as critical as the sustainability of its environment.
Health issues cannot be dealt with in isolation and by the health sector alone. Real solutions to problems such as obesity, inequalities in health, and low health literacy, can only flow from a ‘joined up’ government approach, partnership between different sectors of society, and the involvement of citizens.
The twenty first century health challenge is to develop environments that empower people to make healthy choices and make it easier for them to navigate the complexities of the health system.
A society that invests in health is investing in its future. A healthy population will help South Australia to achieve its ambitious agenda, as laid out in South Australia's Strategic Plan.
Join Professor Kickbusch as she presents her recommendations for the future of health in our State, explores the social determinants of health, and discusses how South Australia can be a global leader in ‘health in all policies’.
Partners in Ilona’s residency are:
- Department of the Premier and Cabinet
- Department of Health
- Flinders University
- Motor Accident Commission
- Children, Youth and Women’s Health Service
- University of Adelaide
- Central Northern Adelaide Health Service
- Department of Education and Children’s Services
- University of South Australia
- WorkCover
- TRACsa
- City of Marion
- City of Onkaparinga
- Southern Adelaide Health Service
- Healthy Cities Noarlunga
Additional information on the Adelaide Thinkers in Residence program with Ilona Kickbusch may be found on the Thinkers web site.
While the views presented by speakers within the Hawke Centre public program are their own and are not necessarily those of either the University of South Australia or The Hawke Centre, they are presented in the interest of open debate and discussion in the community and reflect our themes of: strengthening our democracy – valuing our cultural diversity – and building our future.